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  • Rebuilding Experience System

    11. 06. 2009 11:04

Formerly a suggestion I made almost a year ago, just found it earlier and decided to
remodel/fix it a bit. Before you type a respond/flame, please, for your own sake, read all
my posts in this topic and every idea before you make a fool out of yourself.

Currently, high level players suffer massive experience and weight penalty for driving a
lower level ship, so they simply don't go into one unless training new crews. Low level
players, more often than not, are inexperienced and are incapable of performing their job.
Result? BBs and CVs doing majority of the work, while anything smaller just goofs around.
Even then, some of those BBs/CVs might just be leeching experience; rushing and dying on
purpose. So what is my proposal?

Scrapping the old experience system and making a new one, and allowing higher level
players to use lower level ships with less penalty:

New experience equation - [Personal Performance] X [Team Performance] X
[Sailor level] = [Experience]

Summary of the basics will be below, benefits in my second post, and a more detailed
explanation will be in my third post (so this won't be a super long post that annoys
repliers). See fifth post for example of experience from game play.

Basic Summaries

1. New Experience System

In the new system, you will gain experience according to your personal actions measured in
"attack worth" (pretty much everything from AAing, HH/DC/torping/shooting ships/subs,
bombing/fighter covering contributes to it), your team action (attack/tactic and win/lose)
and the level of your sailor. Your ship level does not matter anymore.

[Personal action] times [Team action] times [Sailor Level] = Experience

(Please note this is the base experience towards a normal sailor (support sailor, for
example), bonus experience (such as 40% bonus for BO or the 120% in GB, for example) will
be applied afterward.)

2. Attack Worth System

If you attack a ship same or lower class than your own, your "attack worth" is the same as
your attack. However, if you attack a ship higher class than your own, your resulting
attack is multiplied by a number (1.5 for example), which is then counted toward as
"attack worth".

3. Heavier TK Penalty

If you deal damage to any ally, that attack will receive a x3 (could be increased or
decreased) multiplier, then subtracted towards your "attack worth", greatly decreasing the
experience you might get.

4. Weight Reduction System

All ships, except BBs and CVs, will only take a fraction of your sailor's weight
(more/less according to the ship class, of course), allowing higher level players to hop
back in smaller ships and play it as primary.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 09. 2010 22:48

There's something wrong when my ddx gets less exp than my ff01...


  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 08. 2010 17:00

Sounds interesting.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 08. 2010 11:19


And they still do. A non-UK BB5, for example, have 13 sailor slots, whereas a non-UK
CA/non-PCA have maybe 9 sailor slots. Your BB5 will give you 30k x 13, whereas your CA
will give you 30k x 9. Looks pretty fair to me.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 08. 2010 05:27

"Lj, your not getting BB5 exp at the level that people play CAs in now, your getting BB5
exp if you PLAY WELL in a CA WITH BB5 LEVEL GUYS. on avg, you still get ABOUT the
same exp per sailor level as now. "

I do know that. Thanks for copying what I said though! Higher level ships are MEANT to be
able to get more exp, as an incentive to grind.

I did try and read the post, maybe I missed a few things.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 07. 2010 19:44


  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 06. 2010 11:55

Lj, your not getting BB5 exp at the level that people play CAs in now, your getting BB5
exp if you PLAY WELL in a CA WITH BB5 LEVEL GUYS. on avg, you still get ABOUT the
same exp per sailor level as now.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 05. 2010 13:04


Did you ever read the 5th post? Or did you actually understood the system? Your level 100
sailor gets 30k, your level 50 sailor gets 15k, and your level 25 sailor gets 7.5k.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 05. 2010 12:52

BB5 Experience in a CA? No thanks.

That is too much in my opinion. People would level up way too fast, even faster than now.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 05. 2010 11:44


The difference is that, in this, your BB5 crew in a CA can get BB5 experience, while
modifying the penalty would still only give you CA experience (30k experience vs 16k
experience for a level 100 sailor). This system will allow players to grind their crew on
any ship and still get the experience they deserve for their work. Note that this,
although sounds imbalance, is not. Those players that returns to a smaller ship WILL
suffer a huge loss of support slots, very likely making their leveling time longer than
being in a BB5.

One of the other main point of changing the whole system is to get rid of the whole
leeching issue. The new formula I've pointed out WILL stomp hard on leecher (since your
personal performance plays a much bigger role in your experience gain now. Rush and die
with 1 attack = you get pretty much no experience).

I'm not sure about the other nations, but for IJN SS2 and SS3, the weight is reduced to
something close to 1/8.4 (aka, about 12%).

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    01. 05. 2010 04:31

Yes, that is what I meant. Was a typo.

Basically, why completely change the exp system when you can just edit the exp modifiers
for higher level sailors on lower level ships? Its something that has been on my mind for
a while after I had a discussion with a fleetmate (Yourshepherd) a while ago.

The weight modifier; It may well be worth looking at. But remember, every ship would need
to be looked at.

Offhand, do you know the formulae for the weight modifier on Submarines?
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