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  • Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 07. 2011 14:56

As said. Both ASW and SS's are unbalanced at the moment; Level 70 ships shouldn't be
competitive in a level 120 game mode. And Level 20 ships with PHH shouldn't have the
effect they have on level 70 ships.

Limit them to 3 per side until the rebalance. Quick temporary fix until the gameplay for
submarines are fixed with proper tiers (5 and 6) at proper levels and properly balanced.

On top of that, for non harbour tile rooms, if there aren't any capital ships in the room
(BB/CV), the room should be classed as a victory to the attacker; There are too many
that send subs along the border at the end to waste time.

This thread isn't for people that have no idea what they are talking about complaining
about balance. A level 70 ship shouldn't have the effect they do have in HA. SDE have
said themselves it is a 120 game mode. Its what the BB6's and CV6's were designed for.

I'll be asking for any posts pertaining to OMG SUBS AREN'T OVERPOWERED to be removed
as this argument has been done to death and anyone with any sense knows they are
overpowered for their level.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 04. 2011 10:51

Even after taking a long extended break, I see you have not changed one bit,
Humberto. Seems you still love being in those overpowered crack-for-players-that-
have-no-skill-in-anything-otherwise subs. Shame.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 04. 2011 10:33

Air reload time its a Compensation for taking the ability of getting damage off, which
was suggested also by ljserven, suggestions about nerfing subs all the time will ruin
the subs line and many people will leave NF, submarine its also another line, the idea
you guys think the subs are so strong, its because of their level, if the levels were
higher, maybe you didnt say much about them, but anti subs players finds any
excuse , and any reason to call them "OVERPOWERED" WHILE they are not
overpowered. BB players dont get use to the idea, submarines were introduced, Get
the idea out they need nerfs.

let me tell you something:

If you see a submarine going that fast and reloading that fast, think first before you
post, their crew can be fully BVE with very good stats, dont assume its the sub that
can do it by itself without them. FF/DD/CL as ASW has SPEED: RANGE:POWER, while
subs only got some speed and power, WHAT ELSE YOU guys want? you should be
thankfull you got thoses 3, which in a fiction game, ASW shouldnt have them
all.Specially their power, can kill a bb3 so quick, and nobody says anything, because
BB's its the only olligarchy that can complaint about ss. but ss are not allowed to
complaint, just wow.

And No LJ, you still dont see my point, if they implement this idea, you ARE
RESTRICTING MANY SS PLAYERS FROM PLAYING in the same room, i think you know
the HA system, i personally dont want that to happen.

NO I WANT THIS THREATED TO BE VETO'ed, in that case please limit 4 bb6's per room
too in ha.Submarines were, are, and going to be always part of war, even if this not
real life game, they are playable ships, and NO SHIPS CAN BE DESCRIMINATED.

Also, keep in mind i will APPEAL any decision in favor of this thread like i said i will
look for a VETO against this thread.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 04. 2011 06:11

Go away altsein

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    06. 04. 2011 03:48

ha is not gb..are different tactics games is rush tactics gb(kill major ship if
u can)ha defend team from enamy ss..fara post record lots of ha..learn from there what is
1 ss alone who rush like noob similar gb

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 15. 2011 18:47

"lvl 70 ships competitive with 120? lol yeah right. the 120 just blockshot the subs as
soon as they pop up. play 10 GB2 and you will see what i mean."

Play HA and you will see what I mean.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 15. 2011 18:35

And while they're under for 3 mins they wreak uncontested havok. Sometimes they even pop a
smoke and with the ridiculous recharge time hide for another minute and a half

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 15. 2011 13:30

ASW and SS are unbalanced. true. SS need major buff and ASW needs rewards. Also,
reload time needs nerf.

lvl 70 ships competitive with 120? lol yeah right. the 120 just blockshot the subs as
soon as they pop up. play 10 GB2 and you will see what i mean.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 14. 2011 17:44



  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 14. 2011 13:43


If you think a colorado can be competitive against a fleet full of BB6's, then you don't know
what you are talking about. Saying otherwise is either trolling, stupidity, or talking about a
scenario where a fleet is completely useless, and I don't think a fleet can be that bad.

  • Re : Limit Submarines in HA until they get balanced

    05. 14. 2011 13:30

*If you don't believe me about the Colorado thing, look up the Airborne Fleet. They
had some good players who held off BB5/6 regularly (Granted, they also had fairly
good FC).

loll if you are in gb2 and the ennemy is badly blind, whit a bb1 killing a bb6 can be

but try a fully supported and not blind bb6 (and not a noob driver!!), your poor
colorado will get pwn in a sec.

rec cause i hate sub loll

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