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  • Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 09:21

Hi All,

While im feeling all proactive.

Calmly and rationally - What keeps you out of your CV?

How do we get you back in your CV playing again?

Again - Please keep this clear of speculation, insults. Everyone has their right to a
viewpoint or reason, debate it but do so with reason and back it up.

If not or you cant, then leave it

Yes no doubt this has been discussed to death, but is also a major issue in NF today
resulting in games taking too long to load etc. Yes I also know there is the CV wish list

This is a temporary quick fire solution suggestion thread - Keep it short and concise

Heres a couple for you

1) Crew death
2) Player abuse (bullying and insults)
3) TB's DB's shortened range
4) Locals need resolving (?)

Added (by community)
1) Torp/DB Damage review

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 21. 2010 06:01

thats my point lol..

everything is all about FWing ot BWing...eather way it sucks...

from my experiance, FWing gives more wins=more exp/credits, while BWing gives
more=lose's and less exp/credits...

eather way it's not balanced...forcing Cv's to acctually have all OR some variety in
ther loadout wouled be more fun IMO, and before anybody starts yelling BB this and
that....I woulden't mind if all BB's are forced to have a Scout+HE+AP shells :)

in short, Cv's need to be balanced betwin offensive and deffensive role's,
furthermore...the amount of FP's in air needs a reduction....using a scout on BB is
close to pointless if the enemies Cv's know's how to use he's FP's....

all so I tend to agree that CV's shouled get experts from FP kills...


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 20. 2010 15:41


"1 - huge buff in dmg...just you acctually whan't a CV with 1 DB pilot to 1 hit

2 - wrong, you don't have to work hard to get a CV1....IMO playing in Blitz lvl 1-61 is
hell of a fun and rewording....geting the CV5-6 is hard earned not Cv1

3 - no Locals shouled be restricted by LVL(CV2 max) thus the lvl 75 cap wouled be

4 - lol incrise sight range?....more like nerf TB's sight range to be same as
DB's.....eaven FP's sight shouled get more sight to DB's is just plain
retarded, not only you can bombwhore more, but you can acctually see everything
with no effort or scouting...epic, not seeing the target is the good thing about know CV can hold a Scout as well....-.-"

1. We've already discussed this.

2. You do have to work decently hard (excluding prem users) to earn a CV1. You have to get
separate sailors that work on nothing else to use a CV effectively and they need to be of
decent level.

3. Not 75, I would prefer 65 because at that point, you're at a CV3 (or close to one) and
you have the option of T2 which are very formidable with somewhat decent pilots.

4. Yes, increase sight range. TBs are fine, imo, but DBs are horrible. They can only see
what is smark darn below them (making it nearly impossible to DB properly when blind).
What's wrong with bomberwhoring? It's just a separate way to help the team. I don't see
you forcing all DDs to carry DC and not fffictory rush center, thus helping against subs,
so why should we be forced into a specific method of "helping" the team? Also, why would
we place a scout pilot on a CV? It takes up an extra support slot that is much better used
by a classed pilot (also, less FPs to provide FC/scouting).

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 20. 2010 07:35

whukid wrote:

* the DB and TB need a serious buff in damage. i mean a HUGE buff in damage.
make a cv1 worth while to the player; he had to work hard to get it. dont mandate
anything (except for locals. they need to be limited to cv1s); as erad said, NF was
built on choice, so it should stay that way. Increase the sight range for dbs and tbs
by just a hair; not for scouting, but so you can see the freakin target :).*

1 - huge buff in dmg...just you acctually whan't a CV with 1 DB pilot to 1 hit

2 - wrong, you don't have to work hard to get a CV1....IMO playing in Blitz lvl 1-61 is
hell of a fun and rewording....geting the CV5-6 is hard earned not Cv1

3 - no Locals shouled be restricted by LVL(CV2 max) thus the lvl 75 cap wouled be

4 - lol incrise sight range?....more like nerf TB's sight range to be same as
DB's.....eaven FP's sight shouled get more sight to DB's is just plain
retarded, not only you can bombwhore more, but you can acctually see everything
with no effort or scouting...epic, not seeing the target is the good thing about know CV can hold a Scout as well....-.-


