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  • Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 28. 2011 15:13

As our CV was launching a wave of bombers and putting them onto the border, the enemy CV
was bringing his bombers OFF the border at the same time to bomb him.

Very nice summation of the level that NF is now at.

Please, tell me what you think?


  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 15:40

I'm shocked

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 15:37

"I will say again they are not humping they are hugging there is a difference one
apparently you have forgotten. and a bb would not even be shaded yet as the bb
would be where the shadow is.

the cv would not be at fault or in violation."

If the PLANES are off the map, the player is border humping them. Those are the rules
that were set forth and haven't changed. Thanks again for demonstrating the TNF member
making rules up as he wishes to. You play the part well.

"@ splid and barrel this actualy proves the reverse, just how much BBs complain about
things not being easy for them. "

Yeah, because exploiting is such a lowlife thing to complain about. I should feel really
low because I complain abut people exploiting is basically what you are saying right?

"@ splid the incorrect hole is your response to my comment. "

Try that on someone who doesn't know you are talking out of your arse :)

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 15:33

I will say again they are not humping they are hugging there is a difference one
apparently you have forgotten. and a bb would not even be shaded yet as the bb
would be where the shadow is.

the cv would not be at fault or in violation.

@ splid and barrel this actualy proves the reverse, just how much BBs complain about
things not being easy for them.

@ splid the incorrect hole is your response to my comment.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 14:55

" I hope you are handicappin bbs in some way just like you are limiting cvs"

If BBs tried to go as far off screen as those planes were, they'd get retreated
automatically or they wouldn't even be able to fire (a change that SDE implemented to
prevent such border humping).

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 14:48

I was wondering when a member of TNF would comment... Now I wish it was someone else...

So you are complaining that that isn't full blown border humping. Now, what makes you
think that I would take a screenshot of that as opposed to the one I took?

If it makes you feel any better, the shadows don't have to be off the map for it to be
border humping, if the planes are NOT visible, it is Border Humping. That is the
definition, learn it and be aware of it. Please stop spreading rubbish, you are a member
of TNF...

The bombers which are going ONTO the border were border humping 10 seconds later, the ones
which are coming OFF the border border humped the whole way down.

I am not surprised in any way that a member of TNF comes here and starts picking
(incorrect) holes in what is going on. This is why we never move
forward in this game, certain elements of TNF are too busy making up their own rules are
they go along. For example, here.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 14:44

>>I hope you are handicappin bbs in some way just like you are limiting cvs

Is there ANYONE other than Dampre left in TNF who knows how to run a CV?
If the ONLY way you can get attack is by border humping your bombers, you're either
not very good or you're doing something very, very wrong...

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 14:40

Just want to point out that the reason the shadows are seen in this picture is because
they are coming OFF the border...during transit the shadows are not seen.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 14:38

quote from splid

"Lol Bong, the only ones who support it are the ones who do it...

There can be no excuse for exploiting in this manner."

this is indeed correct as u can see by 2-3 people in this topic

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 14:34

Preventing and punishing exploiting is now "limiting" gameplay...

"Lj the shadow is part of the sprite."


  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 29. 2011 14:20

Lj the shadow is part of the sprite. Which is clearly seen.

Also you said in accordance with "my" event rules, not sde. I hope you are handicappin bbs in some way just
like you are limiting cvs
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