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  • Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 09:21

Hi All,

While im feeling all proactive.

Calmly and rationally - What keeps you out of your CV?

How do we get you back in your CV playing again?

Again - Please keep this clear of speculation, insults. Everyone has their right to a
viewpoint or reason, debate it but do so with reason and back it up.

If not or you cant, then leave it

Yes no doubt this has been discussed to death, but is also a major issue in NF today
resulting in games taking too long to load etc. Yes I also know there is the CV wish list

This is a temporary quick fire solution suggestion thread - Keep it short and concise

Heres a couple for you

1) Crew death
2) Player abuse (bullying and insults)
3) TB's DB's shortened range
4) Locals need resolving (?)

Added (by community)
1) Torp/DB Damage review

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 27. 2010 13:14

T1 fighters are almost worse than useless. They're weak. They're slow. They have
trouble killing -scouts-. No wonder low level CV's always use locals. Locals are by -far- a
better alternative, even with the limited fuel and large plane space requirements.
Leveling an Attacker with T1's was excruciating and painful. An Oyodo with locals,
however, is actually fairly fun and useful.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 27. 2010 00:54

1) Crew Death rate really too high
2) Not enough pliots an take forever to try to fill a decent cv crew (this also take
premium subcription into account)
3)macro management try controlling like 5 plane (very tiring for a person who just
comes home after a long day of work)
4) Not enough slots on low level cv1 cv2
5) Not enough aircraft space on low level eg cv1 cv2 to last a entire game
6) The abusive insult omg noob CV and the being boss around "scout south" "use
fighter to cover me etc etc "
7) slow plane loading zzz flying over zzzz bomb zzz plane fly back zzz then repeat
(its a slow process you should get the point) as compare to bb going pew pew boat
sunk on the speaker woo hoo another kill it more fun to go pew pew bang bang.

The only reason for playing CV is the Good Credits earned but once the coffer fill up it
more fun to play BB (more boat kills)

Planes Kill is just not as thrilling as boat kills (not even a plane kill board to boost the

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 26. 2010 20:41

Yep, crew death and the CV hazing are what keep my Essex, Dixmude and my new
Seydlitz out of battles for now.

I got banned from a blitz recently (was in my Seydlitz, using T1 ftrs not locals) just
because the host was too impatient to wait for another CV. No warning, just
smacked with the ban hammer.

Also fix MN fighters please. The T1s can't catch anything, and then that leaves just
locals. Speaking of locals, I fully support a level cap on them. Of all my CVs I only
use locals on my Dixmude, because I pretty much have to.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 26. 2010 20:30

im going to agree with Remulasce here because that's probably what it would take. a full overhaul
of the fighters plus it also sounds like t1's and t2's can possibly have more of a chance in that type
of setting. i don't like fighterworing too much since cv is meant to be multirole.

seriously the other day, was talking to a friend about cv, and how i was going to buy an elite
sailor, level him up, and supervet him (like slayer6's engies) just to compete with people. at this
rate im not even looking forward to hiryu, cause my planes are forever getting camped and there's
no way to get around it either. that to me is the biggest issue because it just basically makes me
want to retreat on the spot. the other one that annoys me is that alot of cv's sit on the start grid
and do nothing.

this irritates me more than anything else in the wall. you see that graf zeppy 2 or a europa or a
lexington sitting at the start, not even moving and they wonder why the get sunk easily? "look out
there's a kita wall coming, move!" or "back there's a bb coming" now i don't even bother. seriously
if you're not going to use your cv 3,4,5 and do stuff like that, give me the ship and your crew
because i will use it properly.

abuse. not necessary. and if im right, calling into mind the EULA, it is a bannable offense. next
person who does this to me is getting reported. DON'T TEST ME EITHER. cause i will follow through,
no exceptions and i will make sure something is done about it.

being a battleship player and a cv player as well, i understand both sides equally. when im bb
driving, i'll scout myself, but i only have 3 planes so i value them a bit. so i'll make a note of where
fighters are getting sent, send my scout away from them and check on it every few seconds. while
im cv, i don't scout for anyone, i do what V2 does, i'll pull my fighters if there's no one around. they
do not scout, they fight...pitifully.

there's just a couple of reasons behind me not playing my cv.

TB and DB should have tail gunners that can deter chasing fighters. not absolutely shred them to
pieces though.

manual db needs work, I can do manual tb fine, i don't have a problem with that. db on the other
hand is just painful though.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 25. 2010 18:34

I've seen plenty of good suggestions, now I'll add my two cents.

-Give bombers the option of switching their bomb type from HE to AP in game just as a BB
can. This would be VERY useful.

- I agree with the auto-return change idea. It drives me batty to have a bomber formation
fall apart just seconds before they hit the target.

- Put a cap on the number of CAs, CLs, and DDs allowed in GB and GB2. When there are
herds of AA ships grazing on every plane they see, no matter which team they are on, I
stop playing CV. I'd even consider a progressive XP nerf for friendly fire on planes.
Imagine if people had to think about their AA... maybe aim it a bit. Masses of AA also
adds to lag for many people.

