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  • Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    01. 14. 2010 08:53

SDE put this rule in without consulting the player base from what I've seen. No fleet is
capable of holding all four harbors, or even 3. If one fleet does dominate a server, feel
free to put restrictions in, but until that happens, leave the HA system alone.

Even though my fleet doesnt own a harbor at the moment, I feel sorry for those fleet who
aren't getting attacked on a regular basis, who practically dont get to play HA.


  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    03. 23. 2011 21:02

No fleet is capable of holding all four harbors, or even 3.

Remember Vets of New York? They controlled all 4 harbours and HELD THEM until
SDE set the "2 Harbour" rule. They still ruled USN and IJN harbours when Nelson and
Bismarck merged.

  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    03. 19. 2011 13:17

Why was this bumped? Fleets have had the option to own 2 harbours for atleast a
year now... if not more... "

I take it, that you haven't read this weeks "patch" notes.

  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    03. 19. 2011 08:19

not just no, but HELL NO!

Not recc'd.

  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    03. 18. 2011 20:12

Why was this bumped? Fleets have had the option to own 2 harbours for atleast a
year now... if not more...

  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    03. 17. 2011 09:30

I agree should be allowed to own max of 2 harbours

  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    03. 17. 2011 09:29

2011, same story has 2010.


  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    03. 17. 2011 08:48


  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    01. 29. 2010 07:31

Just a description on my suggestion: Sorry this is a long message...

UK harbor - owned by fleet A
US harbor - owned by fleet B
KM harbor - owned by fleet C
JP harbor - owned by fleet D

Fleet E does not own a harbor

1) assumption: Fleets can own as many harbors as they want.

Player # 01 is party of Fleet (A): owns BB6 and CV4
Player # 02 is party of Fleet (B): owns BB5, BB5, and BB4
Player # 03 is not part of a fleet: owns CV6, BB2
Player # 04 is not part of a fleet: owns BB4 and CV4

Fleet A owns (20) BB6, (15) BB5, (30) BB 1-4, (10) CV 6, (20) CV 1-5.

Fleet B owns (30) BB6, (25) BB5, (20) BB 1-4, (15) CV 6, (10) CV 1-5.

Currently, since these fleets only own 1 harbor, all their ships have defaulted to defend
their own harbors; so their fleets have been flagged to protect their own harbors at 100%.

Fleet B owning the US harbor decides to attack the JP harbor owned by Fleet D; they can do
this now because there is no more restrictions on how many they can hold.

Fleet B wins and now controls 2 harbors; (* perhaps make it so no one can attack that
harbor for 1 week, while the new fleet re-organizes); Fleet B decides that it does not
want to risk losing their primary US harbor to some other fleet, so it keeps 90% of its
forces there. The fleet master orders one of the tasks forces to send a few ships to the
new harbor to protect it, or tells the fleet members to flag their a few BB 1-4 to protect
the new harbor.

(US harbor before attack)
Fleet B owns (30) BB6, (25) BB5, (20) BB 1-4, (15) CV 6, (10) CV 1-5.

(US harbor after allocating ships to JP harbor)
Fleet B owns (25) BB6, (15) BB5, (10) BB 1-4, (10) CV 6, (8) CV 1-5.
(they keep enough in their main harbor to repel an attack from fleet A; assuming their are
the 2nd strongest fleet in the server)

(JP harbor - newly flagged ships to defend captured harbor)
Fleet B owns (05) BB6, (10) BB5, (10) BB 1-4, (05) CV 6, (2) CV 1-5.

* players from their ship harbor can flag their ship to defend which harbor; or perhaps
the fleet master can do that. Fleet B now owns 2 harbors and if they feel strong enough,
they can try for a 3rd or 4th, but they thin their strength out more when the capture
other harbors; this does give other fleets a better chance to win in HA.

