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  • Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 28. 2011 15:13

As our CV was launching a wave of bombers and putting them onto the border, the enemy CV
was bringing his bombers OFF the border at the same time to bomb him.

Very nice summation of the level that NF is now at.

Please, tell me what you think?


  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 17:23

"Last time I checked, BB's can't run bombers"

Tell that to arctic :P

"I will say again they are not humping they are hugging there is a difference one
apparently you have forgotten. and a bb would not even be shaded yet as the bb
would be where the shadow is.

the cv would not be at fault or in violation."

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. For one thing I can tell by the
plane's shadows that they are heading off the map. Another is that even if the shadows are
visible along the edge of the map, how do you tell what altitude they are? Most players
that do this crap arnt smart enough to lower their planes and thats why they do it but you
get the idea. (I hope)

Boarder hugging would be near the boarder but still completely visible. Like players that
will lower their scout to sea level and let it circle one of the islands on NWO.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 17:16

Sorry, I forgot about that counter.

So, the CV wastes 1 flight of fighters constantly in the air on the border to stop an exploit.

Meanwhile his team suffers due to lack of fighter protection/scouting. What a sensible
solution to an exploit. There also remains the fact that IF a BB goes off the map, he
loses the ability to fire. And border humping in a BB is also a bannable offence.

But apart from those trivial points that sounds like a great plan.

How about if a plane goes out of the border it automatically drops its bomb? There must
be a way to code it in so that everything outside the border makes it automatically drop...

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 16:59

Well if CV is bad enouth to not put 1 squad at border, then he deserve to be bombed(only
for people with t3+) Locals suck for border guarding.
And on some maps BB can go inside and out of map(ones wihout land for border).
So its not an exploit when it can be countered.For me its just one of the tactics in the game.

Until nurf on AA speed and lower crew deaths, borderig is the only way to get to BB line
without losing all planes in 2 sec. (and this is super old)

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 16:50

There is also the slight issue that if shadows ARE visible and planes AREN'T, that still
constitutes border humping.

Notice the TNF member making up "Border Hugging" instead of knowing the rule...

If you think that just because a plane's shadow is visible that makes a difference, I
honestly don't know what you have been smoking, speaking from many years worth of
competitive gameplay in this game I think I know the definition well enough thanks...

But then again, you are TNF and therefore are automatically correct? As I said before,
try it on someone who doesn't know what they are talking about :)

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 16:49

"So far you have only proven ignorance on the definition."

>>> Again, your attitude as a TNF representative is disgusting.

The planes are going outside of the border. If you can't see that in this screenshot,
then I guess there is no hope for you.

You are here to represent the community, yet you are here defending people
exploiting. The screenshot is clear. The bombers are on the border, heading off the
battle area. In fact, the actual plane sprites are outside the visable battle area.

Your excuses thus far have been "They are hugging not outside", that "BB's aren't
penalised in a similar way" and that "it wasn't a violation under old rules".

Well guess what. Its still exploiting. The planes are outside the area. They shadows
are on their way outside the area. BB's are penalised in a similar way, and the old
rules were wrong.

You are meant to represent the community. Pretty much everyone in this thread
disagree's with you. Get with the page. Stop insulting players and represent them.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 16:45

Let's play "spot the people that border hump"

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 16:37


Ridiculous.. Rhadamanthus has to be the stupidest person to have ever even glanced at
this game.. and he's in TNF?

"Define by the fact the plane's shadows are clearly visiable. "

Already been pointed out the Shadows are visible because they're coming BACK onto the Map
to Bomb.. and Splids the ignorant one? >.>

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 16:34

Not defending border humping. Was letting you know this is not border humping. If you are going to accuse
somebody of border humping catch them doing it. This is border hugging. Define by the fact the plane's
shadows are clearly visiable.

So far you have only proven ignorance on the definition.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 16:17

I honestly hope Rhadamanthus isn't defending border bumpers. You can't honestly call it fair.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 16:08


Are you seriously trying to defend this?

Last time I checked, BB's can't run bombers, let alone use an ingame exploit to send
them on the forums.

Its pretty simple, if the plane is off the border, then it is exploiting. Handicapping CV's
by not allowing them to border hump bombers?

What an example to the community you are.

A BB can't get that close to the border without retreating.
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