- Put a max level cap on Locals. Level 75+ FPs in a Local FW CV is so dull and so greedy.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 25. 2010 08:28

main reason for me is that the BBs always blame you for not giving fighter cover......
now i got an independence(US cv2) and i dont jave T3 Uber fighters so how the hell should
i get good FC up without getting my fighters either get mowed down by AA or by T3 uber
Now ofcourse everyone is gonna tell me that i have to lvl up my fighters...
but im really not gonna grind in my cv if i dont like playing it(for me grinding is still
having fun in the game dont know if thats so wierd?)

so i think the BBs should shut up about FC against cv3 and lower and there need to be
someway to balance the fighters a bit because my fighters will get 100% mowed down if im
trying to fight other fighters

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 25. 2010 06:46

I am actually playing CV, so I would try to point out what will make me happier doing so

1) I am tired of being blamed for every defeat. Nothing you can do about it, I just wanted to point
out :D

2) The level of crew death is really a pain. It cost me too much to maintain my CV crew. I dont care
about credits, I am talking about real money to survive in the world of rich CV drivers :)

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 25. 2010 06:28

"for the low lvl CV player who whining about nerf LFT
Do you think us(high lvl cv player) never play T1?
we are same as you. Everyone start from lvl1 and play T1>T2>T3 not same as today
when we are low lvl our FT owned by high lvl player too
but why we can pass that time?

new CV player this day never touch T1and T2, someone never touch T3 until lvl 100and
someone lvl 100+ and still use LFT is shameful

give a chance for low lvl cv fight with high lvl is true but not 80-90% win rate
it unreasonable 8-9 lvl 70-80 LFT beat 10+ lvl 120 T3"

@ Gollum: That is soooo true and something they will never understand. I think this is
also 1/2 the reason newer CV players are so easy to farm. Instead of learning how to
properly manage their fighters they just use locals until T3. This gives them no chance to
learn how to fight better fighters with lesser pilots.

And for all you people crying for a bomber damage buff let me ask you guys something. Do
you expect to have higher damage potential then a BB5? In a CV3 with 4 T2 DB pilots I can
average 120-150k attack with my best being over 200k. Should I have the potential for
300-400k attack every game? Should I be able to 1shot a BB5 with a group of a bombers?
Learn to use what you have instead of saying gimme this or gimme that.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 24. 2010 22:39

My biggest problems are the AI and AA.
With 3 super-effective AA nations, sometimes the entire sky is just a sea of flak. It is
almost impossible to get through this- it is soup.

Some insight into the plane AI: The absolute bare minimum amount of work has been
put into it. Every frame, each plane searches for enemy planes within its
"engagement envelope". Once it has found one, it sets this plane as its target and in
subsequent frames does not look for new planes. It will follow this plane until the
end of the universe. Each frame, if the enemy plane is in the correct relative
orientation and is in range, the fighter will open fire.

Feature wish list:
personal user AI customization( *UC) Set what your fighters will do in certain
circumstances. This would not only be awesome, but would add a new layer of skill
and "ownership" of your ship


Once a fighter has found a target, it will never abandon it on its own. It will ignore
the fighters shooting at it, the bombers passing it, and the AA flak to kill one little
scout. This must be changed. Each type of enemy plane must be given a priority
setting (*UC).This is probably the hardest thing to do.

Failure to value own life:
As previously stated, a fighter will follow its target till either it or they are dead. This
means get eaten by enemy fighters, AA, AAW, etc. The threat of AA and fighters are
hard to quantify and avoid, but a solution I would be happy with is this:

If AAW damage is too high, do not dive, unless trying to land
If being attacked by heavy AA and not following an enemy, change altitude
If being attacked by heavy AA and following an enemy, break off except when
following bombers or user has specified to continue in the UC
If getting pwnt by enemies, drop to the deck if there is friendly AAW around

Failure to take opportunities:
Currently, a fighter will only fire if its target is in range. Even if there is another plane
literally overlapping it, it will attack the plane at the edge of its range. This is OK 1 on
1, but in fights with 10+ planes it does not work. Fighters should always check if
there is a plane right in front of it, and even if it continues following its original target,
it should take a shot at whatever's there.

Bad Timing:
Fighters deal increasing damage with closer range. However, they will open fire at
max range and deal next to no damage. They should hold their fire until they get
closer. This would also ensure that planes always have a shot "loaded" so they can
take an opportunity if it presents itself, see above paragraph.

That covers what I can think of for now. As individual flaws in the plane AI system
add up, it becomes increasingly apparent that an overhaul of aircraft AI behavior is
badly needed. Many BB captains have CVs in harbor, they just incentive to come out.
Not cursing at your fighters counts as incentive in this game.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 24. 2010 20:19

So.. any feedback on how this is going?... it's been like 10 days since the thread opened,
you should have an idea by now.
