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  • Your thoughts on "Whale Wars"

    08. 03. 2009 14:24

I recently argued with my GF concerning the tactics of the Sea Shepard crew of "Whale
Wars" on Animal Planet. Seeing as many of us are naval enthusiasts, I though I'd bring the
discussion here.

Synopsis: this series follows the crew of the Steve Irwin (SI), a ship who is crewed and
funded by the non-profit organization Sea Shepards. The SI (flying a Dutch flag)
interferes with Japanese boats off the coast of Antarctica as they harvest whales. The
Japanese maintain that they are researching sustainably whaling techniques, while the Sea
Shepards argue that it is in direct violation of International Law and barbaric.

I am pretty well-read concerning the international whaling laws, the Japanese research
efforts, the Sea Shepards' arguments against the Japanese, the history of Paul Watson (the
SI captain and Sea Shepard leader), but only have a limited knowledge of the show (I just
watched 3 episodes). The organization is based out of a town I used to live in, and I am
familiar with the political issues.

My questions are these:
-who do you support and why?
-is this show beneficial or detrimental to either organization involved?
-is there a better way to affect whale harvesting, regardless of motive?
-any other general thoughts by you?
-am I wasting my time here, and should I be paying attention to the conference call I am on?

I have my own opinions, and will state them once the thread gets going (I tried to be as
unbiased as possible in my descriptions). Since the original argument was with my GF, I
already started off as being wrong :P

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    04. 01. 2011 03:43

I can`t believe the situation that, this guy emma9, who is fanaticly believing that
Japanese 90 yo elderly and 0 yo babies got killed by tsunami because of whaling,
still spamming a lot about things...

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 31. 2011 23:52


Why is it wrong then? Society has executed criminals before. Does it make any
different if a warden hit the switch on an electric chair, or a hunter pulled the trigger?

If you're saying it's wrong that hunting criminals is akin to killing for sport, then why
do we condone and even advocate doing the same thing to animals? Why the
double standards?

Is it because society views animals as lower life forms and thus we're free to do
whatever we please to them? Because as far as I'm concerned, a serial rapist or
murderer is even lower than the scum stuck on my shoe, and ethics need not apply.

Besides that, I'm very much disgusted by the fact that the hard earned money of
honest citizens, which goes to taxes, is then used to feed, clothe and keep alive
these bastards inside prisons.

It's entirely possible, and even probable, that the taxes you pay today, might
eventually be used to feed the same bastard who killed your neighbour, or raped
your sister.

Instead of paying for their upkeep, it would be much better to remove them from
this planet, let the hunters have fun, and spare countless innocent animals in the



If you look at the things people do today, civilized is hardly the correct word.

But anyhow, in my eyes, someone who shoots a convicted criminal is much more
civilized than someone who shoots an animal purely for fun.

Because in the first instance, he/she is doing the whole world a favour, while in the
latter, he/she is depriving the planet of a beautiful living thing.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 30. 2011 19:32

note how i said a "little" more civilized.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 30. 2011 19:29

I agree with emma.

You know, if all nations could agree on a set maximum population capacity based off of
land mass the world would most likely be a far better place to live in.

You'd like to believe that wouldn't you. Not too long ago the world fought each other in
a war that claimed between 50 and 70 million lives.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 30. 2011 19:27

uhhh humans hunting humans for sport uhhhh, were in 2011 not 4000 bc, were a little
more civilized now

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 30. 2011 17:39

"Just NO. Plane NO

--- Why not? Supposing that person is caught red-handed, and proved guilty beyond
reasonable doubt, why should taxpayers' money go to feeding and keeping them
alive inside prisons?

Wouldn't they be of better use as hunting targets for eager hunters who need the
thrill of shooting at something?

Instead of hunting a cute little creature for sport, why not hunt society's scum?
If they become substitute hunting targets and save the lives of animals in the
process, I'm all for it."

Because its wrong!? Remember 2 wrongs don't make a right .

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 29. 2011 20:25

Whalers are wrong!

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 29. 2011 05:37

"At this point you are already out of logic, obviously. Ignorance to the science makes
you look as if your 'God' made your brain slow."

--- And who are you to dictate what's logical or otherwise? You're just another
person. My view on things may differ from yours or society's in general, but that
doesn't automatically make it wrong.

"And about the hit on the temple, have you actually seen it? A hard shock to the
head often cause a fit of violent convulsions. That must be horrible sight for you,
worse than harpoon"

--- Yes I have actually seen it. Convulsions? Not all the time. And supposing when
they do happen, a few seconds/minutes of convulsions is hardly as painful as having
something piercing your flesh, having the wound exposed to saltwater, and be in
immense agony for hours before expiring.

"All I want to say is, you don`t know things, therefore you should not speak things.
It is very irresponsible."

--- I will speak whatever's on my mind according to my own boundaries of reasoning.
Note, my boundaries, not yours, not society's.

Simply put, if I feel or think a certain way, with a fair reason behind it, then I'd say it,
and I hardly care if its offensive to certain people. As far as I'm concerned, political-
correctness can go out the window.


"Just NO. Plane NO"

--- Why not? Supposing that person is caught red-handed, and proved guilty beyond
reasonable doubt, why should taxpayers' money go to feeding and keeping them
alive inside prisons?

Wouldn't they be of better use as hunting targets for eager hunters who need the
thrill of shooting at something?

Instead of hunting a cute little creature for sport, why not hunt society's scum?
If they become substitute hunting targets and save the lives of animals in the
process, I'm all for it.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 28. 2011 18:25

I hear all these people saying that they use to violent methods. But IMHO thats the
only way to get points across these days. In the 21st-centuary peace ful doesn't

"As a hunter I think that hunting animals is good as long as the ecosystem can
support them and the population is healthy".

Agreeded. 100%. Humans were told by god (Assuming your catholic, sorry if your
not, no offense) to use animals as a food source. That is only good if we keep the
animal stock well.

"There are 6 billion humans on Earth. Since their numbers are so high, perhaps we
can start hunting them too, starting with the expendable members of society (e.g.
punks, rapists, murderers)."

Just NO. Plane NO

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 27. 2011 14:36

I don't like what the whalers are doing. I often wondered why someone doesn't just sink
their ships.

However I think the sea shepards are idiots and will one day sink their own ships.
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