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  • Rebuilding Experience System

    11. 06. 2009 11:04

Formerly a suggestion I made almost a year ago, just found it earlier and decided to
remodel/fix it a bit. Before you type a respond/flame, please, for your own sake, read all
my posts in this topic and every idea before you make a fool out of yourself.

Currently, high level players suffer massive experience and weight penalty for driving a
lower level ship, so they simply don't go into one unless training new crews. Low level
players, more often than not, are inexperienced and are incapable of performing their job.
Result? BBs and CVs doing majority of the work, while anything smaller just goofs around.
Even then, some of those BBs/CVs might just be leeching experience; rushing and dying on
purpose. So what is my proposal?

Scrapping the old experience system and making a new one, and allowing higher level
players to use lower level ships with less penalty:

New experience equation - [Personal Performance] X [Team Performance] X
[Sailor level] = [Experience]

Summary of the basics will be below, benefits in my second post, and a more detailed
explanation will be in my third post (so this won't be a super long post that annoys
repliers). See fifth post for example of experience from game play.

Basic Summaries

1. New Experience System

In the new system, you will gain experience according to your personal actions measured in
"attack worth" (pretty much everything from AAing, HH/DC/torping/shooting ships/subs,
bombing/fighter covering contributes to it), your team action (attack/tactic and win/lose)
and the level of your sailor. Your ship level does not matter anymore.

[Personal action] times [Team action] times [Sailor Level] = Experience

(Please note this is the base experience towards a normal sailor (support sailor, for
example), bonus experience (such as 40% bonus for BO or the 120% in GB, for example) will
be applied afterward.)

2. Attack Worth System

If you attack a ship same or lower class than your own, your "attack worth" is the same as
your attack. However, if you attack a ship higher class than your own, your resulting
attack is multiplied by a number (1.5 for example), which is then counted toward as
"attack worth".

3. Heavier TK Penalty

If you deal damage to any ally, that attack will receive a x3 (could be increased or
decreased) multiplier, then subtracted towards your "attack worth", greatly decreasing the
experience you might get.

4. Weight Reduction System

All ships, except BBs and CVs, will only take a fraction of your sailor's weight
(more/less according to the ship class, of course), allowing higher level players to hop
back in smaller ships and play it as primary.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    02. 08. 2010 07:49

I think the biggest problem is new players. You're probably going to kill any chance of
them really leveling up. For example, take a new player in an FF1 vs a high level BO,
with high level gunners in say a Fletcher. New player, not really having any idea what
he's up against thinks he might have a good chance against a ship only slightly
higher than his, so he throws out a round only to find it comes up short. Fletcher with
high level gunners starts block shotting FF1, turns and runs, and then hits him again.
FF1 player get's sunk with 0xp in your system if I read it correctly because he didn't
wind up hitting anything. I know, I know, new players should be over in Blitz, but
where does it tell a new player that they should play the first 30'ish levels in Blitz?
When I first started, I jumped into GB and GB2 and was like "Wow, I'm getting
crushed here." I had heard that Blitz XP wasn't as good as GB, so that's where I
went. Not really understanding the difference between GB and GB2, I played both
and wondered why my xp was not very good. Again, something that is not blatantly
obvious in the user guides by SDE.

So, overall, what is the exact goal of the change? Is it to get higher level folks
playing smaller ships or is it to reduce the leachers xp to 0, or is it to discourage new
people from playing GB?

I think getting higher level folks playing lower level ships would be a good thing. I
think reducing leachers XP is a good thing. I think discouraging new players from
playing a game is a bad thing. I think this game needs in injection of new players.
Yes, there is a learning curve. If the game documentation was better, there might
not be as many problems with new players as there are now.

So, while I think your idea is valid and has some great points, I can't recommend all
of it if it discourages or makes it harder for new players.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    02. 03. 2010 03:07

I like it and recommend. It is shame the devs will not implement this as it is so HUGE
change they will not have guts to try.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    02. 03. 2010 02:36

The exp system needs a massive overhaul. I like your idea, recced.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 30. 2010 22:07


  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 30. 2010 00:01


  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 25. 2010 00:50

shamelessly bumping


  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 16. 2010 03:22


  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 11. 2010 13:49


That's what my "attack worth system" is for. Yes, a BB5 doesn't get any bonus for hitting
any other ships (other than BB6/CV6), but it can net a lot more "attack worth" than it needs
to get decent experience. On the other hand, even with the "attack worth system", smaller
ships might have trouble getting enough attack worth to give them experience equal to what
a BB5 can get, not without some serious high level crew and dedication each game. I really
don't see why a CA should get less experience than a BB5 when he does the same or more
attack than the BB5.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 11. 2010 07:30


I still think BB5 exp should be a bit more on each sailor than CA. If you can add a ship
level/class multiplier, I would think the idea would be great.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 10. 2010 20:34

i'f like to see this implemented
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