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  • Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 18. 2010 13:30

We all know KM has had it's range (possibly) nerfed from what it used to be. There
are those who think KM's range has been nerfed too much, and there are those that
think it's fine how it is. But all KM really seems to have going for it IS its range, and
maybe its speed (or atleast it used to have speed; i cant personally say anything
about the speed, since i havent really payed much attention to the speed compared
to other nations.)

So it's my suggestion for KM's range to be bumbed up a bit, becuase KM does
have the worst shell damage and spread, and all it has is its range. EDIT: IM more
towards other edits listed below, over the range, and either one of the fixes can
solve the possible issues.

BUT I CANNOT fully stand behind this, since I only have an H39 and have had the
H44 rental. But in the time i had the H44 rental, i noticed the range wasnt as good...
you should be able to out range a L2, monthy, or SY and not have them be able to
be in range with just a small movement up, OR barely moving at all.

SO, please give reasons and examples for WHY or WHY NOT KM's range is too
nerfed, and if you think KM's range needs to be bumped up a bit, reccomend it.

*side note: since i can't fully argue this point, there is no reason to flame, say
anything negative, or anything like that to me. Just give your reasons and examples
for or against the KM range nerf, and (if needed) argue your point's amongst the
*another side note: i have been more swaded to the turnning force, shell
damage/ shell damage inconsistancies being fixed, or speed being adjusted. If any
of those are adjusted, the range shouldn't be an issue. I will just keep the origional
idea for others.*

From what i have read, it seems to be a 50/50 split over the range issue compared
to the other nations. Some have quoted the skill needed to run KM, which is a valid
point. Km is harder to suceed in, and that could be the part of the issue. While
others have quoted how when facing another BB5 in an H44, they can be hit easily.
Which is another good point, if KM is supposed to have the best range, why doesn't
the H44 match up with that standard?

*The topic of shell damage has come up, which can be possibly
bumped up, or atleast discussed.

*The Topic of ship turnning force come up aswell, this can be discussed and possibly
changed aswell.

*The idea of increasing speed instead has been tossed arround aswell.

Range issue has been well covered. Try moving on to the other issues... like the
inconsistancies in the shell damage, turnning force, and possibly other issues?

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 08:45

I have an H39 and know for a fact if played right, can take a Monty one on one.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 08:42

"Hmmm Ok when have I seen a Montana or a Lion 2 get oneshotted Ever, atleast
on Bismarck server, by the time you reach BB5 you should have 900 SD and
increadably good supports, Unless the Montys and L2s you speak of have 100 SD
and CA-BB1 supports... So please can someone get me some videos of a Monty or
L2 with Full DP and SD getting destroyed by a ship that had no help in doing this,
also please state what ship did the oneshoting."

Lol, are you principes?

He made the same bet with me.

He lost.

The only BB5 that can one shot without crits is the Montana.

As a note, I am not including MN as they haven't been balanced for NFNA yet.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 08:06

If played right a H39 can range the Montana. Easiest BB5 opponent, low range high gun
angle = H39 wins. Of course, if you get hit its over.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 07:43

range adv? monty has short range among BB5?
oh...maybe like this!
H44 ranges L2 for 1 mini dot, L2 ranges SY for 1 mini dot, and SY ranges Monty for 1 mini dot.
so H44 ranges Monty for 3mini dots!

also consider the spread of H44 and 37 angle gun...oh yeah, that would be a bit so called range
adv. given the opposing one is a bad player.

anyway, forget H44, get Kaiser >< or be AA-whore H44 =v=

btw, the BB patch didn't touch BB5...don't know why :)

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 07:34

The only ship that can oneshot one of the balanced BB5 is monty (without crits). SY, L2
and Alsace can also oneshot Alsace, as its missing the BB5 DP buff. H44 can only cripple
it without crits.

But then Monty can oneshot anything in the game, thats why it has the shortest range.*

There are slight differences in range between L2,SY and H44, and those differences are all
you need to gain an advantage, if you cant use that advantage, then its not the ships
fault, its your fault, and crying about the ship doesnt fixes the fact that you just cant
use it. So stop complainign and get better with the ship. KM and IJN are no easy nations
they are very hard to master, but also very rewarding once you have mastered them. So why
should they make the nation stronger? so you dont suck in that ship? What happens if you
come along someone that know how to drive a bb, in you new buffed km ship, and he
completly sodomizes you in it? do you want that players KM ships nerfed?

*not taking into account MN, but the nation is not balanced for NFNA

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 07:01

Hmmm Ok when have I seen a Montana or a Lion 2 get oneshotted Ever, atleast
on Bismarck server, by the time you reach BB5 you should have 900 SD and
increadably good supports, Unless the Montys and L2s you speak of have 100 SD
and CA-BB1 supports... So please can someone get me some videos of a Monty or
L2 with Full DP and SD getting destroyed by a ship that had no help in doing this,
also please state what ship did the oneshoting.

Really what should be asked on this suggestions forum is Not just a KM range buff,
but really a BB5 patch similar too the BB34 patch. The BB4s are so well balanced
now adays I'm quite impressed. Now yes the similar and almost exact range on
BB5s is disappointing, like someone else said, a Monty shouldn't be able to move
a couple CM closer to you and be in range.... lame....

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 05:27

Im US in every line it has to offer...but KM I would say has had the most expenditure from
my wallet..and rightfully so. As my Third Nation, I really like KM. Range is dmg not so much. I liked it more before Lj got one of my visa powered
Engi's ^^

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 05:10

I lulled.

I love my KM range advantage in every BB tier. Fantastic ships.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 19. 2010 02:56

Go on, this is entertaining.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 22:43

No because I don't play KM. Selfish ftw!