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  • New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    11. 19. 2006 20:23

Please Restickey!

Granted by Angus725 *dated March 24th, 2011*

---------------------------I was right-------------------------

Trees (to large to post, copy paste into your browser)
*ignore French and Italian DD lines, they are being changed
France -
Italy -
Russia -

*Updating ships to match the trees
Edit - Richelieu remodel to Jean Bart, not Gascagone
Edit - Bearn remodel to Joffre (as they have same capacity, one just trades
for speed)

-for people who want to know the capabilities of the guns, nearly all are found on
this website

(boring intro section, scroll past to get to the ships and pretty pictures)
Short and Sweet, the French and Italians had good strong navies during WWII.
Both would be workable into the current game, ideally as their own nation, using
their own crews.

The French Navy would be a speedy one at that. Range would be rather long,
either equal to or a bit farther than most german guns at level. French DD's will be
some of the best in game, each with high damaging, fast firing guns. CL's and CA's
would be fast hard hitters that don't present much of a target, but they will be very
vulnrable to shell fire as they didn't mount much armor, a problem remidied in the
BB's. The French carriers would all be rather slow, their aircraft typical until higher
levels. BB's would all be above average, with long firing guns. (don't let the PBB
Dunkerque fool you, they had much better range than that)
Richelieu's guns had a longer range than the Iowa's.
All battleships would be capable of defending themselves from aircraft as well.

As for the Italian Navy, it would be a nation of Cruisers and AA guns. Heavy and Light
Cruisers would be the strongest of any nation in the game. DD's would be a trick to
use. All would have few mounts (usually only 2 or 3) but remain the same size as
other nations DD's. BB's would be typical until higher levels when they improve
drastically. Italian Carriers would be tend to have a little less plane space than their
counterparts, but be able to equip much heavier armament. Italian guns in general
had very long ranges, even over german guns. This was achieved at the grave price
of short barrel lives. The FCS system was very effective, tight salvos are to be
expected. Armor would be rated in giving about 20% stronger than the USN armor.

The Russian navy. Well, they will be very interesting indeed. Right from the beginning
they get very fast destroyers with considerably heavy armament. Russian cruisers
will be a bit more difficult to use. Their armament usually lighter than ships of the
same weight, their only advantages being tight salvos and small profiles. The
Russian battleships will be, for lack of better words, terrors to fight. The early on
ones based of the Gangut class, they are small targets with a lot of guns, the only
disadvantage being lack of AA defense, a problem remedied at the BB4 and 5 level,
the ships here built in practice with current US ones (iowa and montana). Even their
aircraft carriers are well armed, each making good speed and decent capacity. As for
their aircrafts, figters will be good, but bombs and torpedoes relativily weak.

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    07. 18. 2008 03:43

and how long do we have to wait for this to be implemented ?
First posted on, 11 19 2006, already > 2 years, time is really fast

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    07. 12. 2008 09:51

GREAT STUFF, love the new forces, ive been brooding over that since before this
game came out of beta. I see a lot of Russian writing (in the pictures), and since i
speak the language I'd be happy to help translate anything that needs translating.
only thing is, NF might not do this cuz they might not want to do so much work, but
I'd love to see this several years from now.

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    07. 12. 2008 09:07

Im sooo happy about the efort put into this i will congrats you again!

Congradulations comrade/monami/amico

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    07. 11. 2008 11:07

i've already seen the russian ship three on Navyfield II china

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    07. 10. 2008 08:24

I dont have he room to have all BB,s & CV,s as is lol.

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    07. 10. 2008 01:17

w0w...nice post guys..

JAH Bless...

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    07. 09. 2008 20:39

I apperciate the work, my only comment is that the new nations need to be
balenced with the old ones. it just looks like these have better range and power
than the old nations in BB and CV. I personaly feel that the US is continualy under
powered and needs some boosting. Just a sugestion.

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    07. 04. 2008 17:42

Someone did a lot of research! Love it! Go you!

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    06. 24. 2008 21:59

Yeahh i like too!!

I think NF get tooo many time to think about the game modernisation. I know that is
a hard task but... If they dont do something the game will stop in time, will be
exceeded...More nati .ons = more time palaying = more money(SDE) ..... hehehehe

sorry my english

  • Re : New Nations French/Italian/Russian

    06. 24. 2008 09:49

the russians PBB should be the admiral murrat its identicle to the sevasta so $de doesnt
have to spend however many years workin on that 1

also gr8 idea gr8 reasearch all in all 1 of the best thought out and presented
suggestion on this site EVER