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  • Rebuilding Experience System

    11. 06. 2009 11:04

Formerly a suggestion I made almost a year ago, just found it earlier and decided to
remodel/fix it a bit. Before you type a respond/flame, please, for your own sake, read all
my posts in this topic and every idea before you make a fool out of yourself.

Currently, high level players suffer massive experience and weight penalty for driving a
lower level ship, so they simply don't go into one unless training new crews. Low level
players, more often than not, are inexperienced and are incapable of performing their job.
Result? BBs and CVs doing majority of the work, while anything smaller just goofs around.
Even then, some of those BBs/CVs might just be leeching experience; rushing and dying on
purpose. So what is my proposal?

Scrapping the old experience system and making a new one, and allowing higher level
players to use lower level ships with less penalty:

New experience equation - [Personal Performance] X [Team Performance] X
[Sailor level] = [Experience]

Summary of the basics will be below, benefits in my second post, and a more detailed
explanation will be in my third post (so this won't be a super long post that annoys
repliers). See fifth post for example of experience from game play.

Basic Summaries

1. New Experience System

In the new system, you will gain experience according to your personal actions measured in
"attack worth" (pretty much everything from AAing, HH/DC/torping/shooting ships/subs,
bombing/fighter covering contributes to it), your team action (attack/tactic and win/lose)
and the level of your sailor. Your ship level does not matter anymore.

[Personal action] times [Team action] times [Sailor Level] = Experience

(Please note this is the base experience towards a normal sailor (support sailor, for
example), bonus experience (such as 40% bonus for BO or the 120% in GB, for example) will
be applied afterward.)

2. Attack Worth System

If you attack a ship same or lower class than your own, your "attack worth" is the same as
your attack. However, if you attack a ship higher class than your own, your resulting
attack is multiplied by a number (1.5 for example), which is then counted toward as
"attack worth".

3. Heavier TK Penalty

If you deal damage to any ally, that attack will receive a x3 (could be increased or
decreased) multiplier, then subtracted towards your "attack worth", greatly decreasing the
experience you might get.

4. Weight Reduction System

All ships, except BBs and CVs, will only take a fraction of your sailor's weight
(more/less according to the ship class, of course), allowing higher level players to hop
back in smaller ships and play it as primary.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 21. 2009 19:12

i didnt get it the main reason for this gain experience. If it is to reduce it, then it
goes a no from me, for the simple fact that some1 shouldnt spend so many time in a
computer playing video games, and extending that time to reach higher goals would result
in someone to A: play more time that game (like 6h or more in a day) or B: giving up on
the game; even though ppl likes to say nowadays players suck on their BBs or CVs cuz they
get them so soon, i believe this game shouldnt be "molded" by a player base that spends 6h
playing it, but rather those that play, or just wanted to play, 3h max everyday. For me,
this system is alright, spent 2.5years to only get 1 BB4, 1 BB2, and 2 CV3 by playing smth
like 3h, 4h. extending this period would be too insane!!!

anyway, ur idea for the lower classes being playable for high lvls is nice. My own
opinion, more simply speaking, whould be like this:

making the FF, DD and CL classes reducing 50% the crew sise of any sailor (and possibly
their ability[dunno if its a good option]) when they get to lvl 75 or 80. Since SSs
already reduces crew size to 50%, i believe this option wouldnt be much difficult to
implement, only a small twick so that they only do it when they get to a certain lvl
(which i believe, ins't much difficult to do)

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 19. 2009 22:46

are you on drugs? alenar?

moar bump

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 19. 2009 15:02

Everyone complaining about the high level crew on DDXs and the like are forgetting one
be stupid to put your expensive lvl 120 BVE engineers on a ship that a noob in a Brooklyn
can fire AP shells at and go to town on your expensive crew. Frankly, if they want to risk
that engy, let em.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 18. 2009 21:01

i bump for him

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 17. 2009 10:30

yes, credit/point gain should still be covered by the old system.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 15. 2009 23:01


I've already mention that TKing planes suffer a penalty. As far as credit, that's out of
this suggestion topic's area. I only cover experience.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 15. 2009 22:51

I think planes should carry a tk penalty personally

Also how would credits be factored in?

creds = (attackworth)x(cvfactor)

cvfactor = .0000000000000001 if bb/ca/cl/dd/ff/ss or over9000 if cv

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 14. 2009 12:33

Hmm.. I think the basic idea sounds interessting. I dont see that the author needs to find
out and design a perfect solution. That I believe that SDEnterNet could do if the find a
general large interesst from the community.

The idea that higher ranked players with a higher ranked crew still could grind their crew
in smaller ships sounds fine. All the reasons for it I understand and could agree with.

Only negative thing could be that a km player for example finds grinding in an Emden so
lucrative and fine working so that he doesnt play a BB to the extent needed to be a good
BB player. I think you all seen the noob CVs poping up not knowing what a poor CV player
does for the own team.

But hell its worth a try. To have more balanced fleets with more smaller ships and ASW
might be fun.



  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 14. 2009 07:15


This is off topic, but why are you even on a BB1? They're one of the worst ship to level
with at level gunners/BO. You're better off in Prinz Eugen instead of Emden by the way, it
gives almost the same experience as your BB1 (instead of CL experience), but you won't be
a burden to your team by taking up a BB slot. If you want, mount 11" inch singles for
Prinz, and watch yourself mow BB1/2s. Don't reply to this. Keep your posts on topic
please. I am in game right now if you want more advice/talk to me.

  • Re : Rebuilding Experience System

    12. 14. 2009 07:07

Dude chill.

Im pointing that I only making less than 2k credits in my scharn(BB1) when i'm losing and
not making dmg atk, which is not good for me. I don't care how much CV can get each
battle, well, if they willing to give me their money then I care. ^^

If ur system implemented, I for one will take advantage of it. I'll never use my Scharn
anymore and use my Emden instead to get the same exp as I use my Scharn, plus give more
slot for BB in GB.^^
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