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 19. 2010 09:57

the cv wishlist outlines almost all cv drivers wishes. i reccomend taking a look at it...
the DB and TB need a serious buff in damage. i mean a HUGE buff in damage. make
a cv1 worth while to the player; he had to work hard to get it. dont mandate
anything (except for locals. they need to be limited to cv1s); as erad said, NF was
built on choice, so it should stay that way. Increase the sight range for dbs and tbs
by just a hair; not for scouting, but so you can see the freakin target :). also,
increase their fuel range. CVs need a huge buff in exp and credits as well, along with
the no TKing planes thing. add a couple cv based maps (bigger) so that we can feel
important too :P

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 19. 2010 09:21

Only took 1 game to be a noob because i was scouting and providing fighter cover
and when they let a ss sink our flag we hear cv fail because cant get through the aa
and locals with the DBs to sink flag.

And most of the time this is coming out of some cl ca who dose not have a scout and
has no clue.
So SS it

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 18. 2010 19:30

Lets see had my essex out for 2 game started lossing vets with medic and was
called bomber whore because 2 of my pilots were dbs by a ca that was hiding
behind me and could not see i had 5 flts of fighters up.
Guess its the sub tonight

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 16. 2010 17:45

OK, i got two more things to add.

First, you NEED to make flaming/bashing CVs a banable offence. no one like to be called
a noob every other battle just because their fighters are getting chewed up because
they are low lvl or they can't afford to super-vet them. I for one will play CV more if
people stop complaining. It makes no difference if you provide sight or bomb the whole
game now in terms of the # of complaints.

Second, Remove the exp nerf for using TBs. It discourages an already broken unit.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 16. 2010 15:13


Ok, I see.
I think that both should get a buff (TB more than DB)
I just want DBs to have more punching power because right now, BBs can take 12 DBs and
still cruise at max speed. I want the standard damage to go up to about 4k (it's currently
3.3k or something around there) so that it doesn't make DBs OPed, but still gives them a
bigger punch and they become a force to be reckoned with. TBs on the other hand, I did a
test against my friend's BB (I can't play 2 ships at once) and using IJN T2 (T3 are way
too annoying to grind for), each torp did about 2-2.5k if the enemy had anti-torp belt (no
bulge). I haven't gotten a chance to test my UK TBs. I will test it later, however.\
**Got around to doing the UK T1 TBs (T2 is too high for me to get off my lazy bum and
grind for XD)

Approx 4.5k per torp against a ship without bulge/belt.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 16. 2010 06:41


not gona quote your post since it woled be to long...

however yes I did MISSUNDERSTAND what you ment by *freaky launch pattern* so
excuse me :).

BUT agein eaven 1 DB pilot can do hell of a lot of dmg....more so if you go for max
planes as you stated *12*....12 DB's does a LOT of DMG..if BB is out of SD it's gona
sink...thet inludes any BB5(excluding AWed L2).

DB dmg is fine, TB's on other hand couled get a slight buff :)

As for FC....if CV's woulden't be Fighterwhored or Bombwhored...playing CV wouled
be a lot more fun...hence why I allready suggested for CV to have FP's and TB's/DB's
on if they whana join GB's...

and when I mean on...I mean it same way BB's have battle
rooms...same wouled go for CV' balanced battle rooms...

sure it sounds hars...but honestly, think about it for a while....

less FP's in air
less DB's/TB's in air
less need of FC
less frustration from name calling

more DECENT BB drivers with AA
more scouting options....BB couled acctually scout insted of losing a scout in
15s...after all some BB's can carry only 3 scouts...SIG
more fun for Cv's and BB's...
more exp for Cv's
more offencive role for Cv's, and more defense role in GB2 as in protecting flag with
less FP's..

see where I'm going with it?


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 15. 2010 17:44

what keeps me out of my cv is that i dont have one but im training a crew right now
its UK at level 29 :P so there will be another cv in iowa server pretty soon and
people are complaining alot of crew deaths as they were saying you lose alot of
crew on your pilots