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  • Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 01:26

I have seen IJN ss4 one shot or 2 the bb6, do you think its fair a for lvl 77 ship to take
down so easily a lvl 120? What is thinking the player who have puts money in his bb6
to vet him to be sunk be a cheap sub? i dont think this is fair.
Feel free to comment this post as you want

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 19:03

um well i only read a couple post ok!

i read your intro\ despription um well BB6 is at the end of the line and they are
amazing and SS4 is at the end of the sub line i think they should be good to

and i think you get alot less exp then a BB in a sub plz correct if im wrong

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 18:38

"I can go get a Bogue CV1 and mount my 5 Elite L110 Pilots and rip a CV2,3,4,and
PCV apart."

And against upper tier CVs, you are at a massive disadvantage in both pilots
available and plane space. Thank you for making the level based argument for me by
simply focusing on ship level instead of sailor/plane level.
"Subs have existed and were a constant threat in WWII."
"Or how about letting CV planes fly at 25,000 feet instead of the 600 feet they
currently do? Try and AA them!"

Thankfully, we aren't playing WWII. We're playing NavyField. NavyField is a level-
based game that is loosely based on WWII.

If we continue on your thought process, we need to get rid of every BB56 for all
nations. And, the top level ships will be Vanguard, Bismark, Yamato, and Iowa.

Sounds fantastic with your "this is how WWII was" argument.
"I would be more than happy to let you nerf my sub to 1 paper thin shell, slow it
down to 15 long as you give me 30 minutes of air and you take all the
false bulge armor off your ship and your engineers are restricted to original ship
speed. "

I don't believe anyone is calling for such drastic changes to sub balance.
However, to crow about how it is just BBs whining as though there is no problem
whatsoever with subs is willfully blind at best and intentionally ignorant at worst.

"See what I mean people? Oh nvm you people are to ignorant to understand. SS are
NOT (and I say again, NOT) OP. They have counters. Lets say subs are scissors"

Up until this point, NavyFIELD has not been balanced on the rock/paper/scissors
theory. There are games that are balanced in such a way. However, the extreme
majority of NavyFIELD balance has been level based.

Higher level ships and sailors are more powerful and better than lower level ships
and sailors. Up until the introduction of subs and ASW, that was true for every thing
in the game.

As for your CV thing, how many CV2s do you see one-shotting BB6s with DBs? I
know Arctic has gotten pretty good at it. You wanna throw Ottaku in there as well?

It is incredibly difficult to one-shot a BB5, let alone a BB6, with a CV2 and reasonable

Would you like to argue that a CV2 with level 80ish crew is on par with an SS4 and
level 80ish crew?

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 18:38

See what I mean people? Oh nvm you people are to ignorant to understand. SS are
NOT (and I say again, NOT) OP. They have counters. Lets say subs are scissors. Use
rock, you win, but don't cry if you choose paper. You can defend, but you choose not
to. It is physically there, yet you choose not to use it. People are too used to the
They don't want to have anything like a triangle where you can only defend 1 side.
Countermeasures are there, use them.

Again, here's an example. Say I'm a BB here.

Hey WTH that CV just 1 shotted me with bombers. I DEMAND A NERF CAUSE I PUT

Now why don't we nerf CVs. Heck, let's nerf BBs cause they can 1 shot me. Heck let's
nerf SS cause I'm too lazy to use HH.

The way BBs look at it, everything needs to be nerfed until it's nothing.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 18:18

Another false-equivalency failure test.

I can go get a Bogue CV1 and mount my 5 Elite L110 Pilots and rip a CV2,3,4,and
PCV apart.

Why? Not because of the CV1 vs PCV or CV5, but because my Pilots are L110 and I
am going to run T4s. I can load my L100 bombers and TB your ship just as easily
with my CV1 as my CV5 or PCV.

Subs have existed and were a constant threat in WWII. If you don't want to get
torpedoed by a sub, then carry a friendly DD or FF around and prepare yourself

I would be more than happy to let you nerf my sub to 1 paper thin shell, slow it
down to 15 long as you give me 30 minutes of air and you take all the
false bulge armor off your ship and your engineers are restricted to original ship

Or how about letting CV planes fly at 25,000 feet instead of the 600 feet they
currently do? Try and AA them!

