HA Infomation



  • New "Eventual" Ships

    09. 02. 2011 13:01

Recommend : 4

Again good evening....
As i see the BB/CV/SS problem is not solved yet.
What happens i my opinion is that most of the high levels BB have a long lifed crew that they use, they have grinded it and now they are the kings of GB.
Same for CVs.
And then came the SS, small ships who didnt required long grind since they stop in the lvl 70s they specialisationa and grind.
Since is too late to modify SS whitout a complete revolte of their users and actual grinders, I suggest an easy solution (so i hope).
Create a new type of Ships (like a normal ship-line) just that when you wuld go CA or BB you dont, you stay CL so you can use sonar.
The main problem in ASW is that all specialised ships are really low level ships, to use them you need a low level crew, when you go over a determainate level you wont get any exp from that game style, so whats the use of doing it?
to get player used to play a long term ASW wasrfare you must encourage people to use high level crews for that. Because when you are an experienced player a lvl 12 to 60 takes less than 2 weeks.
I am sure that if this is done they would need to improve the subs to make them competitive or sub player would need to get more tactics.
What do you think of that idea?

PS: I edited the thread title cause i realized it sounded like a complaining one. I hope this new one is more neutral


  • Re : New "Eventual" Ships

    09. 05. 2011 11:55

This topic will only unbalance the game for subs. BB can use asw, we don't need 10 more ships per game only anti subbing, considering that only 8 subs are allowed per game.... mabey some event specialised ca, cl, or dd (like the emden, it's free for everyone) at higher lvls like 60, 70, 80, etc, but not worth making a new line for them.

  • Re : New "Eventual" Ships

    09. 05. 2011 12:45

Originally Posted by UUolf
BB can use asw, we don't need 10 more ships per game only anti subbing

Actually yes, we need more ships on ASW. The majority of BBs in GBs do not carry ASW weapons. Many use either AA or extra repairs on their T slots. I play a lot of CL/CA and SS3, and by far the most common ASW threat to a submarine is another submarine. I rarely have to deal with surface-based ASW (and no, a BB or CV with HH isn't capable of real ASW anyways unless he has a sonar escort). It's far more common that while in my AA CL, myself and the BB I'm shading know a sub is near (based on torpedo launches) but we have no options besides trying to dodge torpedoes until he runs out of air, asking in team chat for ASW and not getting any help. Don't confuse anti-sub weapons for anti-sub warfare.

Besides all that, ASW ships tend to not be on even footing with subs anyways. DDs don't have high DP values or room for much bulge, and the best way to play ASW with a DD is to work with your team. Keep sonar contact with the SS, stay off his bow and avoid torpedoes, and only when it's safe do you move in for a kill. I'm not suggesting that a higher level ASW ship should have tons of DP or super-strong ASW weapons, the whole point of having a higher level support ship for ASW and/or AA is to allow higher level crews to get experience from those support roles.

Originally Posted by UUolf
only 8 subs are allowed per game

I'm not sure which game you're talking about, but it isn't GB1. If GB1s in 1.326 are SS capped, it's not until at least 10. SS are just not common enough to see eight in one game anyways.

Originally Posted by UUolf
mabey some event specialised ca, cl, or dd (like the emden, it's free for everyone) at higher lvls like 60, 70, 80, etc, but not worth making a new line for them.

I'm not saying there needs to be a ship line that goes right up to level 120, but having a new DD to look forward to as a reward for your ASW progress would be cool. I don't like the idea of letting just anyone pop into a high level ASW ship without grinding it out first, but it's a matter of opinion. To me it makes the most sense to have a short ship line in the tree for ASW and/or AA and one premium version that does not require a new BO. If instead we don't have it become a new ship line, I'd rather see mid-level remodels of the current DDs as opposed to event ships up in those level ranges.

  • Re : New "Eventual" Ships

    09. 05. 2011 13:06

the current [effective] ASW environment are either PCA or ECL with high lvl gunners using PHH. BBs not so much.

with new dedicated asw ships, we will see fewer of these, and maybe bring back depth charges.

of course these will have to be balanced with the current environment and against SS5.

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