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  • Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 01:26

I have seen IJN ss4 one shot or 2 the bb6, do you think its fair a for lvl 77 ship to take
down so easily a lvl 120? What is thinking the player who have puts money in his bb6
to vet him to be sunk be a cheap sub? i dont think this is fair.
Feel free to comment this post as you want

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 25. 2011 03:55

In fairness DD you normally die so fast in game a lot of things are not your issue.

We should all work against the dumbing down of NF, introducing fixes that encourage
skilled play on both the BB/CV and SS behalf should be embraced by all intelligent
players. I'd like to get to the point where if a BB is killed by an SS, he can't complain
that the SS is overpowered because it takes skill to get a kill, where as at the moment
there is an imbalance towards SS3 and 4s.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 25. 2011 03:39

I have no real issues with subs and Im not a sub driver, I load HH on my BB and kill
them just fine, leave subs alone, they actually bring more excitment to the game

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 25. 2011 03:32

Sounds fair to me Lukas.

The option to adjust the set-up of your sub via engine choice is an excellent one, making
it available over the entire SS tier system gives SS driver set up options that they miss
out on comaired to other ship types.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 25. 2011 03:29

Only two things I disagree with your post are:-

"Crash dive - Remove damage for standard deep diving, introduce a random damage
multiplier so if you stay down too long, well you just disappear like a real sub."

I hate random occurences; Don't make it luck based. Just make crash dive cause a
smaller amount of damage (E.g. 1200 DP per minute), you can move at a very LOW
speed (Say, 10/15knots), but you can't fire. But it doesn't take up any battery. If you go
back to normal dive mode and you haven't reached the one minute damage threshold,
then you are dealt 1200 damage. HH/torps will do no damage while in deep dive, Depth
charges will; However, you can't be picked up by the sonar of surfaced ships.

The idea of a larger damage in one period means that SD will not go down as far, and it is

Repairers should be able to work at 100% underwater.


The second point:-

"Mix up the SS tiers, make SS1 long battery power, poor torps, SS2 high damage high
battery use and so on."

It is a level based game; Its the same with pilots, you can't mix them up too much.
Overall, SS2 has to be better than SS1.

I would like to see you be able to change your SS engine to reduce speed but increase
battery and vice versa. Same with torps; Change torps to reduce damage but increase
reload (There is an option there for it).

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 25. 2011 03:14

I agree with all your points brazen. Bravo *claps*

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 25. 2011 02:50

After reading this thread of crying SS drivers who cant see balance as a whole involving
the entire game these are my thoughts.

Surface submergance - Should be very low, no more speed boating over half the map
shrugging off hits from BBs, if your on the surface it's the BB/CVs domain and your gonna
get hurt.

HH and Depth Charges - Make it so it has to be a closer hit, almost over the top of the
sub to hurt it.

Air - As people have mentioned remove air and make it battery power, you overheat you use
an awful lot of battery power, you crawl along and you can almost stay submerged indefinately.

Crash dive - Remove damage for standard deep diving, introduce a random damage multiplier
so if you stay down too long, well you just disappear like a real sub.

Splash damage - Remove it completely, if your target dodges your Torps through skill then
you do not deserve a reward.

Duds - No more Duds, similar to my comment above, if you have got in range of a target and
it hasn't dodged your torp salvo, you should get a full reward because of your skill in
getting in range.

Slower reload - you have high damage torps, you should reload much much slower, this is
balanced out by being able to stay under for longer by moving slower as my previous point,
it's then your choice to move with your target and consume battery power or sit tight,
reload and wait for the next one.

Torp XP - subs earn their own XP on a sliding scale similar to the BBs. SS1 has high
shared XP, SS4 well your relying on your own skill.

Mix up the SS tiers, make SS1 long battery power, poor torps, SS2 high damage high battery
use and so on.

If you get to a BB6, fire all your torpedoes and don't miss then you should get a reward,
however the skill of the BB driver should be rewarded if he dodges your torps and sprints
the hell away from you by actually being able to get away. The ability to dodge shells,
torps or bombs is as much a skill as rushing and shooting in this game.

Cue the flame wars, my changes would reward skilled players all round, those of you who
like to fictory and leech xp from splash damage will predictably complain like spoilt

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 25. 2011 00:14


1) the exp gain of an uber 100 crew on an SS4 is terrible
2) most BB5/6s who are 1 shotted by a sub are either unprepared or distracted
3) surfaced attack SS at the start of game stand very little chance against a well
prepared and well manned PBB or BB3
4) only KM carry proxy torps, but only 4/1 and not very strong in all aspects
5) fast and dedicated DDs with DCs are a big threat as well

i dont believe we need a nerf
make a sub line with 6 tiers, with the current SS4 at level 103

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 23:12

To the post about I have to seriously vote A, but i am guessing most sub drivers would
vote B or C or both B and C.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 20:37

This crap about balance again without taking reality and sense into consideration.

There seriously needs to be a poll about the types of players who play this game before any
more "balancing" goes on.

Do you play NavyFIELD because you:
A: Are a MMORPG/RTS fan?
B: Are a Naval and Maritime enthusiast or Navy veteran?
C: Are a World War II buff?
D: Other

Before you get all assy at me, I'll make myself clear. I do not expect this game to be realistic
or follow the boundaries of physics perfectly. But things are getting !@$$ up with this game.
Aside from subs, you ever ask yourself why the 12x 18.89" toting Alsace with longer range
AA can go the same speed as the Super Yamato? It makes no damned sense! How about a
118,000 ton battleship (h44) being made of recycled paper? What is all that tonnage for?
It's not THAT much larger than other BB5's.

If this was a space game with nothing more than theories and fake ships to go off of I
wouldn't be nearly as disturbed by the developers.

Submarines need to be more like their real life machines. I said MORE LIKE. Not exactly like.
Gameplay obviously needs to be kept in mind.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 20:22

"For all those who say subs are OP'd, tell me, how many subs do you see survive a single
GBII? Go ahead and watch, because the number won't be very big. 99% of the time, NO subs
survive a GBII, on either side. The times when one does, is because it got crippled being
an ASW platform. "

How the hell should they survive when you just fictory at a group of ships? Get in a BB3,
charge at a group of BBs and see if you survive until the end. Jesus Christ. People only
use them as suicide ships, why should any be floating at the end?

Here is a better question, how often do you see subs heading back to their own lines for
air or overheat?