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 18:16

"Again, only because you don't mount HH's. Why aren't you asking how it feels a lvl
120 SS
which took longer to grind to than your BB6, can be killed by something 10% of your

There are no level 120 subs. There are 120 sub crews, but that is not a relevant
point in this discussion.

The game is based on ship level. It is the entire balancing point that is used
throughout the game. Higher level ships are better than lower level ships.

That's the end of the discussion. Any discussion about whining or complaining or
elitist BB players is nonsense. There is a single aspect of level-based balancing in this
game and, as of right now, subs are not balanced in the same way that every other
ship is balanced.

And, that point will continue until you can show me a BB2 that can compete against
BB56s in the way that SS4s can.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 18:03

Again, only because you don't mount HH's. Why aren't you asking how it feels a lvl 120 SS
which took longer to grind to than your BB6, can be killed by something 10% of your lvl?


  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 17:53

mouth you can grind in a month to a T4 sub and sink bb6's with ease. Where as it takes
months minimal to get to a bb6 and you get sunk by something almost half your level.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 17:40

What part of BB players are retarded don't you understand? BB's that carry HH's destroy
SS's. Just because BB's don't carry HH's doesn't mean that SS's are OP. If you want an
example of a BB4 being awesome with a high lvl crew, how about an AW PoW? Pretty much a
FFFFFFFictory ship eh? Just because people DON'T do something, doesn't mean they CAN'T!
If you don't want to die to SS's, then carry HH's. It really IS that simple. I'm not
even an SS player, I just kill them all the time with my *gasp* HH's. The reason you got
bored with playing an SS is probably because you fired a salvo of torps and then got HH'd,
and probably ragequit. If you want to beat paper, then throw scissors. Just because you
don't want to throw scissors, doesn't mean you can't. it just means you'll lose to rock.


EDIT: What difference does the lvl of the ship matter? would it make you feel better if
you were being sunk by SS5's with lvl 100 crew instead of SS4's with lvl 100 crew?

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 17:31

Which part of the concept of the level of a ship being indepedent of the level of its crew
is proving difficult for you to follow? A lvl 70 sub with a lvl 100 let alone 120 crew -
who plays so sloppily that a BB gets a chance to fire on him - is still enormously more
resilient to those 18" shells than a lvl 70 BB with a lvl 120 crew. If you consider that
balance you're soundly rehorded.

I have a SS4. Don't flatter yourself about how hard it is to play a high level sub, I
know exactly how stupidly simple it is. FFFFFFF, u, space, you win. Which is why I got
bored of it in less than 1 level and play a BB instead. Exactly as did 99% of other
players who tried subs.

That's the reason any given GB2 will be mainly level 90+ BB and CV while most sub players
aren't even to at level SS4 - because rock-paper-nobody-plays-scissors balance is dumb and
only griefers don't get bored of it long before that.

  • Re : Do you think that Subs need to be nerfed more?

    04. 24. 2011 17:09

Same ol' bull from the same ol' BB whiners.

To whoever suggested cutting splash & duds on sub torps: you do that and you'll see a
HELLUVA lot more subs oneshotting BB6's, I can promise you that. Right now it's limited to
decent sub drivers in HEII's against idiots in BB6s that pull off the oneshots.

Any competent BB driver can deal with a sub, it just takes a little thought.

Yeah, I drive subs. I drive ALL subs; from SS1 to SS4 in almost every nation (still
working on the SN). Yeah, SS4 can be a handful to deal with, but an instant "Iwin" button?
Give me a ****ing break moron. There is NO single ship that comes under that category,
subs included.

For all those who say subs are OP'd, tell me, how many subs do you see survive a single
GBII? Go ahead and watch, because the number won't be very big. 99% of the time, NO subs
survive a GBII, on either side. The times when one does, is because it got crippled being
an ASW platform.

A sub has NO choice but stealth. Once that's gone, a sub is a DD sized target, and it
won't be around for long.