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  • Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 01:26

I have seen IJN ss4 one shot or 2 the bb6, do you think its fair a for lvl 77 ship to take
down so easily a lvl 120? What is thinking the player who have puts money in his bb6
to vet him to be sunk be a cheap sub? i dont think this is fair.
Feel free to comment this post as you want

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 04:32

Its simple. Cut there damage per shell in HALF, and cut there under water time OR speed
down as well.... BOOM!! All fixed. WAY overpowered. I was 1 shotted by an SS4 in my
Montana, with 125 buldge, lvl 120 crew, and full DP.. Thats crazy...

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 04:23

Question: ''Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?''

Answer: ''YES''

Reason it won't happen yet: Because tier 5 and tier 6 need to be released. So I calculate
about 6-8 months after those tiers are released will be when subs are finally balanced.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 04:22

Anyone who thinks subs and ASW are not unbalanced is to be frank, a moron.

Subs are overpowered in a good many aspects, and to counter that SDE decided to make ASW
overpowered. In GB there is no team play (Congratulations still go out to SDE on that
one, you managed to create a "Team" gamemode that destroyed Team Play in this game) so
subs have little or no trouble waltzing up to the lines and destroying what they want at will.

Subs clearly require buffing in some areas and nerfing in others but as they stand, they
are unacceptably balanced.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 03:32

I have a marvelous idea in reguard to the sub problem. Go back to sde's old idea of
laughing at the suggestion of adding subs and be done with it. At the moment for all i
care subs can go die in a corner. You say what about the poor lvl 77 sub getting killed by
a lvl 12? Think of the experience compared between the grinds there. Oh and at above i
doubt any competent/sane km/ijn bb6 driver would put hh's on instead of aa. So basically
they are rooted unless there is asw near, which usually there ISNT.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 03:09

SS is a different category of ship. You can't balanced a SS(BB killer) VS a lone BB.
SS34 are overpowered, but to a good amount. Untill SDE really starts working on the
SS. The SS34 should be balanced but with the introduction of SS5 and SS6.

This is a team based game. Picture that BB6 with HH. Who do you think would have

With around 100 bulge + 0.2 bulge + 900 SD + 40K DP. I doubt a BB6 with HH would
lose against any SS4.

Then there is this think we call "skill". If I have to put myself in a BB6 against myself
in a SS4, I would probly win in a BB6. Some SS are nubs easy to kill with HH. Some BB
are nubs that shoot max HH after every torp wave(ss will do critical before you shoot
the hh LOL) etc. Some BB are nubs and simply run from a inrange SS(he will kill you
this way LOL). Some BB's anticipate and try to keep humping the SS(can be done
even if you can't see the SS). And more stuff, to many to mention.

but yeah, SS are slightly overpowered, but it should remain this way untill SDE really
starts working on the SS line. So to say a BB6 can be Twoshotted is simply saying
that BB6 doesn't deserve to have a BB6...

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 02:59

There is a issue with subs. But how to balance it is another matter.
All the idea have pros and cons.
O the hole i find SS to be a story of 2 ends of the scale. The early SS are unpleasant to
play much like early CV. but the high level SS are full of win a lot of the time. i fairly
often see 4bar ss sink 2-3 bb and a few other ships. These high end SS have really hurt
the chances of loseing teams making a come back as well imo. once the line is broken they
get nearly free roam and are all but impossible to counter unless you happen to have ASW
boat near.

I think that SS in general need a little tweaking. the Low level SS should have a bit more
Sub time. And the higher level SS need the torps looking at because they are like mini
nukes spewed from a all but unseen foe.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 02:55

Subs need to be balanced/fixed (not nerfed), same goes for ASW (weapons).

PS: I recommend locking this thread, because experience has taught us that threads like
these will end badly and get locked anyways. ;)

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 02:38


well played ASW on level 12 can easy kill any SS4... it is fair agains SS driver when level
12 ship can easily sunk level 77 sub?

Problem is that there is very little reward for sunk subs...then there is only very few
ASW players and most people go on AA ships because there is more reward and good
experts gain...

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 01:52

Its not only about SS. But ASW-SS game balance overall. You cannot expect from SDE
progress and from testers as well (they are focused on MN, later on SN ships and Italy).
For me is best solution do not release another SS tiers. Top SS4 are strong enought.