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  • Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 14:56

As said. Both ASW and SS's are unbalanced at the moment; Level 70 ships shouldn't be
competitive in a level 120 game mode. And Level 20 ships with PHH shouldn't have the
effect they have on level 70 ships.

Limit them to 3 per side until the rebalance. Quick temporary fix until the gameplay for
submarines are fixed with proper tiers (5 and 6) at proper levels and properly balanced.

On top of that, for non harbour tile rooms, if there aren't any capital ships in the room
(BB/CV), the room should be classed as a victory to the attacker; There are too many
that send subs along the border at the end to waste time.

This thread isn't for people that have no idea what they are talking about complaining
about balance. A level 70 ship shouldn't have the effect they do have in HA. SDE have
said themselves it is a 120 game mode. Its what the BB6's and CV6's were designed for.

I'll be asking for any posts pertaining to OMG SUBS AREN'T OVERPOWERED to be removed
as this argument has been done to death and anyone with any sense knows they are
overpowered for their level.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 06. 2011 21:31

HH are for sissies! Use Depth charges like real (and poor men) do! LOL JK.

LJ, I get your point about balancing the subs, still you have to consider that for the
meanwhile, we are stuck with them (regardless of us liking it or not), IMO subs are
ok as they are. I mean, if you a re a BB player they are annoying as hell and in HA
where they can just borderhump their way to victory, well it is not bearable. But still,
the solution is not placing a limit on the number of SS that can enter. Imagine this, a
fleet made up entirely of SS attacks a harbour, a harbour that is well defended and
have proper ASW ships, the chances are that the subs will be destroyed easily.
hunting for a sub is not really a bad thing, if you know that there is a sub there just
leave, and let them advance and surprise them in the next square with a good BB/CV
configuration backed up with some DDs with HH and DC. It is not that hard to do.

HA can still be enjoyed with subs in them, and you have to think for the sub drivers
too. I mean, they only got 4 ships to choose from, nothing more. Imagine this, you
get an SS BO to drive a ship and you just find out that, when you reach your last
ship; you are still unable to beat BB3s and up. And that you will not get another ship
of that class in months, even years. Unless you switch to another nation and level
another Bo (Which isn't that fun). And on top of all, you are now not even able to
play with your sub on HA? Then what? Subs will be balanced when the new subs are
released. but still, you have to consider that most sub drivers out there will get their
SS5 right when they come out since most of them are lvl 100+ and things will just be
the same. SS4 will be nerfed and SS5 will take the place SS4 had. Same thing when
SS6 comes out. It is not a matter of what sub they have, it is a matter of how they
play it, nerfing or excluding SS4 from HA will not change anything. What would you do
when you get an SS6 that kills 6 BB6 and can borderhump? Call imbalanced again?
This is a game of end, and in the SS line, the END is SS4. I know it is a lvl 74 ship, it is
not close to an ideal balance, but you are then comparing it to other shiplines that
DO have another ship to advance to. I am probably mistaken in everything I said, but
I just don't want to see sanctions put on SS because of their imbalanced nature
(Even though it is not the players fault, and those are the ones that will get really
hurt if that law is approved)

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 06. 2011 19:13

maybe the critical dive function needs to be disabled then

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 06. 2011 17:37

now that i reread that i see.

Lj is right on that point that subs only need to hit the button quick enough fortunately
for us ASW players most sub players have horrid reaction time.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 06. 2011 15:42

No, he was quoting me and attempting to prove me wrong.

He failed.

SS's need one button to avoid HH. Crit dive.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 06. 2011 12:32

whoa did alt just make a good post? O.o"

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 06. 2011 09:47

HH are easy to avoid in a sub, and
a sub doesn't even need to hit to kill stuff.

.To many aa ships and low or 0 Asw ship.If you want to exterminate ss play asw,try to go
every 4 in 1 team and u wil see ss driver cry...but similar cv better say NOOB x or y than
do samfing.ex from bb player(spam macro CV move in front FT but when is play cv is db
whore)similar to ss.How many player have balls to say tru...i run low or 0 bulge(becose
personal i know lots)?and there are objective question not subjective.Ha is not gb

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 05. 2011 01:57

Good thing Subs are to be rebalanced. Check the test server forum.

And if I want to play BB or CV or CA, why should I have to put up with an overpowered level
75 ship killing my BB6 when I can't do anything about it? HH are easy to avoid in a sub, and
a sub doesn't even need to hit to kill stuff.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 04. 2011 21:56

Heatrrr Im careless about what you think, yes i love my ships i choose and thats not
your business, since im out of yours, im careless about your statement. Submarine
haters are just people dont want to accept new ships in navyfield, its not my fault
your team fails to kill the subs, for example: if someone uses a BB and you are in a
BB and you never can kill him, even if you are the most skillfull player in NF, would
you call that ship overpowered because you cannot kill it, its feels like it with the

And yes i prefer submarines than BB/CVS and thats NOT YOUR BUSINESS WHAT I
CHOOSE AND WHAT I PLAY, PERIOD! stay out of people game styles and STOP
FORUM FLAMMING thats all what you do! GEEz seems you hasnt changed in that part
Heatrr, everytime you come, feels like a loaded volcano ready to explode at anyone
you dont agree with, if you dont like my Opions, Look for anything and IGNORE ME
and other people comments, i m careless if you dont like my post at all, and also im
careless what you think about subs.

the rest heatrr, talk to my hand.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 04. 2011 16:01

Humberto and his presidental powers VETO he says VETO

I do agree that SS is overpowered for its level, but I dont think they should be
limited, if they get nerfed they get nerfed, but until then they have just as much
right in an HA as any other ship, you start limiting one, then ppl will complain others
need to be limited too

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 04. 2011 12:47

BB6's are 120. SS4's are level 75.

Your argument is invalid.

With regards to ASW; Subs have a button which can make them magically avoid ASW
fire. If you don't know how to use it, you obviously don't know how to play SS, thus
shouldn't even be talking about game balance.
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