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  • make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 08:01

well basically its just not right.

so we should make mercenaries in HA bannable.

edit: like this so much i want this to be the main aspect thanks sait

imple solution to this would be to make the penalty for leaving and re signing with
other fleets increase .. also to charge a monetary fee to the person who dose it.

As an example if you leave your fleet and join a new fleet it costs you the first time
in 2 months 200K and 7 days then if you do it again the amount and time penalty
increases say to 2 weeks and 600K make it so there is a 2 or three month reset
meaning that you have to stay in a fleet or fleet less for this period before it costs
you nothing again to sign.

This way the Merc's will cost more and more and over time be harder to find as their
fees will become to much for the opposing fleets to afford. the costs of a HA will
increase having to pay for guys to not only join the fleet but to declare ...

this will also slow serial fleet jumping on a whim people will think about it more and
do it less.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 15:04

thanks dan i coudlnt be bothered to go to the rankings

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 15:00

@ whoever posted about our bb6 accounts...

we have 51 true leveled bb6 original owners...not counting double/triple/quad bb6

and hypothetically speaking, You lose the feeling of victory when you know you
truely beat a great team with your team.

The feeling is undescribable, and all you fleet hoppers will never know it.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 14:58

Step 1. Shut up
Step 2. Listen up.

Step 3. Read.

This is not racist, as there are fleet jumpers of everynationality.

i could name names but thats below me.

What im concerned with is when flota chile and armada chilena combine for a single

Im concerned when flota argentina basically disbands to join flota gallega.


FG/Flota argentina/Armada Chilena/Flota Chile/Evolution

All of their fleets are the main contributors, as they bounce members back and forth

But you know what? They only make for games like this.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 14:58

"what if playmates fleet leader NZrouge was to goto the jedi forums say "hey we are
thinking of attacking FG at NY in a HA on saturday do any of u guys want in?" NOw
some would say "no thank you i dont like the idea" others i'm sure would say " sure
no problem" now we at playmates have about 42 BB6 accounts, if some of jedi elites
brough there accounts we could make that 50."

Hypothetically :P

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 14:56

Yes, I understand the point, and agree that no one should be able to fleet hop to help out
in an HA like that. These "invisible" mercs should be banned from the game. However,
with a documented mercenary system, it offers a different style of play to the game.
Those mercenary units I suggested would consist of no more than 10 to 15 ships, and would
require MBRC approval to assist a fleet. Since these players wouldn't need to swap fleets
to participate in the HA, it would make mercenaries more defined. I don't want to get rid
of the mercenary though, because the idea just somehow appeals to me, but if you give a
little more detail as to why mercs don't deserve to be in the game, in your main post
(feel free to quote me on the fleet war issue, but as you see we have differing opinions
on HA mercenaries), I'll rec this and point it out to my fleet on our forums as well.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 14:48

free i think you found a great tactic to use to attack NY, i dont see how that one can fail :)
haha kidding.

id like to point out the 2 sides of the fence here, playmates along with what seems a
decent mix of others from many other fleets, as well as ARA for the most part countering them.

now if thats racist..........well then farking deal with it. most of my friends are white,
am i racist? by your defintion yes, yes i am racist for having mostly white friends. i
find it lucidris that racism was even bought into the topic, shows the maturity of some

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 14:41

the way i see it,

what if playmates fleet leader NZrouge was to goto the jedi forums say "hey we are
thinking of attacking FG at NY in a HA on saturday do any of u guys want in?" NOw
some would say "no thank you i dont like the idea" others i'm sure would say " sure
no problem" now we at playmates have about 42 BB6 accounts, if some of jedi elites
brough there accounts we could make that 50. that means we cuold steam roll our
way up to the harbour tile, in bb6's and then stll have plenty for attacks.

But before the attack we could go to ORP and say "hey we are attacking NY and
some of jedi are helping us want in?" some more may join, soon we are up to 60 +
bb6's. we win the HA and the ORP and jedi players return to their own fleets.

Now this would cause a Hispanic uproar. JAJAJA Esto not fiar ect. how does that
seem if we use a situation like that?

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 14:37

Please excuse my grammatical errors in my previous post. Normally I would go back and
edit them out, but now the post is so large that I'm afraid the paragraphs will get messed
up. Most of said errors are in the paragraph with "every implemented." I don't usually
make these mistakes, or I at least catch them, but I had to deal with a very stressful
event today. Again, my apologies for the errors and "Pweese 4give meh" post.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 14:27

"clear, as you can not gather more people, you prefer to limit the rest.
an example of maturity."

