HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 03. 2011 17:29


1. This is the biggest reason for me, and a very common reason for other CVs I have spoken to. "PURE SPITE" .  yes that's right.  Because even when I did do it, there's always 1 or 2 BBs calling us "Noobs" and much less savory things because  there's still no vision or air-cover because my low level non wallet warriored fighters are burning wreckage for my efforts.

So out of "SPITE",  I refuse to scout at all when my own team starts hurling insults.  I really don't care if we loose and I die at this point.  Just as long as all the abnoctious kids go down with me. And its not just that game either.  I carry a grudge and continue to do it for several games, even all night because of little unsupervised children who cant keep there mouths shut.

At this point your best bet is to use your own scouts and push forward to visual range, because I really don't care if we all get slaughtered.  I'm just going to keep border humping and pushing bombers.

But amazingly, It only takes ONE polite request to get me to change my mind.  When I hear requests for CV support that DONT include the word "Noob"  or other profanity,  I start pushing fighters and attempting to cover the blind spots. Even tho I'm likely throwing planes against level 120 wallet warriors flying Boosted max vetted elite Wonder fighters, or  Heavy cruisers armed with  nothing but massively overpowered AA weapons that vaporize my guys in seconds.  a severe game imbalance IMO.

So next time, Certain people should try not acting like over indulged twelve year olds,  and perhaps you will see more fighter cover or scouting.



  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 03. 2011 21:22

Originally Posted by Gtdawg

I don't want you to scout. I want you to shoot down enemy fighters so I can scout. And, I want you to shoot down enemy bombers so I can focus on the enemy instead of dodging.

If CVs kept the enemy blind and I kept the enemy scouted, I could win 99% of the time.

I would like to win. If CVs don't want to win, that's fine. However, I am going to question why you play if you don't want to win.

Also, I shouldn't have to ask for fighter support. CVs don't ask me to go kill enemy BBs.

QFT.... I would rather my CVs didnt scout, theres so many better things that a CV could be doing with their fighters. Infact the only thing I need the CV to do for me when it comes to scouting is to keep fighters off my scouts. Anything else is a waste of time and only shows me the CV cant multitask or use any sort of tactics.

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 03. 2011 22:41

Originally Posted by Rehor
I don't tell CV's they are the cause of the loss to make them feel bad. I tell them that because it's true.

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 04. 2011 01:56

Originally Posted by Shinda_Niku

I'm just going to keep border humping

That's why people call you a noob.

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 04. 2011 04:00

1st CVs dont "have" to scout... not in rules or anywhere.
The fact is that CVs dont earn anything sending ftrs over the ennemy side to get flaked down, CVs xp is based either on the credits you make killing other planes or the attack you get while bombing (dbing give more than tbing btw)

Of course if CVs can kill the planes over the ennemy side it be perfect, but they must have some kind of superiority.
Myself I use either a bw with a T5 scout so i can help a bit ( to spot my target) or my ftw cv and sometimes in few battles I get camped A camped cv is pretty much fu** for a while and then bbs start to cry
Please take a look at your cv to see how he is handling before saying anything, some are trying their best but do not succes.

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 04. 2011 04:34

i am a CV player and all i can say is:

when a game lost they (BB players) always blame CVs as they refuse to accept the fact that hey are the FAILURE ones.

its always their EXCELLENT excuse.

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 04. 2011 07:59

well said genhex i agree totally

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 04. 2011 08:06

I guess that as long as you do not mind losing that is okay. It is very childish though.

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 04. 2011 08:08

Originally Posted by klython

i am a CV player and all i can say is:

when a game lost they (BB players) always blame CVs as they refuse to accept the fact that hey are the FAILURE ones.

its always their EXCELLENT excuse.

I had a 120 US PCV today. I've won all the games i've played the past 3 days apart from 2 games. He was utterly useless and terrible, and completely at fault for us losing.

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 04. 2011 08:12

Originally Posted by Thebarrel

if only every bb player knew how to use their scouts

That is only true to a certain extent.

I always try to launch my own scouts when playing BB or CA. But if I am fighter capped there is no use. If enemy fighters are free to pounce before my scout gets halfway across the board there is again no use. Scouting is part of team play which is a team effort. I have lost four planes in 3 minutes because they can not get anywhere do to any fighters allowed to roam free.

  • Re : Why many CVs refuse to Scout.

    12. 04. 2011 08:33

Why i don't scout? Because the BB's on my side will most likely fail even with sight.

I Acknowledge the fact that there is a lot of poor CV Player's around,but there is also plenty of BB's that fail even with sight and still blame other's for their failure,personally,i'll only scout if i have BB player's that carry their own weight,the way i see it,they play ball,i'll play ball.

Otherwise,my own personal agenda of either killing as many enemy planes as possible or bombing everything i can will take a higher priority over satisifying your ego,teamwork is non-existant in GB's,it's everyone for themselves,you can't save me if you can't even save yourself.

Don't like it? Demonise me all you want,hell,deem me as someone worse than Hitler if you want,or better yet,TK me ingame if i'm such a lnsult to your ego.

To be Honest,i'm a bit surprised that so many of these player's still play,considering that noone will satisfy their ego and hold their hand.

And Like i said,i know there are plenty of poor CV Player's that put all their planes on 1 pilot,bomb a 2 silver CL over a smoking BB5 or even borderhump their bomber's just to get them vaporised by a Moltke or a group of P-51's,but there's plenty of BB's that fail also,neither side is innocent,and to say that it's all the fault of one side is at best,presumptious and at worst,conceitied.


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