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  • make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 08:01

well basically its just not right.

so we should make mercenaries in HA bannable.

edit: like this so much i want this to be the main aspect thanks sait

imple solution to this would be to make the penalty for leaving and re signing with
other fleets increase .. also to charge a monetary fee to the person who dose it.

As an example if you leave your fleet and join a new fleet it costs you the first time
in 2 months 200K and 7 days then if you do it again the amount and time penalty
increases say to 2 weeks and 600K make it so there is a 2 or three month reset
meaning that you have to stay in a fleet or fleet less for this period before it costs
you nothing again to sign.

This way the Merc's will cost more and more and over time be harder to find as their
fees will become to much for the opposing fleets to afford. the costs of a HA will
increase having to pay for guys to not only join the fleet but to declare ...

this will also slow serial fleet jumping on a whim people will think about it more and
do it less.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 01:54

If they make mercenaries bannable they should allow in the HA defending or
attacking fleet to be allowed to have allies, so people from ally fleets don't have to
change fleets for a few weeks.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 01:32

Increase fleet penalty to 8 days, ban being/using mercs will be hard( ly) enforced.

Recommended nonetheless.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 01:31

i agree. recommended from me

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 01:10

as we can see, being a big fleet is not only big in numbers
but more important is big in quality

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 00:19


  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 23:26

This is indeed recommended. I have asked a few people why they do this fleet
hopping merc thing, and they say the same thing. There isn't enough to do, and
they want to play HA, so they join a fleet doing it til it's over, then go back to their
own fleet. All i can really say to that is 2 options are available. 1) get your fleet to
participate in them. 2) Join a fleet that does them regularly and stay there.
I like the 10 day+ penalty idea.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 21:59


  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 21:55

Fair Idea for fair fleet


  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 21:50


...Even though it wouldn't solve much if they're really THAT determined to play HA every
week with that many players. If you lengthened the leaving penalty, they'd plan further in
advance, and if you restrict HA to people who have been in a fleet for a while, they'll
share passwords and still have close to the same turnout they do now.

You know, 2 years ago, I looked at all fleets with a certain common characteristic (or
two) and wondered why they didn't just all merge together, because they'd really be a
fleet to fear.

I was wrong.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 21:47

What's the definition of somebody who's playing on somebody's account during HA?
Is he
considered as merc? If yes, then how to prevent the said person playing in that

IMO, the said person is as worst as Mercs.

If it is a fellow fleet member (low level on high level acc) than it is fine.
The others, mhhhh I don't think that anyone would be happy to let play merc's on
their acc and otherwise it is up to the involved fleet... At least it will be with a regular
fleet members acc and not with a fleet jumpers acc.