Have you looked at the Jedi recruiting section? Have you seen the number of rejections?
Jedi has no problem getting applicants, neither do Playmates. It is just that we prefer
to accept people who we get on with, we don't just open the floodgates to beat someone as
FG does.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 14:20

I, on the other hand, think that a Mercenary Bonding and Review Commission, alla
Mechwarrior 4 (flame me if you wish), should be set up where basically a player declares,
via a post on the forums, him or herself a mercenary. At which point this person may join
a Mercenary fleet, or even create a new one, consisting of no more than a few members,
which traditional fleets can hire for the purposes of Harbor Assaults. Since Harbor
Assaults are an economic part of the game, being able to hire mercenaries makes sense.

I suppose that certain stipulations be placed on mercenary outfits. Since mercenaries are
supposed to be skilled, every member of a mercenary fleet must adhere to having a certain
number of games, as well as at least a certain win percentage. In addition to this, every
member of a mercenary fleet must have their radioman high enough to be able to form a
fleet, meaning that they must have a radioman level 50 or higher, and the fleet leader
must have a level 80 C.N.O. The radioman requirements can be explained by the need to
communicate in several languages, and also be able to adapt to a nation's communications

As to how they would work, I suggest that SDE develop the fleet alliances aspect of the
game to allow mercenary fleets fight alongside another fleet. Also make it so that a
Mercenary fleet must declare which fleet they will fight for within 24 hours of the end of
the declaration period. If the mercenary fleet neglects these duties, then a fleet may
issue a karma point towards the unit, after a quick review of activity logs so that a
fleet can't just assign one out of spite. After the accumulation of 3 karma points, the
unit's privileges as a member of the MBRC are revoked and their unit is disbanded. A
mercenary fleet must renew their MBRC contract every month at a set price of credits.

Regarding costs, every week 1,100,000 credits are removed from the fleet bank (100,000 of
which are converted to points via some conversion rate) for every member of the fleet that
participated in the Harbor Assault, and 550,000 credits are deducted from the fleet bank
(50,000 of which are converted to points using the same conversion ratio) for every member
that did not participate in the Harbor Assault. If a fleet leader feels that a player is
leeching and does not want to put up with it, that player may simply be kicked from the
unit, but largely speaking the unit will be a non-for-profit organization since the fleet
bank will be used as a means of dispensing payment to all members of the fleet. The unit
leader may tack a premium on top of the credits it would take to pay everyone in the unit
(determined after the HA since attendance matters), but this would be subject to the
hiring fleet's approval.

Of course these are just the bare bones of how I think an acceptable mercenary system
could be developed. I do not believe that they should be used in Fleet Wars as these
matches are not of an economic nature.

Let's try to keep a little diversity to the game here guys. I can understand that mercs
can be a problem, especially in fleet wars where someone might come out of nowhere with
something you don't expect from that fleet. I'd like to see them work out, but it would
take a lot of dedication on the part of the person that starts a mercenary unit, which is
an incentive to support this idea, because then it makes the "invisible" mercenaries you
would typically complain about bannable, while opening another aspect of the game to other
players. As with most things, if you make a process for legalizing it, but yet make it a
pain to go through, you should only get the people who really want to do it to go through
with it.

With all of that being said, do I expect to see mercenaries every implemented in the game?
No I do not, because likely there would be too much work involved on TNF's part, or they
would have to expand their ranks, and seeing as how much work, at least the way I
suggested, would involve I doubt that anyone would join TNF if the stipulation was that
they had to create and control the MBRC.

As a summary of my post, kudos to anyone that actually read it, because it's a monster:

Mercenaries in HA = good idea, might help solve the "big fleet" crisis, where one fleet
dominates a server or 4 fleets on the server are the only ones doing HAs, because the
other fleets can't compete with them.

Mercenaries in Fleet Wars = extremely bad idea, since the point of a fleet war is a
measure of your own fleet's capabilities, hiring mercenaries defeats the purpose of such
events. If you're going to argue that part of a fleet's capabilities is the acquisition
of credits, then I'll ask you how you expect that a traditional fleet would acquire
credits during war time, because surely coins don't just fall out of ships when they
explode or drop from dive bombers.

Thanks for reading and since you can't come up with a more convincing argument than "well
it's just not right." I'm not going to recommend your post.