Fleet E; was not able to win a harbor against any of the harbors before, but now that JP
harbor has fallen and now being protected by a smaller force; they have that option to
attack. Flee t A does not want to attack JP harbor yet, because they don't want to thin
their defenses and lose against Fleet B, if they should attack.

** Now there is more HA planning and movement amongst all fleets, because the smaller
fleets or medium ones can participate in HA and the big fleets can participate as
well...if they choose to do so.

Player # 02 is part of Fleet B, which owns the US and JP harbor. He/she knows that JP
harbor is weak and wants to help defend it, so the player flags his/her BB5 to protect JP
harbor (they were all defaulted to protect the US harbor, because it was the only one
owned at the time); if JP harbor gets attacked, he/she could only use that BB5, because
all the other ships that player has are flagged to protect the US harbor. He/she keep
them at the US harbor because the fleet does not want to lose their main harbor.

Players #03 joins Fleet B and their ships are defaulted to the US harbor (primary harbor;
flagged by the fleet master) the player can choose to move their ships to the JP harbor or
keep it in the US harbor.

Player #04 joins Fleet A; all this player's ships are defaulted to their only harbor.

Fleet E, that does not own a harbor decides attack the JP harbor and wins; all their fleet
ships are now defaulted to the JP harbor to defend. If anyone now attacks the JP harbor,
all players in fleet E can participate because they are automatically flagged to have all
their ships defend their new harbor.

* is it fair if a newly formed fleet F (with no harbor) has 40 BB6 and 30 CV6, with 100
other ships; decides to attack the JP harbor out; yes, because if they are that
strong...they deserve to have a harbor.

** what about a fleet that already owns a harbor...should the be allowed to send all their
ships to attack? Maybe attacking fleets need to flag ships which will participate in an
attack; those ships will default to the new harbor as (defending) if they win;after all,
if your ships the attack those ships have sailed pretty far and should be sitting in their
newly conquered harbor until they are re-allocated.

** why would any fleet want to attack a second harbor if they have to commit so many ships
to the new harbor. Answer - well, its only temporary until they re-flag their ships to
defend their original harbor. 2nd: who said they have to attack and own a 2nd harbor...
that choice is theirs (but at least they have a choice). 3rd; they choose the make up on
their attacking force (Player G can assign all his ships to attack, or just 1); if they
have an abundant number of BB6s...maybe only send a few or keep them all to defend their
main harbor.

*** Players flagging their ships to defend new harbor: perhaps have a cost associated in
changing the flag to defend a certain harbor will cost "points" (people can spend those
multi million points they have accumulated)
example: if Player B sent both BB5s to attack the JP harbor and won; he/she now pays
10,000 points to send a BB5 back to the US harbor or 20,000 points to have both BB5
flagged back to defend the US harbor.

Player A has a Med-high lvl IJN Radioman (lvl 70) (just an idea...)
that radioman can get all the ships that were flagged to protect the JP harbor for the
last 7 days, or ships that were unflagged (un-protecting); this perhaps can be accessed by
the fleet menu or fleet commanders to help plan attacks. This of course would result in
more data being stored...but ship flagging movements (defend which harbor) would be
restricted by the cost in "points".

In summary this:

allows for multiple harbors being owned by fleets (by choice)
allow the medium size fleets to participate in HA (at least a better chance to win)
more planning for HA and fleet defenses.
make another use for POINTS, some people have POINTS oozing out their ears;
make the radioman more valuable (note I said more...they are already very useful)

anyways, these are just ideas in an attempt to solve the HA issue; I am not saying I have
the best solution, but an idea for others to think about and perhaps improve on.

thanks for listening to me...

  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    01. 28. 2010 16:59

Just two

  • Re : Remove 1 Harbor per fleet rule

    01. 28. 2010 15:54

yep, interesting, but to ballance the forces of attacker and defender it should affect at
both sides. Otherwise the defander would be outnumbered by attacker's bb6 fleet by 4 to 1.
No chances to defend a port for even a week.
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