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  • Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 18. 2010 13:30

We all know KM has had it's range (possibly) nerfed from what it used to be. There
are those who think KM's range has been nerfed too much, and there are those that
think it's fine how it is. But all KM really seems to have going for it IS its range, and
maybe its speed (or atleast it used to have speed; i cant personally say anything
about the speed, since i havent really payed much attention to the speed compared
to other nations.)

So it's my suggestion for KM's range to be bumbed up a bit, becuase KM does
have the worst shell damage and spread, and all it has is its range. EDIT: IM more
towards other edits listed below, over the range, and either one of the fixes can
solve the possible issues.

BUT I CANNOT fully stand behind this, since I only have an H39 and have had the
H44 rental. But in the time i had the H44 rental, i noticed the range wasnt as good...
you should be able to out range a L2, monthy, or SY and not have them be able to
be in range with just a small movement up, OR barely moving at all.

SO, please give reasons and examples for WHY or WHY NOT KM's range is too
nerfed, and if you think KM's range needs to be bumped up a bit, reccomend it.

*side note: since i can't fully argue this point, there is no reason to flame, say
anything negative, or anything like that to me. Just give your reasons and examples
for or against the KM range nerf, and (if needed) argue your point's amongst the
*another side note: i have been more swaded to the turnning force, shell
damage/ shell damage inconsistancies being fixed, or speed being adjusted. If any
of those are adjusted, the range shouldn't be an issue. I will just keep the origional
idea for others.*

From what i have read, it seems to be a 50/50 split over the range issue compared
to the other nations. Some have quoted the skill needed to run KM, which is a valid
point. Km is harder to suceed in, and that could be the part of the issue. While
others have quoted how when facing another BB5 in an H44, they can be hit easily.
Which is another good point, if KM is supposed to have the best range, why doesn't
the H44 match up with that standard?

*The topic of shell damage has come up, which can be possibly
bumped up, or atleast discussed.

*The Topic of ship turnning force come up aswell, this can be discussed and possibly
changed aswell.

*The idea of increasing speed instead has been tossed arround aswell.

Range issue has been well covered. Try moving on to the other issues... like the
inconsistancies in the shell damage, turnning force, and possibly other issues?

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 23:11

that cannot go the same for me? you started this post. I know about the range i know
SOMETHING needs to be changed either of the options you said possibly turning, im not
fully downsizing the bb5 range i never said it has the shortest range did i? Im not a bad
guy i just have my own thoughts and doings. just cuz a chart or picture thrown out and
expect me to believe it when i tested this and saw something else doesnt make me
JUST believe it cuz its blah there. when you were in GB2 remember i PM'ed you, you
never came

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 23:05

But as another point, i was never asked to help you with your test. BUT my account
is asleep right now, so i cant do it even if i wanted. Also along WITH that, i dont
have a BB5, i only have the H39 (as i said in the main text), with access to the H44
rental from my fleet. BUT the H44 Rental has issues of its own that SDE will
evenutally fix when they are done with the new nations.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 23:02

well, as you see, i have been adding edits to the main post. Im more split between
either the more range, or fix the turnning rate and shell damage inconsistancies.
because any one of the fixes can solve the problem.

If there's better turning rate, you wont need the range improvement, because you
can douge shells better (possibly).

If there's better range, nothing needs to be changed and the other issues can be
left alone (possibly).

So i basically have been swaded to the idea that it's not nessisarily the range... but
it's more towards the turnning rate and shell damage.

Remember, im more-a- less neutral in the topic. I have been sitting back watching/
reading everyone's ideas/ conversation. So it's easier for me to see what's going on
and draw conclusions to what the real problem is.

When you have passion about an issue, it's harder to change your mind, OR see the
points in what others are saying and realize, what they are saying might actually be

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 22:55

im not downsizing anyone or anything im just giving out my opinion, I tryed to get you
in the room but u didnt wanna come

I cannot just pull proof out from my *&^ i dont know how they got all those blue dots to
stay there without some disapearing or what they based it off of. kinda like a cops
radar gun calibration... did you ask the cop what he based his radar gun off of? same
thing there calibration can even be off and thats why they have to have a radar gun
calibration license in order to use one and they are government property even make
this mistake or even on purpose who knows ( I know NF is not a radar gun )... ok
believe what you see i dont care thats you
all im saying is prove it to me with my own eyes.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 22:54

0.0 you just said how you wanted extra range? now u contradict yourself?

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 22:52

not to be negative or to offend... but what i just said before was a poke at you to
kinda shut up about it until you had your proof... only because it doesnt look good
on you, and the tread. The others have good points, and you can help but say, they
are parcially, if not fully, correct. They actually gave the proof to how it is currently,
and how you have to adjust skills and be skilled to use the H44.

I'm actually on their side, about how the range is basically fine. I would just say
either add range, or better yet, fix the turnning rate and shell damage
inconsistancies. ....sorry allied..

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 22:40

Ahhh im not the only one that would think so. snowball and i are on same page here.
severn sounds pretty defendant about the range thing :D!! i love this thread i really do,
i love you snowball for making this thread ive really enjoyed this :)

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 19:07

Can we please get back to the other issues? Range is pretty well covered, and if
range would need buffed, a small ammount would do. (in my opinion)

Arguing over some proof, and such doesnt make the tread look good to others and
SDE (i would guess atlest). Try to Keep it on target and if you dont have proof,
please post it when you have it...

If anything comes from this tread, I would personally hope that the turnning force
was the thing to be edited, along with the shell damage inconsistancies. Because I
believe if those where changed, the range wouldnt be an issue since you can play
more affectivly.

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 18:20

This is why a public test server is needed, so I can prove this kid that H44 ranges L2, and
teach him about the game.

These threads are always good, because they tell me who actually knows about NF and who

  • Re : Issue over KM Range Nerf... (and other issues?)

    10. 20. 2010 14:15

The problem with H44 damage is that it sometimes hits way too light. This is probably
connected to the shell weight.
Its slight range advantage and shorter hangtime combined can make all the difference,
though. And BB5 gameplay has always been millimeter work.
As for balancing and difficulty: Those are two entirely different things. In many games, you
will find classes that follow a brute force gamestyle, and are usually easier to master,
than those that require precision gameplay. Unfortunately, GB gameplay favors brute force
over precision, which makes some ships easier, and some harder to use. That however,
doesn't mean that they're not balanced.
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