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  • make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 08:01

well basically its just not right.

so we should make mercenaries in HA bannable.

edit: like this so much i want this to be the main aspect thanks sait

imple solution to this would be to make the penalty for leaving and re signing with
other fleets increase .. also to charge a monetary fee to the person who dose it.

As an example if you leave your fleet and join a new fleet it costs you the first time
in 2 months 200K and 7 days then if you do it again the amount and time penalty
increases say to 2 weeks and 600K make it so there is a 2 or three month reset
meaning that you have to stay in a fleet or fleet less for this period before it costs
you nothing again to sign.

This way the Merc's will cost more and more and over time be harder to find as their
fees will become to much for the opposing fleets to afford. the costs of a HA will
increase having to pay for guys to not only join the fleet but to declare ...

this will also slow serial fleet jumping on a whim people will think about it more and
do it less.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 12:31

if u read i never said something about RACISM, i only want u (means all) not to
include ARA in this thread, why??? something simple, nothing at all with
mercenaryes, if u go back to page 4 or 5 some people include as ALL SOUTH
AMERCIA will be mercenaryes, just cause somo Chilean help FG in HA (if they want to
help, ok, fine help them, its nice to receives help from others), but in ARA we decided
after our first HA that we are gonna
play the HA allowns, why??? Cause is our fleet, and if we want to get a port, WE
want to get it allown no with peolpe that doesnt care the fleet, is that simple
But no, they just make a general mercenary with no sence.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 12:10

Use the WHOLE sentence, don't pick and choose what suits you.
No one here has been RACIST to you or to your fleets, that is just an excuse that you use
when you have nothing better to throw at the wall or whatever you do say is ridiculous.

Claiming RACISM is just a poor excuse for not having anything else to say, or what you do
say does not have much standing.

Just saying that going to the racist card was a poor choice here as well as anywhere that
it isn't justified, NOT justified here.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 12:10

"Latigokiller is one that i remember playing for ARA in the HA 3 weeks ago, who is an
player. And there are others, i just remember him because he was always making
decoy rooms."

LOL.... u r lying to urself, now tell me 1 more than came to ARA to play a HA, only 1
more... as i said tell me 2 players that came to play with us and i will shup up, just 1,
u call that to be a mercenary team... pfff

Latigo is an argentinian player that promissed to help us in ur first HA, he did it...
and then just 1 player tell...??? Sure, u wont have any more name...


  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 12:05

maybe ARA doesn't recruit like FG, but they are recruited, just like BAP and Flota Chile
(not Armada Chilena, I know for facts they don't recruit nor are recruited)

stop it, it's not racist, I'm south american too and I recommended this. Why?

cause I'm sick of watching certain fleets (FG mainly) recruiting half the server only to
attack or
defend a harbor, just to see half of the "members" that were in that fleet during HA being
fleetless the next day.
It's NOT the big fleets willing to have a monopoly over HA. If you want to play HA, you
have 2 options: either you organize your fleet to be HA-fit (you can do that even if
you're not a leader of it) or change to another fleet that does usually play HA and STAY
THERE, not join on friday afternoon and leave on sunday morning.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 11:57

Very well santi, and we will continue to destory your pitiful attacks against hamburg
every time they come, regardless of who you have playing.

And thats not even the point of this topic. we want to increase the fleet ban penatly to
make HA more fair and enjoyable for all invovled.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 11:54

Your probblem LO. You have more players, i said it before, we cant play at the same time
that one of our BB6 players is working, because we dont have 40 BB6 like your fleet. So we
have our motive to attack hamburg, if you dont like im sorry, but i dont care. Like we
dont care if FG want to attack Playmates too, or Flota Chilena, is their problem and its
yours to defend your harbors.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 11:53

There are ARA players who have been mercs, and ARA have also accepted mercs as well. Dont
try and deny it, we've been defending against you for months now, and we've seen you swap

Latigokiller is one that i remember playing for ARA in the HA 3 weeks ago, who is an FG
player. And there are others, i just remember him because he was always making decoy rooms.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 11:47

Simple solution to this would be to make the penalty for leaving and re signing with
other fleets increase .. also to charge a monetary fee to the person who dose it.

As an example if you leave your fleet and join a new fleet it costs you the first time
in 2 months 200K and 7 days then if you do it again the amount and time penalty
increases say to 2 weeks and 600K make it so there is a 2 or three month reset
meaning that you have to stay in a fleet or fleet less for this period before it costs
you nothing again to sign.

This way the Merc's will cost more and more and over time be harder to find as their
fees will become to much for the opposing fleets to afford. the costs of a HA will
increase having to pay for guys to not only join the fleet but to declare ...

this will also slow serial fleet jumping on a whim people will think about it more and
do it less.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 11:44

Grum251: Lautoro complains his fleet is too small, take the advice you have been
given here, merge your fleets.
No one here has been racist to you or to your fleets, that is just an excuse that you
use when you have nothing better to throw at the wall or whatever you do say is

Nothing better to throw... that is exactly what ur team "mates" did including ARA in
mercenaries, so pls try to read and think before posting, not for u, for ur bunnies.

Or tell me 2 players that play in ARA in bothHAs that are not from us???

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 03. 2009 11:41

the timezone doesnt matter, because London is good for both south america and spain.

and hamburg isn't good for european timezones, yet lots of europeans play to defend
hamburg every week.