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  • What's left for KM??

    03. 20. 2011 13:28

This is kinda a whine thread, but also a general question for everyone.
I put this here, because at first hand, there are fewer and fewer KM players every
day along with IJN, so, how do you foresee the KM/IJN future?

There is nothing special left for those nations in the big picture, at least on the BBs
line. SS and CVs are a complete different issue and they maybe competitive yet,

IJN still has torps, but nobody wins a GB/HA/whatever if it's not a kitta parade with
KM still has speed, so you can run away from the battle, which seems to be the only
use right now with the first glance of the new SN BB4&5, and still there is the BB6 to
be seen.

No armor, cottonballs firepower, range is slightly higher than the rest but the minimal
difference is compensated with the position of the most common BB5 guns
placement, you have to expose the complete transversal line for a good slingshot on
an H44, with catastrophic results due the lack of any armor.

I'm the onlyone thinking on this? I'm missing something? Consider all aspects, maybe
I'm too short to see the hidden KM potential, but so far I stand that there is
something wrong here.


  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 24. 2011 23:19

1. Proxi torp to learn ss1
2. Emden
3. Z99.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 24. 2011 22:53

Why you people are still trying to factorize the user skills -which is utterly impossible
and unrealistic- when talking about ships advantages or disadvantages?

The topic was to discuss the long list of KM disadvantages and its counterparts of any
nation if you wish.

At any tier, from BB1 to 5, so far, there are no exploitable advantages for KM, but still a
long list of -very- exploitable disadvantages when facing a KM ship on the enemy line.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 24. 2011 17:07

Masc24 meant it's how the game is programmed. Although I do think "final/striking
velocity" and "angle of fall" has something to do with it as well.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 24. 2011 06:53

"Shell penetration is actually related to shell weight, not hangtime."

Shouldnt it be both?

Heavier shells = more speed when falling.
Longer Hangtime = longer way down to impact.
Combine those and Longer fall + heavier shell = more dmg.

I know, I know... this isnt realistic, but just because it isnt realistic doesnt mean it
SHOULDNT make sense.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 20:28

Shell penetration is actually related to shell weight, not hangtime.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 18:41

Any games with alternate 'characters' to choose from (ships for nf) have the
favourites despite the developer's attempt (do they even try?) to balance them. As
far as I know KM was never a user-friendly nation to start off with, and that has
moved nowhere with the recent inclusion of SN.

Claiming which ships of each tier is the best, largely based on personal experience
(whether by driving them, or observing others play with them) will only lead to ego
issues by offering wager games or endless arguments.

Most will agree that:
Shell damage - higher the better
Shell penetration - related to hangtime; if crappy, will largely negate shell damage
Range - higher the better; will vary depending rushing/running due to hangtime
Reload - faster the better
Turning force, Structural strength, DP - higher the better
Hitbox - smaller the better
Speed - higher the better; depends on crew stats, setup, displacement, etc.
Repair - crew dependent; nation dependent
Scouts - higher the better
AA - yes, is good (though range/damage/displacement variations?)

I'm sure there are more factors, sorry if I didn't mention everything. My point is,
some of those factors are simple right off the bat (e.g. higher shell damage is always
better), some will be highly player sensitive (e.g. long hangtime - good at
anticipating?) or player preference dependent (AA, more scouts, speed over repair).

But most of those factors that look good on paper will mean jack crap depending on
the situation. For instance in a GB situation when a true ninja ship gets a chance to
jump on enemy line, DPS would probably mean much more than crap turning force or
speed. (ninja Colorado with trips will easily clean BBs faster than a ninja H39)

And no one will deny single most important factor is the player's skill. If you are good
at masking the disadvantages and exploiting its advantages, good frigging for you.
That may make it a good ship for you, but that does not make it the best ship.

As far as this original post is concerned, KM's not the easiest nation to mask its
disadvantages and to exploit its advantages (what?) to make it a user
friendly 'good' BB nation for the most common GBII environment.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 13:45

"Also, O1 is soooo much better than the Gneis." +1

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 12:35

In most fleet leagues, at least in my opinion, Vanny is a useless ship. Vanny is a ship
that has a role that sits somewhere in between two of the ships, and does neither very well.

L1 however, pretty much makes BB4s as interesting as they are, and the difference between
having good L1 players and bad ones is huge.

Also, O1 is soooo much better than the Gneis.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 06:39

Personally, I love the IJN and KM SS machines...cannot wait to get to SS4 in KM line.

When I am 'dinkin around' I love the Kita.

The BB6 is awesome IMHO...and cannot wait for that grind, don't know whether I want Kaiser
or the ENG QV first...but is will be a long grind.

To me, a lot left...

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 05:53

O1 and Gneis are only the best BB2 in BB rooms where they can use the 11s and
have a considerable range advantage, otherwise I'd have to go with Fuso.

Then again, there really isn't a definite better ship in one tier, it all depends on the
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