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  • Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 23. 2010 13:17

- For every ship in a plane or ships sight range, you gain X amount of exp per X

Would require a big coding change, but imo would be a fantastic change to the game if

An example would be, say 50 exp per ship every 10 seconds.

Obviously the exp amounts would have to be balanced, it would be far better than
slapping a rule in. If that means lowering general exp, and having this, then so be it.

Edit: Forgot the change about all types of planes.

Edit 2: Edited to include ship sight range

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 14:34

Mine is slightly different as it includes all planes and ship sight range.

I haven't seen that before, and quite honestly, his suggestion is messy.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 13:17

a, i see here u got the idea from :)

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 07:20

i recced the idea, so yes i do agree with u on exp for planes and ships scouting, i just
didn't knew if subs are counted as ships, or separate class :D
the idea would be to get great exp in a sub but not doing/killing as much as now

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 06:48

What about exp for the sight range of planes and ships?

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 06:10


on the side note give subs scouts j/k
if this somehow goes trough lowering subs dmg output and giving them same bonus exp as for
planes, maybe could balance them more, and give them the role they are not using so well
but that should be another topic i guess


  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 05:53

"I like this idea, however I see the potential for abuse concerning MN bombers if bombers
counted towards this our lovely French Bombers due to their insane fuel capacity."

Maybe, however, the bombers and scouts (that have higher fuel) are shot down just as
easily with AA or Fighters :)

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 05:30

I like this idea, however I see the potential for abuse concerning MN bombers if bombers
counted towards this our lovely French Bombers due to their insane fuel capacity.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 05:10

I approve, this gives newbie CLs and CAs a bigger chance to level up without getting one
shotted and 0 exp.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 04:43

They idea is nice, but its too hard for SDE to implement...
a way easier thing to do is to say ppl must carry a scout, as the poll goes right now.
Than still ppl might not use it, well.. thats theyr problem, not mine. Once I cant see
anymore I send up a scout to be able to see again. If ppl like to play as n00bs,
carrying no scout etc, then let them. I like to kill ppl that aint able to see me, lots of
XP i can get for that :)

but on topic again: Implementing a method like this had 2 problems:
first of all: it takes too much effort to create and also it would take SDE months to
make the reward balanced.
Second of all, it will make the server lag even more than it does right now, since it
has to track every single scout/TB/DB/fighter to find out how many credits a person
should get. Also, why would someone that has his scrout up, but does not have
someone scouted not get rewarded? he IS scouting.....

Gl with the suggestion!

edit: It was you who said "Ppl do things they get most XP for", right? Why should
they scout a single BB north, if there are 10 to scout south ?

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 26. 2010 03:56

People do what gives them the most exp. It has been proven time and time again. Look at
GB2; If it wasn't for the exp, people would play GB1.

The only time you will see people playing to win is in 0 exp modes.

That is why giving exp for planes scouting would encourage people to scout with planes
(scouts, bombers, fighters) and actually help their team.

"What will happen is one CV will be able to provide proper FC and all the scouts from
your team will flock to that ship in order to gain their bonuses, leaving critical areas
blind. "

That CV gets good exp for a job well done.
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