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  • Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    07. 23. 2010 13:17

- For every ship in a plane or ships sight range, you gain X amount of exp per X

Would require a big coding change, but imo would be a fantastic change to the game if

An example would be, say 50 exp per ship every 10 seconds.

Obviously the exp amounts would have to be balanced, it would be far better than
slapping a rule in. If that means lowering general exp, and having this, then so be it.

Edit: Forgot the change about all types of planes.

Edit 2: Edited to include ship sight range

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    12. 24. 2010 07:46

Nice i would recommend this. It motivates teamwork!

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    12. 23. 2010 15:30


  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    12. 03. 2010 16:50

This would help those poor little CLs from having to grind through thousands of games

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    12. 03. 2010 15:46

well, im bored of hearing BB asking me to scout, this will be something good, i will
scout more if there is a reward, if not i will continue blinding enemies

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    12. 03. 2010 15:27

i like the idea becouse alot of cl's and ca's also carry scouts

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    11. 24. 2010 16:52

The problem is that in that case you only needs to enter a GB room and do nothing, just
scout and gain exp. and u can move your scout in and out sight range to keeps gaining
exp. but a exp bonus for finding the flagship with a scout in GB2 must be more

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    11. 23. 2010 17:16

Given the recent Poll, where people said they want scouts to be a requirement, why not
reward it?

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    09. 07. 2010 05:05

shared XP is no a problem pls dont bring it in to ruin this thread
imo personal XP already destroying GB now.
people are getting so selfish that they dont even want to bother sinking ships with less
XP. they just go for personal XP leaving small ships rush to their backyard humping cv yet
they yell for fc and scout.

reward what contribute to the them, that's very clear principle. IMO without scout a bb
cant hit nothing, the scout should take at least half of the credit, not to mention there
may be 3-5 bbs sharing the vision. a small xp for scouting is not enough. just ask your
self a question, if you can only do one thing at a time, you'd rather be the scouting one
or the firing one? it depends, eh? depends on the reward, right?

  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    09. 06. 2010 21:08

i agree with this idea, because there have been many times where i was just in a CA
or CL scouting for the team to be of use. Because face it, if you want to live in a
CL/CA, you have to stay behind your team's line. And attack doesnt come often.
Getting Xp for scouting would help everyone with their grinding aswell.

now this might lower team attack to a certain point with all the scouting CAs and
CLs but not by much, especially when a team just gets steam rolled due to bad
stack, or complete team failure.


  • Re : Exp Bonus for Successful Scouting

    09. 06. 2010 20:19

The exp should be 130% for a scout 100% for a fighter 80% for a bomber
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