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  • Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 23. 2010 13:17

- For every ship in a plane or ships sight range, you gain X amount of exp per X

Would require a big coding change, but imo would be a fantastic change to the game if

An example would be, say 50 exp per ship every 10 seconds.

Obviously the exp amounts would have to be balanced, it would be far better than
slapping a rule in. If that means lowering general exp, and having this, then so be it.

Edit: Forgot the change about all types of planes.

Edit 2: Edited to include ship sight range

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 23. 2010 14:04

Im not against this, im all for encourging and rewardinh team work I just dont see
people adopting scouts on CL/CA for a few extra x000 when it means giving up one
of the few slots they have.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 23. 2010 13:44


Finally a reward for team play, although add it to other aircraft but with a lesser reward.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 23. 2010 13:19

LJ, is this idea exclusive to the Scout-type aircraft? Or do you think it could include
Fighters giving sight as well?

ETA: I also like the fact that this will encourage ships that have the ability to scout,
but usually choose not to in a GB2 environment (CL/CA). Thereby increasing the
CL/CA's roles in GB2.
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