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  • Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 01:26

I have seen IJN ss4 one shot or 2 the bb6, do you think its fair a for lvl 77 ship to take
down so easily a lvl 120? What is thinking the player who have puts money in his bb6
to vet him to be sunk be a cheap sub? i dont think this is fair.
Feel free to comment this post as you want

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 07:09

This is one of the most useless threads ever. The question has been asked so many times to
the community and I myself as well agree with the very strong majority saying YES they
need to be nerfed.

Request Lock please.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 06:58

SSs needs a rework, they can oneshot BB6 but they still get crappy exp cause torps are
shared exp
ASW should give almost the same amount of EXP/experts that AA does to encourage low level
ships to use it

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 06:51

they should just be removed.

They were an ill-conceived idea from the start.

The idea of being attacked by something that u dont know is there, then cant see, cant
outrun, and cant dodge as its torps dont even need to hit u - is frankly laughable.

But hey what does SDE know about balance - just look at the SN IM.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 06:36

"Its simple. Cut there damage per shell in HALF, and cut there under water time OR speed
down as well.... BOOM!! All fixed. WAY overpowered."

Trust me, subs piss me off too, but that's a little extreme without a buff of someting else. I
always thought the play style of submarines should be changed. Like you said, cut the speed. I
say leave the damage but nerf the reload time. Then change the "air" to "battery" and if a sub
wants to sit at 'all stop' they won't use any at all. Then if there's only subs left on the enemy
team, the battle automatically ends. Subs should be more like silent stalkers, not interceptors.

Balancing should always be fair in some respect.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 06:00

You would have a point if CAs or BBs could see the subs... But SDE didn't want to
officially make the game BBField.

SS1 and SS2 are a pathetic joke while SS3 and SS4 are just hilarious. There is no scaling
at all between the two. As soon as you get a SS3 you drop the slow fragile tubs and get a
killing machine with an 'I win' button.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 05:55

Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?
- No!

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 05:54

i agree with koala
I always see at least 1, but usually more, BBs that fire HH when a sub comes around.
And if you have some belt and bulge, you'll be able to take a few torps.
When I played sub, I always got upset because i'd fire a few torps but get almost no
attack because they had bulge.
Complaining that torps are too powerful when you dont have bulge, is like complaining
that BB shells are too powerful when you dont put deck armour

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 05:51

Let me guess you are a sub driver?

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 05:46

Lock please. Discussed MANY, many, many times. Subs don't need nerfing at all. ASW
doesn't need damage buff either. BBs just have to stop whining and choose between
reward for aa or safety from subs. It IS physically possible to counter subs, yet people
choose not to, and then demand it is fixed because they would rather not use HH. If
you use HH, don't whine about planes. If you use AA, don't whine about subs, if you
use neither, don't even think about whining. It is annoying to die by a sub, I will admit
it, yet every time I die I know there is something I could've done to avoid it. It could've
been to pay more attention or to use HH, but 99% of the time you could've saved
yourself from a sub if you payed attention or used HH.

And as mentioned before, a level 12 DD can kill a 120 ss. Balanced? No.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 05:32

Nerf the SS drivers whining.

Funny thing that I see is when some sub drivers whine when they get sunk by an anti ss
ship that have high level over vetted reload gunners, they will immediately complain and
whine that the anti sub platform only sunk them because of premium hh and should
immediately stop using it. Lmao