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  • Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 14:56

As said. Both ASW and SS's are unbalanced at the moment; Level 70 ships shouldn't be
competitive in a level 120 game mode. And Level 20 ships with PHH shouldn't have the
effect they have on level 70 ships.

Limit them to 3 per side until the rebalance. Quick temporary fix until the gameplay for
submarines are fixed with proper tiers (5 and 6) at proper levels and properly balanced.

On top of that, for non harbour tile rooms, if there aren't any capital ships in the room
(BB/CV), the room should be classed as a victory to the attacker; There are too many
that send subs along the border at the end to waste time.

This thread isn't for people that have no idea what they are talking about complaining
about balance. A level 70 ship shouldn't have the effect they do have in HA. SDE have
said themselves it is a 120 game mode. Its what the BB6's and CV6's were designed for.

I'll be asking for any posts pertaining to OMG SUBS AREN'T OVERPOWERED to be removed
as this argument has been done to death and anyone with any sense knows they are
overpowered for their level.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 13. 2011 17:41

*ADDED* - following your retarded PM.

ljsevern wrote: "A level 70 ship shouldn't have the effect they do have in HA. SDE have
said themselves it is a 120 game mode. Its what the BB6's and CV6's were designed for."

Humberto20 wrote: "then limit BB6s per room if you want to limit SS's."

Now, would you like to tell me again that you have not missed the point and I have?

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 13. 2011 13:13

Anti-recommended. -1 vote for this thread.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 13. 2011 12:46

I like that HA is open for all players where doesn큧 matter which ship/level they have.
Subs bring more variability and fresh blood to the game including HAs.

Subs can be easy used by defenders but defenders dont need more than 3 subs per
tile to waste time...

In other side in some cases can attacking fleet use very efectively SS group to broke
enemy battle line and help their BBs to get tile more easily...

- Defender don큧 need more than 3 SS to waste time
- If attacking fleet will limited in usage subs then in some cases can take long time to
take tiles due to staying in long BB6 vs BB6 line battle...

not recommended

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 13. 2011 10:00

"It seems like all the sub players are coming in trolling because they can't be
competitive without overpowered content."

When it comes to the exclusive sub players, I thought that was known.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 13. 2011 08:58

So next are you going to ask for a limit on MN CV's because their bombers are

>>> MN bombers have already been nerfed on the test server. The fix for
submarines is a far longer way off and would require alot of coding changes (one of
the main problems is displacement values and playstyle dimensions). It would also
require a reversal of the previous patch which increased the damage subs take
because that is horribly bugged.


You wrote this thread because you are unhappy with another fleet's tactics. Why
would you want to limit people to just one tactic? It's a MMO strategy game, so let
people use the tactics they choose. Its "unfair" because you don't have the
advantage as a BB player.

>>> Actually, no. The fleet I last played in HA (the only one in the last 6 months)
didn't overuse subs at all. I think HA will be far more enjoyable for all if the
overpowered SS4's are limited. They are level 75 ships which are competitive in a
room full of 120 ships. Doesn't that strike you as being wrong? Do you think a BB3 or
a CV3 would be competitive in the same room?


I am not only a BB player. I am a CV player and Sub player, as well as an ASW and
AA ship player. It is a simple fact that submarines are overpowered for their level.
I've already shown why they are overpowered in HA level wise. I will not be
repeating myself. It seems like all the sub players are coming in trolling because they
can't be competitive without overpowered content.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 13. 2011 07:59

So next are you going to ask for a limit on MN CV's because their bombers are

You wrote this thread because you are unhappy with another fleet's tactics. Why would
you want to limit people to just one tactic? It's a MMO strategy game, so let people use
the tactics they choose. Its "unfair" because you don't have the advantage as a BB

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 13. 2011 05:56

"As far SS in HA mode... I would anticipate there are better solutions for everyone
than this."

>>> Of course there are. But they would take a long time to get right, and in the mean
time, a quick fix like this would benefit all of HA.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 12. 2011 16:09

"silent majority"

>implying that the people who think subs are overpowered are silent

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 12. 2011 14:49

Interesting how many rec's this is getting with so few people posting in favor of this.
I suppose this must be the alleged "silent majority" that are just rec'ing it once right?

As far SS in HA mode... I would anticipate there are better solutions for everyone
than this.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 12. 2011 07:57

SS are unbalanced indeed but atleast they break the HA line battle monotony
a 5 SS4 rush in the right moment can destroy and entire section of the line, thats cool but
not right

so if we are trying to speed up the HA by removing AW capability of all BB6 except UK then
capping SS to 3 its going to the oposite direction
they anyway need to be revised to fit better in the ship lvl balance so a lvl 75 ship can
not shink that easy a lvl 120 bb

maybe giving a weightless bulge bonus to higher tiers ship
maybe: bb6 and cv6 starts with 150 no weight bulge (and not counted in the 255 limit if
its possible)
BB5, CV5: 100 weightless bulge bonus
BB4, CV4: 50 weightless bulge bonus
BB3, CV3: none
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