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  • Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 01:26

I have seen IJN ss4 one shot or 2 the bb6, do you think its fair a for lvl 77 ship to take
down so easily a lvl 120? What is thinking the player who have puts money in his bb6
to vet him to be sunk be a cheap sub? i dont think this is fair.
Feel free to comment this post as you want

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 16:12

"For one, because that SS is a level 70 something ship and not a level 120 ship. A BB2
that fictories towards BB5 let alone BB6 with vision will sink in seconds regardless of
crew. A sub should be more resilient than an equivalent battleship? "

a lvl 70 SS with at lvl crew does NOT/ CAN NOT have 900 SD.

"For two, because it has invulnerability/invisibility mode one keypress away and that a BB
saw you let alone got to shoot you means you're ignoring stealth. Which you shouldn't be
able to do, which is exactly the point."

So the torpedo's that the SS fires are invisible? I mean, I can see them. I guess you
have bad eyesight. I suppose HH's and Depth Charges can't hurt them either. If you want
protection from SS's then mount bulge and HH's.

"Do you come up with such illogical reasoning naturally or did you have to work at it? "

You mis-spelled sound reasoning, and it comes pretty easily. If you don't want to be
bombed, you add AA guns, if you don't want to die to an SS you mount HH. It's really not
that difficult, I'm not sure why you can't see that. If you think a SS can fffffffictory
then you should play one and see how easy it is. Seriously, when was the last time you
saw a DD able to solo a BB6? DD's can solo a 120 SS no problem. Just because YOU have
trouble with SS's , doesn't mean that they are OP. As I said before, quit being butthurt
just because you didn't mount anything that could hurt a SS underwater and died because of it.


  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 15:36

"Why should you be able to 1 shot a lvl 120 SS when you can't 1 shot a 120 BB?"

For one, because that SS is a level 70 something ship and not a level 120 ship. A BB2
that fictories towards BB5 let alone BB6 with vision will sink in seconds regardless of
crew. A sub should be more resilient than an equivalent battleship?

For two, because it has invulnerability/invisibility mode one keypress away and that a BB
saw you let alone got to shoot you means you're ignoring stealth. Which you shouldn't be
able to do, which is exactly the point.

Do you come up with such illogical reasoning naturally or did you have to work at it?

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 14:33

900 SD subs are either lvl 120 or slow as balls. (or UK) Why should you be able to 1
shot a lvl 120 SS when you can't 1 shot a 120 BB? As a matter of fact I don't think KM
subs can't even get to 900 SD unless you sacrifice the rear torper for a restorer. Stop
acting like BB's HAVE to be able to rule the game and realize that you aren't the best
player in the game. As a matter of fact I'm just going to start calling everyone who
thinks like that "a rehor"


Edit: As a matter of fact, an at lvl SS3 gets from outside of H44 range to in torpedo
range with roughly 1/4 tank of air left. That's assuming the H44 is standing still. That
is barely enough time to launch 2 salvos of torps. Just because you were sunk by a SS
don't be all butthurt and cry to nerf subs.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 14:21

Damn right they need nerfed, a stealth ship should have to be played like a stealth ship.
Not a LOL you can't hurt me ship.

900 SD subs with FF hitboxes shrugging off BB shells is ludicrous. A BB seeing you
fictory on the surface should mean you are crippled if not dead on the first salvo. A
perfect 45 degree straddle for 8 splashes and 1 hit leaving the SS4 with 85% health is a

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 13:48

As an addition to my previous post, I just thought of something. The problem BB players
have with SS's is the fact that it adds an extra dimention to gameplay. No longer is
there a "best" BB set-up. Before SS's there was no reason to not have the fastest BB
possible. Now with SS's you have to make a decision, and your particular set-up won't be
the "best" for every situation. God forbid there isn't a one size fits all solution to
setting up your BB.

As I said before with my PCV there isn't any SS in the game that can one shot me. (If you
see me in game go get a sub and I'll show you.) Assuming that I can dodge 2-4 torpedo's
in the second salvo, you can't 2 shot me either. It takes 12 direct hits to sink me, and
that's all in rapid succesion. More if you let me rep up.


Edit: I agree totally koala. I can understand the game being BB centric, but it's not
completely BB centric. lets leave it that way please.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 13:39

Here's ALL we have to do:

1. Replace air with battery. Make battery usage exponentially increase with speed.
You could go fast but close or slow but far.

2. Nerf splash for obvious reasons (if a KM torp explodes from proxy, less nerf to
keep a nation advantage)

3. Remove duds

4. Slight nerf to torp damage

5. Buff SS12 and slight nerf SS34

6. Make HH maybe 100 creds

7. DON'T let BBs use sonar. DDs have to sacrifice firepower for seeing subs. BBs have
to sacrifice seeing subs for firepower.

Think about the DDs that can see subs but can't do damage to BBs. Oh I have an
idea. NERF BBs CAUSE MY DD CAN'T HURT THEM. That's all I see with the BBs whining
about SS.

Also, don't remove subs. Think of it this way. CVs can 1 shot with bombers. BBs can 1
shot with shells. SS rarely 1 shot with torps.

EDIT: Wow that took a while to type. I agree with you mouth. It's sad that BBs whine
when they don't even look where torps are coming from. Those same people are
usually the people that whine about scouting when they don't use common sense
and don't look for cannon shots.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 13:32

You don't need to use a sonarman to sink SS's. I sink all knds of SS's in my CV without a
sonarman or an escort. The people that need sonarmen are the same people that can't blind
fight in a BB. My CV setup in PCV is 5 FP 2 gunners, BO and 2 seamen. I don't run my
DB's right now so I'm lvling 2 gunners for a friend in the last 2 spots. Yes I know I
should get anopther FP, but I have a lot of money loaned out to friends atm lol. While I
agree the splash damage is a bit high, Any BB can outrun a submerged SS. SS's are fine,
because they are a paper tiger. it's true a lvl 75 SS can sink a 120 BB, but like was
said before, a lvl 12 DD can sink a lvl 120 SS. IF you are worried about SS's, lose a
knot and put an extra 100 bulge on. If you aren't willing to sacrifice speed, then you
can't complain. You are making your BB matchup better, by sacrificing your SS matchup.


**edited to fix a wrong word**

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 12:18

@Mr Clueless

He isn't arguing for a buff in the ingame performance of HH

On, and I would use a Sonarman on the CV's which can hold 8 pilots and a sonarman.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 11:43

I know I will never give up a pilot in order to use one on my CV.

Tru because the same i dont use sonarman in cv,but i use 1 neutral ff( i think ff lvl
1)and regular hh..never sunk by ss in pcv.i have some frends successfully using and in
bb5 hh.Most dd-ff love and now rush midle-torp rip in 1 min instead of getting close to bb
and provide asw suport.Maybe it's guilt of low reward,bigger price hh,boring style game
asw.Darwin's Law the strongest survive Team A or B.Matter and those who sit behind
keyboards and play

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 11:31

I've always been a fan of just bumping up the levels.

So a SS4 can take down a BB5 in seconds? Give it a BB5 level.