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  • Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 09:21

Hi All,

While im feeling all proactive.

Calmly and rationally - What keeps you out of your CV?

How do we get you back in your CV playing again?

Again - Please keep this clear of speculation, insults. Everyone has their right to a
viewpoint or reason, debate it but do so with reason and back it up.

If not or you cant, then leave it

Yes no doubt this has been discussed to death, but is also a major issue in NF today
resulting in games taking too long to load etc. Yes I also know there is the CV wish list

This is a temporary quick fire solution suggestion thread - Keep it short and concise

Heres a couple for you

1) Crew death
2) Player abuse (bullying and insults)
3) TB's DB's shortened range
4) Locals need resolving (?)

Added (by community)
1) Torp/DB Damage review

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 15. 2010 17:22


"1 - Cv line was my 2nd line...after my fail gold crew for US wich I later deleted...
2 - where did I ever state having more DB's wouled INCRISE CV loading cap?
3 - not everybody is dumb
4 - I acctually did say DB's wouled go in a 1 way mission if they whanted to 1 hit a if you can't understand that they have to w8 in air for 2nd, 3rd wave of
bombers in air...then I'm just cluless what your thinking about...."

I never said that you said that more DB pilots = higher loading cap, but from what I
deduced, that was the only thing that would fit your explanation that I have not already
ruled out.

Also, I said before that you can't 1-hit a BB5 without using a freaky launch pattern. You
are so idiotic that you didn't even read the whole post of the first comment.

And the DBs won't be going for a one-way mission with that launch pattern. The first
flight will be going on a no-way mission simply because they lack the fuel to reach the
enemy BB line after waiting for the 2nd wave to launch. Also, being able to do that will
require CVs to carry a minimum of 4 DB pilots (so we can do 1 flight of 12 followed by
4-4-4 from the 3 others)

Say we were using the IJN T2 DB. The first flight of 12 would launch, and they would have
to wait at least 52 seconds before the 2nd wave could be launched with it. That leaves
only about 110 (2/3 of original capacity) seconds to find the enemy and conduct a
successful bombing run. Also, CV drivers don't like the idea of sending planes to their
death. Do you commonly run out in your all-mighty BB just to get 1 salvo in and get
epically raped after that?

But if you read my first comment and its predecessors, you would note that I said without
a weird launch pattern and praying that the first wave would have the fuel to reach the enemy.

But also think about this, being able to do that means that we only have 4 FP pilots (at
max) to use for your "precious" FC, because you'll whine to hell if we don't because you
can't put AA on your ships.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 15. 2010 09:33

snailgod wrote:


"my guess is your missing the # of DB pilots I mentioned...isen't it?"

Do you even have a CV? Because if you did, you would know that having more pilots
only allows for faster launching and not launching more than the capacity of the
carrier. Having more than 1 DB pilots (say 4 in this case) only speeds up loading
time. So if we have a CV6 with 4 DB pilots, that doesn't mean that each DB pilot can
load 12 DBs each at once, it just means that they can go 3-3-3-3 to launch 12
planes in the time it takes to ready 3.

"who the hell ever sad a Cv with 1 << ONE DB Pilot can 1 sink a BB5????????'"
No one because the number of DB pilots you have won't make a difference in
damage output at once, just the time it takes to load planes.*

hmm just lol....

1 - Cv line was my 2nd line...after my fail gold crew for US wich I later deleted...
2 - where did I ever state having more DB's wouled INCRISE CV loading cap?
3 - not everybody is dumb
4 - I acctually did say DB's wouled go in a 1 way mission if they whanted to 1 hit a if you can't understand that they have to w8 in air for 2nd, 3rd wave of
bombers in air...then I'm just cluless what your thinking about....

agein...just lol....


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 15. 2010 03:15

How about making fighter-bomber plane, like F4U-1D or FW-190F1, A6M8 and let
these fighters gain bomb ability, exchange for speed?

This will work for "variation" I think.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 14. 2010 13:46


"my guess is your missing the # of DB pilots I mentioned...isen't it?"

Do you even have a CV? Because if you did, you would know that having more pilots only
allows for faster launching and not launching more than the capacity of the carrier.
Having more than 1 DB pilots (say 4 in this case) only speeds up loading time. So if we
have a CV6 with 4 DB pilots, that doesn't mean that each DB pilot can load 12 DBs each at
once, it just means that they can go 3-3-3-3 to launch 12 planes in the time it takes to
ready 3.

"who the hell ever sad a Cv with 1 << ONE DB Pilot can 1 sink a BB5????????'"
No one because the number of DB pilots you have won't make a difference in damage output
at once, just the time it takes to load planes.


