HA Infomation



  • Give exp...

    03. 21. 2012 21:35

Recommend : 8


For TKing 8/9/10/11/12 planes launched on 1 pilot.

Or TKing the CV that launched them. 




  • Re : Give exp...

    04. 07. 2012 13:54


a Zuikaku [...] who loads up 8


Originally Posted by jubdub1

experienced though he is?

You contradict yourself.


Also you have no idea about CV play.


Also, yes.

  • Re : Give exp...

    04. 23. 2012 12:46


Originally Posted by ChicagoBears

I don't load all of my planes on one pilot but IMO people who TK planes intentionally should be banned just like if you sunk a team mate intentionally. This is because:
1. It hurts your team by giving the enemy CV's a chance to bomb ships, BB's to scout and sink ships, and also the CV will have to load another set of planes and has one less wave of fighters.
2. It can cause the CV to lose exp AND credits at the same time
3. It's even worse when you're in an AAW ship and you TK 11 PLANES TO GET ONE FRIGGEN SCOUT
So, if anything killing 9+ planes should=exp loss not gain because then people would TK intentionally just to get exp and if your team TKed all 3 CVs on your side then, well your team will lose 99.99% of the time.

Personally, I hold the opinion that if you're a CV that has 11~ planes stuck circling one scout over your own ships (as in within range of your AA ships) and it gets hit by your own AA, then you're doing something wrong, and it's more important to kill that scout than leave your 11 planes up there to circle till one or the other runs out of fuel. One ftr plane that's actually managed with more than one "click towards enemy and forget about it" can kill that scout, and then and only then will I say that 11 planes, on 1 pilot or 5, is not contributing. Proving that you can do just as crappy of a job "contributing" with ftrs spread out on multiple pilots as compared to one. 

Often you'll get a game that's nearly finished, all enemy CVs are dead and only BBs/whatevers are running around. If you're one of roughly half the CVs out there that only have 2 Bomber Pilots, what else are you going to do? Should you be penalized because there's nothing left to do but bomb with two pilots? Heck, some CVs go a step further and only have 1 Bomber Pilot for precisely these kinds of situations (often TBs for subs, AA ships, etc). And before you start with "noobs shouldn't have 1 bomber pilot lol nooooooobbbbb", they're playing how they want and it works well enough. It's not like they're loading up 6 rookie pilots with 1 pilot, leave them alone. 

Everyone thinks they have the right to police how people should be playing their CVs and how they personally should want to play their CV, because they think "playing the way they want to" is synonymous with "playing like a noob that isn't doing it the right way".

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