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  • Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 14:56

As said. Both ASW and SS's are unbalanced at the moment; Level 70 ships shouldn't be
competitive in a level 120 game mode. And Level 20 ships with PHH shouldn't have the
effect they have on level 70 ships.

Limit them to 3 per side until the rebalance. Quick temporary fix until the gameplay for
submarines are fixed with proper tiers (5 and 6) at proper levels and properly balanced.

On top of that, for non harbour tile rooms, if there aren't any capital ships in the room
(BB/CV), the room should be classed as a victory to the attacker; There are too many
that send subs along the border at the end to waste time.

This thread isn't for people that have no idea what they are talking about complaining
about balance. A level 70 ship shouldn't have the effect they do have in HA. SDE have
said themselves it is a 120 game mode. Its what the BB6's and CV6's were designed for.

I'll be asking for any posts pertaining to OMG SUBS AREN'T OVERPOWERED to be removed
as this argument has been done to death and anyone with any sense knows they are
overpowered for their level.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 10. 2011 21:39

if this was a true good suggestion as you think you would have 30 already

because obviously EVERYONE checks the forums......

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 10. 2011 19:12

30 is that your true goal here out of 1000s, way to raise the bar

if this was a true good suggestion as you think you would have 30 already

and im a

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 10. 2011 16:47

Lukas you noob, this isn't a level based game! And it's not like BBs or CVs are limited in
HA, so why should subs be limited?

You are just a troll.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 10. 2011 16:29

Devildog, you have no idea about game balance. I need not say anymore.

And I bet you, this thread will have more than 30 recommendations by the end of the week.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 09. 2011 17:39

"Well, it's like saying, learn how to fight against overpowered ship, while the people
saying it are abusing to hell."

Dead right on.

"yeah sorry LJ dont agree HAs are for all ships"

No matter how unbalanced they are. Yeah, we know how this community rolls.

Nothing will draw more idiotic ire than player-proposed fixes to obvious problems.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 09. 2011 16:44

yeah I just troll, just because I dont agree with you dont make me a troll, out of
your 6 recs I dont see the rest of the community agrees either

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 09. 2011 10:59

Sometimes I don't know if Devildog just trolls and acts like that, or if he just is like that.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 09. 2011 10:00

Well, take this a an analogy, but this analogy apply on BB.

Harbour tile full of armoured Nebby. You know that QV and kaiser will be
perfectly useless.

Line of nebby will just kick Amagi ass and rape Charlemagne.

That will be just plainly abusing as hell, knowing that BB6 has never been fixed.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 09. 2011 09:38

"I hear what you are saying, I just dont agree they should be limited, and hate to
say it LJ but HA and FL are seperate entirly, and who says HAs are a end game? I
dont see that, HAs are for entire fleets to get together and have fun, not just the
120s, if thats the case then maybe HAs should be only allowed for 120 lvl"

>>> SDE says HA are end game. The design is end game. Pretty simple...

Every time I get in one of my SS4's in HA, I nuke 3/4 of the Enemy BB6's, at least. Its
stupid, from a level 75ish ship? Come on...

Its nothing to do with "LolGETBETTERTACTICS". The counter to subs is subs themselves.
Sure, you can put HH on your BB's, but you can't see the subs, subs can just crit dive to
avoid them, and Normal HH damage is pathetic, while PHH is overpowered.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 08. 2011 12:54

not recc if the attacker fleet is unable to fight/hunt enemy SS on HA then maybe they
should try another strategy or learn how to "hunt" them

when we attacked on HA we already know how to counter those enemy subs
so the enemy subs arent a big deal to us in a HA
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