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  • Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 09:21

Hi All,

While im feeling all proactive.

Calmly and rationally - What keeps you out of your CV?

How do we get you back in your CV playing again?

Again - Please keep this clear of speculation, insults. Everyone has their right to a
viewpoint or reason, debate it but do so with reason and back it up.

If not or you cant, then leave it

Yes no doubt this has been discussed to death, but is also a major issue in NF today
resulting in games taking too long to load etc. Yes I also know there is the CV wish list

This is a temporary quick fire solution suggestion thread - Keep it short and concise

Heres a couple for you

1) Crew death
2) Player abuse (bullying and insults)
3) TB's DB's shortened range
4) Locals need resolving (?)

Added (by community)
1) Torp/DB Damage review

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 04. 2010 21:51

Don't agree with you 2nd point completely... Boost tb torp damage... not nerf ss torps, if
a ss had the same damage as tb the ss1 would be completely screwed. Also, currently I can
send 20+ tbs (all hit) to start to damage a bb... ss don't have enought air time for that.

your 5th point... YES! cv get a lot of negative abuse... And it is worse cus it can put of
a low lvl cv

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 04. 2010 05:09

For what it's worth here is my two cents on the subject;
1)- locals were a good idea that in my opinion were poorly implemented, they should have
been restricted to the cv's they were intended to help the 1's and 2's. nor do I buy the
argument that without locals no-one would play cv's, most everyone here came up through
the grind without locals and lost our way to t-3's

2)- either increase Torpedo damage to equal subs or vice versa, if the torpedo lvl damage
of subs was lowered, bulge on BB's would drop as well, no BB will carry extra bulge if he
doesn't need to.

3)- take CV's back out of blitz, they only promote BW and by the time GB's roll around the
spread between their ftrs and bomber pilots is too large and players ignore the fighter
aspect of the game unless it's locals.

4)- make TK'ing of friendly ftrs a penalty for the AA ships. Why am i penalized for
hitting a friendly BB when AA ships can bring my fighters down without any consequences. I
know some accidents will occur, however there are ways to account for that as well,
perhaps the first 3 are free of penalty.

5)- as for abuse, take it from where it comes, the players in this game that are respected
know how hard CV play can be and do not indulge in was said before there are ways
to ask for support from CV's and the respected players know how to ask for it and they
receive it those that don't should be ignored

As i said these are just my opinions and i appreciate the opportunity to participate in
the discussion

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 02. 2010 08:54

Eradicator1 wrote:

*>forcing Cv's to acctually have all OR some variety
>more fun IMO,

Nice trolling*

I disagree, you did rather poor


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 30. 2010 05:09

Just an idea for making the "new" FP system faster:
Note: it would require some way to right click on the enemy fp

Key Features/Key abreviations:
E - auto engage/engage when attacked/continue on route - Also rightclick to engage
specific group of aircraft
Lvl - 3 levels with diferent alitudes (High, med, and low - each having a height to make
it interact with current up down system) This is what altitude the pilot is at.
e - Enemy

**IDEA 1 - The better of the two**
T1 - Full E control - Lvl can be set but if auto engage will engage with any lvl
Locals - Full manual (right click on enemy fp) - Manual Lvl must be set to the same as the
e fp or engagement won't work
T2 - Full E control - Lvl system same as Locals
T3 - E system same as Locals - Lvl system same as locals

**IDEA 2 - Just an idea - Possible an extention on what is currently on or the first idea**
*This system is similar to the current control for any boat - Auto, Aiming, Finding*
You select the system that the pilot will use (like a three way switch before entering a room)
Auto - The current system (tweak for less sight or whatever people suggest)
Aiming - does better in combat but much less sight
Finding - Better sight range - Less fighting power - Does not engage enemy pilots unless
they are literally ontop of them

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 30. 2010 04:01

The suggestion requiring skill and attention for FPs to hit bombers, scouts and each other
is a great idea. That would make FPing waaaaay more interesting. Perhaps limit sight
range to a series of altitudes.

That is to say your sight range alters depending on altitude; think of a sphere of vision
centered around a triangle drawn from the leading plane in a squad to its two furtherest
wingmen. Also remove the Rambo Factor where by an individual FP will zoom off and destroy
an entire flight of bombers or a scout alone.

A simple way to add a 3D element to CV play.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 30. 2010 03:28

What keeps me out of my CV is: BB drivers.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 28. 2010 08:42

It seems more and more people recognize there is a big problem in CV plays.
But you know what? Very few people get to the CORE of it. What on earth screwed CVs and
air battles in the game? I can tell you, the DEVIL exists since the very FIRST version of
NF being developed.


With decent pilot even a RETARD can operate FW CV in food and screw all bombers in sight.
What he need to do is just click the magical right button of his mouse.

Experienced bomber operater, facing experienced AA ship, with manual zigzagging and
changing altitude constantly, still can manage to break through and drop some bombs, even
escape if keep operating.

But fighters? Once bomber getting engaged we all know its a ONE-WAY sortie.
SLAUGHTER, easily, LOST VETS, frequently, night in and night out.

In no doubt fighters are ruining the balance in the air, and for CVs, FWing is the best
way to control the air for win. The only solution for enemy FPs is more FPs.
And you cant lv your low lv fp pilots in your CV because you will lose every time when
facing better pilots. Not only losing the game but also your vets. Pilots in BB slots is
the only way to go. That means you can't play CV unless you have a BB to grind your pilots

Why bombers and AAs need so heavy operating, but fighters only need a right-click?
Why bombers need to MANUALLY change their altitude and AAs need to change angle in
response, while fighters itself can do it for you?
Why there is so much skill and fun involved in the competition between bombing and AAing,
while fighters just ruining the game by driving players out of their CVs?


You just make fighters need to CLIMB AND DIVE MANUALLY TO HIT planes at different height,
like the IJN A6M2-N Type 2 scout. Make them equally skill-based to bombers and AAs.
Climbing and diving ability of planes take a part in the game as it is in real life. You
may design the one with height advantage while stay in hit radius will get more hit rate
versus the one in lower air. That's skill. That's game. Please, no more no-brainer

Other buff or nerf wouldn't do SHXX only make it imbalanced in different ways, because it
is the DESIGN METHOD that is broken. You fix the root, or the whole tree will die, no
matter what pesticide you spray on it.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 27. 2010 16:15

>forcing Cv's to acctually have all OR some variety
>more fun IMO,

Nice trolling

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 27. 2010 11:46

what gets me out of my Cv is the fact that you got locals on CV 4s and CV 3s kinda
crappy seeing that when im on a bombing run and not to mention just the FWs period i
can understand Fighter whoring a CV1 but when you get CV 3s and above its just
ridiculous. Another major thing is the bbs saying its the CVs fault for not giving them
sight when the bbs have recon planes that are meant for RECON purposes it just gets
old after awhile if it wasn't for the fact that i want my essex i would just stop playin my
CV altogether. I do have some problems with the dbs and tbs defense where are the
tailgunners???? i mean come on WW2 bombers did have some defense they just didn't
shot down with out puttin up a fight its ridiculous. thats all i can think of for now but i
really do hope to see a lot of issues fixed with the CVs

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 27. 2010 07:36

I agree with increasing the torp damage, or atleast giving a reward for hitting rather
than 1 damage.

Just one little one I thought would be good to point out is that when we swapped from GB
to GB2 there was a major decrease in credits... Credits were the main reason for my going
for cv in the first place.

I was getting (gb1):
10K Oyodo
30K Hiryu

Now (gb2):
4K Oyodo
10-13K Hiryu
8-12K Seydlitz

This data has been collected over the last 5 months