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  • Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 14:56

As said. Both ASW and SS's are unbalanced at the moment; Level 70 ships shouldn't be
competitive in a level 120 game mode. And Level 20 ships with PHH shouldn't have the
effect they have on level 70 ships.

Limit them to 3 per side until the rebalance. Quick temporary fix until the gameplay for
submarines are fixed with proper tiers (5 and 6) at proper levels and properly balanced.

On top of that, for non harbour tile rooms, if there aren't any capital ships in the room
(BB/CV), the room should be classed as a victory to the attacker; There are too many
that send subs along the border at the end to waste time.

This thread isn't for people that have no idea what they are talking about complaining
about balance. A level 70 ship shouldn't have the effect they do have in HA. SDE have
said themselves it is a 120 game mode. Its what the BB6's and CV6's were designed for.

I'll be asking for any posts pertaining to OMG SUBS AREN'T OVERPOWERED to be removed
as this argument has been done to death and anyone with any sense knows they are
overpowered for their level.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 08. 2011 09:03

Nahhh, im not sure I agree with this one. Subs really aren't that much of a game
changer unless they manage to sink about half of the BB5-6 horde. The highest I've
ever seen a sub go was 4 capital ships and two marauding destroyers in a GB2.

I dont really see a reason to nerf them either. It seems like every time they come up
with a decent ship in NF, people get on the "NERFNERFNERF!" bandwagon and make it
unplayable (see KGV, Kitakami, KM line, ect.). I seem to be the only one to remember
the days when 2 kita's on one team could cripple the other side in minutes, and now
people rarely play them.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 08. 2011 08:06

Completely Recommend 100%!

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 08. 2011 06:37

I agree BH subs should be a bannable offence in my opinion, but I dont think they
should be limited, how would you like them balanced? make them take 30 torps o kill
a BB6? I agree subs need to be nerfed a little, but if you lanched a good wave of TBs
could have the same effect, grant it TB torps are not as strong as SS torps but they
are close

I hear what you are saying, I just dont agree they should be limited, and hate to
say it LJ but HA and FL are seperate entirly, and who says HAs are a end game? I
dont see that, HAs are for entire fleets to get together and have fun, not just the
120s, if thats the case then maybe HAs should be only allowed for 120 lvl

Im sure the community will think thats a swell idea :P

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 08. 2011 05:20

In the long run, Subs shouldn't be excluded from HA. However, with their current balance,
they need to be excluded. Just like SS4 are excluded in the Fleet League.

HA is an end game mode, SDE have said so countless times.

The pathetic sending a sub along the border to kill ships or waste time should be got rid of.

And using the BB4 vs BB6 argument is stupid Devildog. You have no idea about game
balance. SS4's are BB3 level, yet consistantly kill BB6/CV6 in HA. Go try doing that in a BB4

I can deal with them just fine with PHH, but you can't do anything when they border hump
and then turn in and nuke everything south.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 22:45

all im saying is are they overpowered? sure, does that mean the need to be limited
in HAs? no

how is that abuse richard? HA rules state all ship and classes allowed, is that
abuse? hell no, let me say this on bismark server there are a few fleet that use
wolfpacks very well, and ill say JRF does, does that mean it works in every HA? no

vets did a very good job defending our subs, with SS and ASW, im just saying if
fleets can adapt to it why cant you, I dont see that as abuse, I see that as your
being to dang lazy to come up with tactics to defeat them

and at what point did HAs become a 120 game mode? I thought HAs were for the
entire fleet not just the 120s

I mean a BB4 can take down a BB6, is the BB4 now overpowered?

Ive seen bb3s take down BB6s and are they not lvl 70ish ships, well I guess they
are overpowered too, time to nerf all ships but the 120s I guess

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 22:02

"As said. Both ASW and SS's are unbalanced at the moment; Level 70 ships
shouldn't be competitive in a level 120 game mode."


A non-fact, stated as matter-of-fact.

ASW and SS unbalanced? Says who? Everyone? No. Not everyone. NF says so?
Then why did they let this imbalance exist for so long with no change?

Is this a L120 rules supreme and all shall fall before the mighty? If so, then should
the L12 FF take down a L74 SS4? Again, a nonsensical false-equivalency argument.

Levels of ships do AND don't make a difference. It's how you use it. If it is only
about level, then everything else before Level 120 is totally irrelevent and should be
considered insignificant and unworthy of of note...unless you happen to get sunk by
a L74 SS.

The whining never stops.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 21:58

I dont want to be a douche for thhose who reply....

Well, it's like saying, learn how to fight against overpowered ship, while the people
saying it are abusing to hell.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 21:06

yeah sorry LJ dont agree HAs are for all ships, you gonna limit ships then you best
breakout the notepad, because ppl will be saying limit BB6s next, nah if you cant
handle SS then you need to learn how to combat them, I dont belive in making any
ship in HA to have limits

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 18:56

well i disagree with the last part is should be this FF/DD/CL/CA/BB/CV but i do agree with
you about the subs on this point that they do need balancing
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