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  • What's left for KM??

    03. 20. 2011 13:28

This is kinda a whine thread, but also a general question for everyone.
I put this here, because at first hand, there are fewer and fewer KM players every
day along with IJN, so, how do you foresee the KM/IJN future?

There is nothing special left for those nations in the big picture, at least on the BBs
line. SS and CVs are a complete different issue and they maybe competitive yet,

IJN still has torps, but nobody wins a GB/HA/whatever if it's not a kitta parade with
KM still has speed, so you can run away from the battle, which seems to be the only
use right now with the first glance of the new SN BB4&5, and still there is the BB6 to
be seen.

No armor, cottonballs firepower, range is slightly higher than the rest but the minimal
difference is compensated with the position of the most common BB5 guns
placement, you have to expose the complete transversal line for a good slingshot on
an H44, with catastrophic results due the lack of any armor.

I'm the onlyone thinking on this? I'm missing something? Consider all aspects, maybe
I'm too short to see the hidden KM potential, but so far I stand that there is
something wrong here.


  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 05:40

Well, you really need to gather more experience.

"H39 doing more dmg is a joke. The shell damage is so random its pathetic."

- It does more damage than Vanguard.

"H39 having "way" more range than a L1 is also a joke. Ok, maybe it has a 1 milimeter
range advantage"

- L1 has the least range of the BB4 and is outranged by everything but Richilieu. H39 has
BB5/Monty range. This is not only 1mm.

"but so what when the L1 can speed in at 40+ knots with its front
guns blazing and land 6 shells almost block shot on a ship that cant take a hit as it
is... and the H39 can do what? It cant out run it, it can fire 4 shells back WHILE it
runs, it surely isnt going to out damage the L1 or out "tank" it."

If an L1 tries to rush me in an H39, I will put 2 salvoes in it before it even scratches me.

"H39 reloads faster, I agree with, but thats to make up for its poor damage and the fact
that while running, the H39 can send 4 shells for the L1s 6 shells."

You can always turn in a little and bring your front guns to bear.

"And AA, is it THAT big of a deal anymore for? With so many AA boats around, why does this
even matter? And its not like I can send AA shells at the L1 to dmg it..."

Used right, AA can be pretty handy, especially in 1vs1 situations. Also AA ships are not
always there to protect you from bombers. And from experience I have to say that going up
against a decent H39 player in an L1 is a nightmare. L1 is great to farm unfocused and
inexperienced players, but in an competetive environment, I'd take the H39 over the L1 any

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 05:03

"Yeah, lets judge ships by isolated facts. It makes us so much more objective...
H39 does more damage than Vanny? Who cares. H39 has way more range than L1
and stilleasily outranges Vanguard? Never mind! Reloads faster than both of them?
Twice the scouts? Way better AA? Bubbles!"

H39 doing more dmg is a joke. The shell damage is so random its pathetic. H39
having "way" more range than a L1 is also a joke. Ok, maybe it has a 1 milimeter
range advantage, but so what when the L1 can speed in at 40+ knots with its front
guns blazing and land 6 shells almost block shot on a ship that cant take a hit as it
is... and the H39 can do what? It cant out run it, it can fire 4 shells back WHILE it
runs, it surely isnt going to out damage the L1 or out "tank" it. H39 reloads faster, I
agree with, but thats to make up for its poor damage and the fact that while
running, the H39 can send 4 shells for the L1s 6 shells. And AA, is it THAT big of a
deal anymore for? With so many AA boats around, why does this even matter? And
its not like I can send AA shells at the L1 to dmg it...

Not trying to get into a pissing match, I am just stating what I have learned from
experience on the H39.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 23. 2011 02:23

O1 has a Iowa like hitbox though.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 22. 2011 23:30

They're almost the same ship. Gneisenau looks nicer imo.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 22. 2011 23:24

Actually I was thinking about the O1.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 22. 2011 21:09

"I dont think km has the best BB2."

Agreed. I prefer KGV or Ise/Fuso with 16's. Although I do think that Gneisenau is a
great ship. It's just preference.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 22. 2011 20:14

I dont think km has the best BB2.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 22. 2011 16:29

"Not a surprise... UK again with something better than other nations."

Yeah, lets judge ships by isolated facts. It makes us so much more objective...
H39 does more damage than Vanny? Who cares. H39 has way more range than L1 and still
easily outranges Vanguard? Never mind! Reloads faster than both of them? Twice the scouts?
Way better AA? Bubbles!

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 22. 2011 15:51

Iowa can not do 42 with endgame crew, sadly. Unless you cut crew, that is."

Mine can, but the Iowa sucks, it has crap spread.

There no way a stalingrad will beat a H39, with its low angle guns, and superior turning
force. Its fairly easy to land a lot of shells on a ship with the H39, it will be a low
harder with the stalingrad.

  • Re : What's left for KM??

    03. 22. 2011 15:09

"H39 has way more range than all other BB4s, expect Stalingrad wich has the same
range and is horribly unbalanced." - KinLuu

I would sure like to see a test video of this "way more range" you speak of.

"And 40 kn is quite fast for a BB4 - Under endgame circumstances only the Vanguard
without AA and the L1 (without armor) is faster." -KinLuu

Not a surprise... UK again with something better than other nations.
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