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  • Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 18. 2010 13:30

We all know KM has had it's range (possibly) nerfed from what it used to be. There
are those who think KM's range has been nerfed too much, and there are those that
think it's fine how it is. But all KM really seems to have going for it IS its range, and
maybe its speed (or atleast it used to have speed; i cant personally say anything
about the speed, since i havent really payed much attention to the speed compared
to other nations.)

So it's my suggestion for KM's range to be bumbed up a bit, becuase KM does
have the worst shell damage and spread, and all it has is its range. EDIT: IM more
towards other edits listed below, over the range, and either one of the fixes can
solve the possible issues.

BUT I CANNOT fully stand behind this, since I only have an H39 and have had the
H44 rental. But in the time i had the H44 rental, i noticed the range wasnt as good...
you should be able to out range a L2, monthy, or SY and not have them be able to
be in range with just a small movement up, OR barely moving at all.

SO, please give reasons and examples for WHY or WHY NOT KM's range is too
nerfed, and if you think KM's range needs to be bumped up a bit, reccomend it.

*side note: since i can't fully argue this point, there is no reason to flame, say
anything negative, or anything like that to me. Just give your reasons and examples
for or against the KM range nerf, and (if needed) argue your point's amongst the
*another side note: i have been more swaded to the turnning force, shell
damage/ shell damage inconsistancies being fixed, or speed being adjusted. If any
of those are adjusted, the range shouldn't be an issue. I will just keep the origional
idea for others.*

From what i have read, it seems to be a 50/50 split over the range issue compared
to the other nations. Some have quoted the skill needed to run KM, which is a valid
point. Km is harder to suceed in, and that could be the part of the issue. While
others have quoted how when facing another BB5 in an H44, they can be hit easily.
Which is another good point, if KM is supposed to have the best range, why doesn't
the H44 match up with that standard?

*The topic of shell damage has come up, which can be possibly
bumped up, or atleast discussed.

*The Topic of ship turnning force come up aswell, this can be discussed and possibly
changed aswell.

*The idea of increasing speed instead has been tossed arround aswell.

Range issue has been well covered. Try moving on to the other issues... like the
inconsistancies in the shell damage, turnning force, and possibly other issues?

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 21:47

hehe yeah allied, littlem is one of my accounts. but yeah i have the H39. I can acess
the H44 rental, but it needs to be fixed lol.... NF never fixed it to run in today's
games. I've told them about it, and they are going to fix it sooner or later... probably
after the 2 new nations are out. =\

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 19:48

wow i just noticed snowball you do have a h39 dont you ive seen you befor.... dude i
didnt even know you posted this, lmfao this is just too funny as im not the only one that
can see it

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 19:37

I bet its the Lion2 lovers that are the critics here as they dont want KM bb5 to be
increased as it will take the h44 off there food chain... the high people recognize the
real truth :D being sober is dangerous... HEY GUYS GO TO MY LOCKED THREAD AND
theres a 1 in 100000943785678234653478925623 chance that it can go over more
range i guess, but you have to fire 40 salvos to see it

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 19:05

What was nerfed? You people should stop smoking crack.

Edit: check this out

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 16:34

I agree with snowball..

H44 has no usefull range advantage over SY or L2 (specially L2).

over monty it does.

Make nations run by their treaties.
For god sake L2 has almost the same range as H44. and dont tell me havinf one more mm is
an advantage.

L2 should have much less range. Just as UK treat stands for. so.. or you nerf a bit Sy ans
L2s range, or you buff H44s a bit..

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 16:23

again with KM, this forums is starting to sound like a broken record

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 16:13

In response to Callidius' first point, all nations BB5s can be one-shotted. I agree that
KM Spread should be buffed, but not range.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 15:35

LOL! First of all KM's range did not get nerfed.

If your KM BB gets ranged by the other nations similar tiers, you're doing something
wrong... Totally wrong...

Yes I have KM and it owns. This thread and the one in general made my day!

And NO KM doesn't need a range buff, but a shellfix.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 14:41

Bwahahahahahaha wow this thread is highly entertaining despite lowering my iq a full 20 points just by
having read it.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf...

    10. 18. 2010 14:08

Agreed, I am in my O project II and 1.5 levels from my H39 and I am quite
disappointed about how my O project II is outranged by Nagatos and such. KM
deserves to be the range Monster how it is advertised to be. I have driven
peoples H44s quite a bit and I have been outranged AND outgunned by
Montanas even while I'm slingshoting. I see Kaisers day after day have to rush
in to come into range. Now I was probally playing navyfield after some of the
major patches came along so you can flame me for being a noob and all but I
do have some valid points to make.

KM should be the Range monster, An artillery unit that kills its prey well out of
the enemy's grasp. KM Has some very low angles and should make slingshoting
useless, but the play style needs to use range, H44s and Kaisers should be
sitting behind the mainline of fighting Montys and L2s providing support to
them and killing off enemys that could come into range of the actual "Up-close
and dirty" ships on your team (L2s and Montys). This would also encourage
more teamwork between BBs for the Montys and L2 to help the Weak KM ships
not come under fire and in return KM ships pick off that pesky QV causing so
much havoc to the team. Now I am not at all saying give Kaisers map long
range but Kaisers should have Nice extra 5-7" more range than other BB6s.

Now I am speaking of these massive range buffs to KM but there is some stuff
I would love to mention to any UK-US playing whiners who might flame me
about a range buff making them over powered, Let me get some Cons to KM
that exist now.

1. H44s can get Oneshoted

2. KM hits like a girl (The fast reloading takes up for it but skill is needed to
take advantage of it :P)

3. KM ships are quite massive and easy to hit (with exception to the AD but
thats Italian :P).

4. KM Armor is the best, but is so heavy its virtually useless (now I did find this
H44 use armor in a good way, I'll ask him down and ask how.)

5. Spread can be awkward (my O project II can either Block or have 3" spread at
the most inappropiate times)

So it would balance itself out in the end. This is why we play KM, We torture
ourselves with dreams of massive range and getting killed in embarrasing ways
by other players.

Oh I almost Forgot, Recommended and Bumped :)