HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • CV role in GB

    09. 11. 2011 13:22

OK, so I just want to start by saying I know CV is supposed to have a supporting role and give vision. I am aware of all the arguments over "noob" CVs causing battle losses and I won't get into that. I'm a BB player and I don't assume I can tell a CV what to do. If my team loses I blame nobody.

However, I noticed a few games I played today some very well played CVs doing a lot of DB-ing and winning the game by taking out key BBs at key times. What also surprised me is we had good vision because the bombers were "scouting" while looking for a target and they took out the other team CVs early so they had less scouting and less air cover.

What I want to ask you, is this not an acceptable way to play CV if you are good enough to do it? Maybe this was an isolated case but why is it that CVs are just expected to spam fighters when they can clearly impact a battle in other ways, sometimes quite dramatically (e.g. provide vision with bombers then do some damage, then leave the empty bombers on scouting duty)? Think if one team gets a CV bombed before the BB lines are even properly engaged, that's a clear advantage. Most BBs don't AW so a same tier CV should be able to cripple them in one good strike, no?


  • Re : CV role in GB

    09. 16. 2011 19:51

Originally Posted by Lionel2

Originally Posted by Elliot2lazy

If you scout all game for your team and you win, it's at least 1/1000 games for a person to thank you for it. If you scout all game for your team and you lose you are blamed for everything that caused for the losing.

Exactly. CV players need to be more vocal. Lets not just let them go off every time a battle is lost. Call them out!

Sometimes people get upset when I do that but it never stopped me before. :P

  • Re : CV role in GB

    09. 16. 2011 20:01

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Sometimes people get upset when I do that but it never stopped me before. :P

and that is why I think the world of you. I'm not gonna be someone's scapegoat or doormat either. You know that's why they get upset when you talk back.

  • Re : CV role in GB

    09. 16. 2011 21:26

Originally Posted by Lionel2

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Sometimes people get upset when I do that but it never stopped me before. :P

and that is why I think the world of you. I'm not gonna be someone's scapegoat or doormat either. You know that's why they get upset when you talk back.

Viva la revolucion!

  • Re : CV role in GB

    09. 16. 2011 21:36

Originally Posted by Eradicator1

Viva la revolucion!

I haven't talked to you in a while; how have you been?

  • Re : CV role in GB

    09. 17. 2011 12:20

Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

It's kind of interesting to read the comments.

I play 50/50 with my CV and SS.

When I am in my CV, the BBs have no respect for my T4s being wasted.

That's why I use locals

  • Re : CV role in GB

    09. 22. 2011 01:34

My role as a cv player in GB rooms:

A. If I am with a good bb player, I support him all the way with my fighters. He is a better killing machine than my cv. So I highlight the enemy 100 per cent of the time.

B. If I am with an average bb player who needs help, I assist him with some bomb runs.

C. Upon entering a room and I see a very good strike carrier, I exit and come back in a cv3 with all fighter pilots. CV3 so as not to be the primary cv on my side. My role is to totally neutralize the strike carrier if we are on opposite sides. This strike carrier is known to sink cv and bb one after the other and win the game for his team.

D. If by the roll of the dice I am on the loosing side for 4 consecutive games because no veteran bb players are playing. I again bring out a cv3 but this time loaded with all bombers.

E. When lots of submarine skippers bring out their tubs. I prepare my cv2 loaded with torpedo bombers and report for asw duty. Kitakami are also also listed in the order of battle.


  • Re : CV role in GB

    09. 22. 2011 08:19

Automatic SnG also plays a critical role here

sometimes, Sng stack 4 FW CVs on 1 side, while the other side are F and DB mix...then the DBs get useless.

However, if the FW side has suck BB s, then they're screwed as well

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