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  • make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 08:01

well basically its just not right.

so we should make mercenaries in HA bannable.

edit: like this so much i want this to be the main aspect thanks sait

imple solution to this would be to make the penalty for leaving and re signing with
other fleets increase .. also to charge a monetary fee to the person who dose it.

As an example if you leave your fleet and join a new fleet it costs you the first time
in 2 months 200K and 7 days then if you do it again the amount and time penalty
increases say to 2 weeks and 600K make it so there is a 2 or three month reset
meaning that you have to stay in a fleet or fleet less for this period before it costs
you nothing again to sign.

This way the Merc's will cost more and more and over time be harder to find as their
fees will become to much for the opposing fleets to afford. the costs of a HA will
increase having to pay for guys to not only join the fleet but to declare ...

this will also slow serial fleet jumping on a whim people will think about it more and
do it less.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 07:56

oh and ps. profiles to vote. u clearly do not know anyone from playmates then. i have a
post on our own forums with a link to this and there is also a post on jedi forums, now if
people agree with me they have the right to vote. if u are so childish to say i am making
other profiles to vote on this. Could a mod look at the IPs that are posting on this,
there will be 2 votes from my IP due to a friend being round and reccing it. The rest are
all over the world and i dont use a proxy or any sort of dymaic ip.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 07:53

i do not want to turn this into a flame war. However, as many south American Fleets
are doing such as FG, Flota Chili and the Other Flota chili, are constantly fleet jumping
and now BAP are onto it now. now i i see this is purely to bypass the 14 declaration
penalty. This needs to be stopped.

Personally i'm sick of playing these south American fleets coz its like watching the
same tv show every week. we know what you do, we know how to beat you.
(evidently shown by the fact we still have our 2 harbours after a month and a half of
attacking by south american fleets on hamburg).

Best thing for you lot to do is get your own fleets up to a good standard as the
others have done. and Focus ur own energys on you own fleet.

i look forward to seeing the shambals that will be the south american fleets attepmts

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 07:29

What floats your name change, to make HA more in one week?. Are always the
same fleet that attacked, Jedi, FG, PY, ORP.
If you had no fear of losing their monopoly draft, would not be doing this ridiculous
suggestion, which was never put into practice, because it goes against any principle.
This is just a game.
And to see if they can cover the mouth when they speak of "ARA" that a thing is to
talk in general and accuse without reason.
MOD please see this one because they are creating profiles to vote, (so sad) and
that 90% of those who think they are lvl 1.
"siempre los que mas lloran son los que mas tienen"

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 07:27

Absolutely got a point here. Recommended!!! Stop "Recruta jajajaja!"

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 07:03


i have noticed that the likes of FLOTA RECRUTA and ARA are bypassing the 14 day
declaration penalty by fleet jumping each week meaning they all still get to
participate each week in HA.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 05:59

I agree with alot of these ideas;

longer fleet-changing penalty
a certain fleet-only room (so no more spies -.-)

i like the way flota gallega & co (flota chile, B.A.P, ARA..basically all the
south-american fleets) are refusing to comment on this?


PS:We have been under constant attack for about a month now..same members every time. I asked
one of them WHY they were doing this week after week, and he said that hamburg is at the
best time for south america..(about 10pm) he said. then i questioned why they took NY
(which would be at 2 in the morning)..he had no comment. I then asked why they didnt
attack london, which would be at some time in the afternoon..which would be perfect for a

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 04:31

Its always different fleets but the same ppl you fight in HAs, increasing the penalty
would be a good start i think...

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 04:04


  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 02:59


+ a 10 day penalty for switching squads .

thank you for doing once somethig to the players that keep your game alive SDE
edit: better 14 days...

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 02:20

"If they make mercenaries bannable they should allow in the HA defending or
attacking fleet to be allowed to have allies, so people from ally fleets don't have to
change fleets for a few weeks. "

The idea is that players should not be changing fleets every week or two!!!

The penalty for failed attacks and no-shows was introduced to remove attacks just for the
sake of it in HA.

Allowing mercs and alliances, who will really defend in the second week after the 100
player merc fleet falls apart?


Make the fleet penalty more than the cool off period for a failed attack.