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  • Your thoughts on "Whale Wars"

    08. 03. 2009 14:24

I recently argued with my GF concerning the tactics of the Sea Shepard crew of "Whale
Wars" on Animal Planet. Seeing as many of us are naval enthusiasts, I though I'd bring the
discussion here.

Synopsis: this series follows the crew of the Steve Irwin (SI), a ship who is crewed and
funded by the non-profit organization Sea Shepards. The SI (flying a Dutch flag)
interferes with Japanese boats off the coast of Antarctica as they harvest whales. The
Japanese maintain that they are researching sustainably whaling techniques, while the Sea
Shepards argue that it is in direct violation of International Law and barbaric.

I am pretty well-read concerning the international whaling laws, the Japanese research
efforts, the Sea Shepards' arguments against the Japanese, the history of Paul Watson (the
SI captain and Sea Shepard leader), but only have a limited knowledge of the show (I just
watched 3 episodes). The organization is based out of a town I used to live in, and I am
familiar with the political issues.

My questions are these:
-who do you support and why?
-is this show beneficial or detrimental to either organization involved?
-is there a better way to affect whale harvesting, regardless of motive?
-any other general thoughts by you?
-am I wasting my time here, and should I be paying attention to the conference call I am on?

I have my own opinions, and will state them once the thread gets going (I tried to be as
unbiased as possible in my descriptions). Since the original argument was with my GF, I
already started off as being wrong :P

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 22. 2011 14:16

agreed js23

I look at it this way though, Coyote's are protected here in canada we still shoot them.
Sometimes for there pelt sometimes for fun, and others to protect japan is doing the
whaling for food. They do it everyday...well before the earthquake.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 22. 2011 14:09

But with whales they are diffrent whales are protected by all nations but japan, but
deer, well there a little TOO many of them.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 22. 2011 12:35

Ya, i quit watching whale wars due to the crap that was involved in it. The japanese
always have and always will hunt whales, it's part of there culture like it is part of our
culture to hunt deer, moose, coyotes, wolfs, and other animals.

As for his words in that poem, just goes to show how people do stuff when devistation
strikes a enemy of theirs.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 22. 2011 08:36

Solid necro :P

I read that one of the Sea Shep ships was in/near Japan for the tsunami, and that they
were doing what they could to help. However, it's nice to see Watson paint an entire
culture with a brush like that... someone email him the link to the Westboro Baptist
Church, and they can share marketing tips.

Stereotypes are fun.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 22. 2011 06:03

I got you all beat.


  • Re : Your thoughts on

    03. 21. 2011 23:21

Necro, but this so-called "poem" is what Paul Watson wrote on the Facebook in
March 14th. Very

cite from

Paul Watson: Tsunami That Killed Hundreds of Japanese Was Divine Punishment


Neptune′s voice rolled like thunder thru the sky
Angrily he smote the deep seabed floor
From the shore echoed mankind′s mournful cry
∞∞The sea rose up and struck fast for the shore

From out of the East with the rising sun
The seas fearful wrath burst upon the land
With little time to prepare or to run
Against a power no human can stand

I can see many people support him just for ignorance.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    09. 20. 2009 01:00

so..get that sub for thundercats then... ;p

"rouge ss3 causing mayhem for japans whalers" <---- funny stuff. but watch for duds.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    09. 19. 2009 11:58

here is my out look.. Befor4e we made laws we as men hunted many wales.. Many of the ones
we went after are no more. I feel that the people on the SI are doing the right thing. We
do not need the things from wales any more.

As for how they go about doing it they have not hurt any one at all.. Rubbing a ship and
so on I do not feel that is wrong since they where trying to stop them. If it where me
that was doing it I would not be doing it so nice. I feel hurting any animal at all should
be done back to the people doing so.

I have had feeling for wales for a long time. They are very smart and do have feelings
even thought many would say they do not. If I was out on the see and was doing what the SI
was doing I would not do it the nice way. I would make sure I make my point by sinking the
ships that where doing this. That is my feeling on this and thus I my self will not sit
back and let it. There are many who have the same feelings as to stop this and I am one to
help the people who do the right..


  • Re : Your thoughts on

    09. 19. 2009 11:04

The criticism of the dolphin hunters was a quote from Halcon that darren was replying to.

I don't really agree with darren's version of conservation but I also don't agree with
Halcon. I think quality of life is as important as length if not more so. We treat
some farm animals very badly in this era of factory farming. Pigs and chickens get
especially poor quality of life, even egg laying hens. At least wildlife has a chance
at a decent quality of life before it is killed.

Having said that, the dolphin hunters method of harvesting looks pretty brutal. If they
are going to do it they should try to find a less traumatic method. Especially for an
animal as intelligent as dolphins. I personally would never eat dolphin.

BTW- small cetaceans like dolphins are not covered by the IWC.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    09. 19. 2009 10:51



The simple difference is - some animals have to be harvested for food. Whereas you
are merely killing them because they *annoy you*.

Lets say I don't like my neighbour because he constantly plucks fruits off my tree,
leaving me with less produce to sell at the market. Does that give me the right to
shoot him and his entire family?

Your attitude is simple - profits first, and to hell with anything that gets in the way.
I'm pretty certain even if there was a non-lethal method, you wouldn't want to use it
because its much easier to put a bullet into an innocent animal than spend your
money on such a system.

Like I said earlier, I'm only glad that people like you are in the minority. Because if
everyone just killed every animal that inconveniences them, over time the only living
creatures we have would be 6 billion humans. And that would make the world a
fucking boring place.

You're essentially advocating that deers be eradicated like vermin - for the simple
reason they're merely trying to survive. And you specifically said animals should all
be moved to zoos and caged.

Your occupation requires you to reap the fruits of mother nature. And yet, you fail to
respect the land that feeds you. All life is equally valuable. Animals have just as
much a right to inhabit the planet as humans.

If you killed an animal because you're hungry and need to eat, that's fine.
If an animal is posing harm to you, and you need to kill it to defend yourself, that's
fine too.

But what's not fine is when one advocates the killing of hundreds of innocent
creatures so he can get more money in his bank account each month.

I would like to know .. just who do you think you are to demand that free and
innocent creatures be removed or eradicated from their native lands just so you can
make an extra dollar?

How would you like it if I confiscated your farm and sent you to an internment camp?
(because that's essentially what you're advocating when you said animals should be
removed from their natural habitats and placed in zoos)

Or worse yet, shoot and kill your entire family because your existence might mean I
earn less money? (eradicate all deers cos they might affect your profits)

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it if the roles were reversed huh?

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