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  • Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 23. 2010 13:17

- For every ship in a plane or ships sight range, you gain X amount of exp per X

Would require a big coding change, but imo would be a fantastic change to the game if

An example would be, say 50 exp per ship every 10 seconds.

Obviously the exp amounts would have to be balanced, it would be far better than
slapping a rule in. If that means lowering general exp, and having this, then so be it.

Edit: Forgot the change about all types of planes.

Edit 2: Edited to include ship sight range

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    09. 05. 2010 19:06

just making sure this thread dosnt die

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    08. 30. 2010 11:21

Personally, shared exp didn't kill the game. It was the community being lazy and not
wanting to become better players.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    08. 30. 2010 10:51

i think this is one of the best ideas in a long time. however to fully implement it i
would scrap gb2's shared exp, i think its killed the game. I would like to see shared exp
for say ca's down but all bb's and cv's are related to their personal score.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    08. 30. 2010 07:40

That is actually a pretty good idea. The only problem I forsee with that is that there are
already problems with the exp system regarding personal credits.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    08. 29. 2010 22:15

Would it be possible for CV's to get a credit bonus instead? Or a combination of exp
and credits?

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    08. 29. 2010 17:14

that's a nice idea ,but I know someone that played a bit too much another game that I wont
tell the names ,that game is about tanks ,but shhhht xD

>>> Nope. Check the date of my post. Way before I even heard about that game. I think
I've played one battle, I found it boring.

I'd recc it if the CV's Could enjoy it too....

>>> They can. Its extended to all planes. Scouts, fighters, bombers, even ships sight range
(to encourage subs to scout and players to use sonar).

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    08. 29. 2010 09:41

that's a nice idea ,but I know someone that played a bit too much another game that I wont
tell the names ,that game is about tanks ,but shhhht xD

I'd recc it if the CV's Could enjoy it too....

doesn't annoy me to go scout whore (Had 6 Scout 120 on my CV 2 weeks ago cus i was sick of
"SCOUT CVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVs") but some people go BW ,FW and most for a Mix.

some changes and +1 :)

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    08. 28. 2010 12:20


scout = win = rewarded? no. who doesn't believe it can grab your bb get into GB2 and after
getting 1 attack, scout for the whole game, and see how many exp you get in the end, even
if you win?

for the guys still dont get it, here it is:
fact1: with fps and AA it takes a lot operation time to keep scout alive
fact2: for a bb, personal attack=exp, personal attack cost a lot of operation time
fact3: you can share other's scout and put all of your operation time into getting
personal attack.
fact4: slternatively, you can take a big apart of your operation time to do a good
scouting then find out foods are all eaten by the guys sharing your scout.
fact5: CV scout with fps will get shoot down by AA and lost experts, not to mention it
takes huge amount of operation time. no bombing, no personal exp. similar to bb.
fact6: for small cl/ca/bb1: one more support sailor is way more important than a higher lv
scout when they get to BB2+(the ship start to function and getting fun)

your team win =/= you are rewarded, if without enuf personal exp.
who get rewarded? the guys "share" other's scout and put most of his operation time to
grab as much food as possible. they open fire faster than you and aim better than you
because you are busy controlling your scout.

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    08. 07. 2010 11:32


  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 29. 2010 21:35

I like this idea, it would also get CV's doing what they suppose to do: Scout, lol, there
would be a reward for it, otherwise, Cv's have no reason not to change their bomb only
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