When in this entire conversation did I say that CVs should be able to 1 shot BBs (mainly
BBs 4+). I never did; I merely stated my opinion that CVs should have a larger impact on
how the game finishes instead of being a support ship to BBs, which we ARE NOT. BBs
shouldn't be able to think, "Ohhh, pffft. 10 DBs? They can't kill me," and after the
attack, they are still steaming at max speed. Right now in my BB (H44) I know that DBs
can't hurt me all that much and I don't bother to dodge (the H44 is WAY too big for that,
but I'll dodge if I'm in an advantageous position to do so) and I'm am not scared at all
because I know that the AA ships escorting me (Sometimes I don't use AA because of the
heat of battle) can easily knock them out of the sky.

Right now, this game is WAY to BB oriented and the CV class should be given more control
and influence over the battlefield (I'm am NOT saying that we should be able to 1-shot
high level BBs. I'm just saying BBs shouldn't be able to shrug off DB damages that easily.)

"but that doesn't mean CVs should get buffed to the point they do the BBs job."

I never said that they should be made that powerful, but a CV6 should at least be able to
sink a decent BB3 or 4 with 1 flight of bombers (which it can not at the moment).

But then again, AA ships have been buffed to the point where they essentially do the CVs'
jobs (and don't say our job is to scout, because it is not).

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 14. 2010 08:54

AAAHHHHH I'm fed up for today...
just lost 4 vets to dedicated aa ships, I keep changing altitude and clicking everywhere
and avoiding them, but when there are 4 dedicated aa ships OHing toward your planes...

- I do have a medic lvl 90 bve, and lost 4 vets 5 experts 5 rookies in a game, not acceptable.
=> how to make it acceptable ? juste make our crew gain experts when killing planes
exactly like those aa ships, and I won't mind losing experts / vets cause we will earn
plenty of them too.

- give us a "fly time left" clock, to know more easily when our planes will dive to taste
the water.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 14. 2010 07:36

DB damage is OK... if you want to one-shoot a BB, then get another BB.

With DB just shoot BBs without SD or get funky flight patterns with 3+DBPilots.

CVs don't need to one-shoot things, your job is to get rid of SD so that your team can do
it... wanting to one-shoot BB5s with your CV is a misconception of the CV itself.

I know lately BBs have terrible aim and can't sink ships even when the enemy is blind and
scouted... but that doesn't mean CVs should get buffed to the point they do the BBs job.

again... DB DAMAGE IS OK! ... if you want to get more attack or sink more ships, get a BB.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 14. 2010 06:54


my guess is your missing the # of DB pilots I mentioned...isen't it?

who the hell ever sad a Cv with 1 << ONE DB Pilot can 1 sink a BB5????????'

thets exactly same as if you wouled say 1 gun on BB5 can't 1 hit a needs a
buff....I mean really? lol


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 13. 2010 19:33


Let's do the math. DBs do slightly more than 3k per bomb; I typically see about 3300 per.
So a CV4 can launch 9 planes at a time, so that's 9 DBs * 3300 damage per. It's roughly
30k. A BB5 with 900 SD can take about 50-60k (depending on how messed up their SD goes for
that game) at ONCE before sinking. You say that a CV4 can 1 shot a BB5; that would mean
each bomb would have to do nearly 6k per. I don't know where you got your
numbers/experience from, but a CV4 or even CV6 cannot 1 shot a BB5 with DBs.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 13. 2010 12:26


I don't smoke but clearlly you do...

I seen it done by a freaking Cv4...sure your DB's go to a 1 way mission but if you
have 3 DB Pilots OR can 1 hit ANY BB5 (exluding AWed L2)...IJN and MN DB
dmg is huge...give them a slight buff and thet wave wich just 1 hited a BB5 will be
able to 1 hit a BB6....hence my point DB's are FINE.

Hell I bet a Cv6 with 4 DB Pilots couled 1 hit an AWed L2...sig


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    06. 13. 2010 11:18


"yeah sure, so you can go and 1 hit a BB6?? hell no, you can eaven 1 hit a BB5 if you
roll enuf DB' DMG wise DB's are FINE, boost them and lose balance.

all so lvl 60 cap for LFP doesn't helop Cv2...ther lvl 57-68....caping LFP at 70 wouled
be a beter choice.

all so no matter what happens with CV patch...ther are simple TO MENY noobs and
idiots runing oround in Cv's this days...nothing is gona make it beter."

What are you smoking? I never said that I think DBs should be buffed to the point that
they can 1-shot BB6s. I just want them to do more than tickle enemy BBs. Also, you can't 1
hit a BB5 even with a CV6 using the current DBs without using a freaky launch pattern and
hoping that the first flight won't run out of fuel (like launching 12 on 1 pilot then
launching 4-4-4 on 3 others). 12 DBs do about 36-40k attack. Last time I checked, the BB5s
had about 31000 DP meaning that with 900 SD (which nearly all of them have) it would take
nearly 60k damage AT ONCE (they rep faster than you can roll out DBs) to sink a BB5.

About the LFT level cap:
Good point, didn't think of that, but then again, T2 are at 60. Maybe cap it at 65 because
that is about the level for CV3.