HA Infomation

Regional Forum

República Argentina
(Argentine Republic)


  • Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 13. 2012 14:14

I'd like to know some of your opinions regarding this whole situation with ownership.


  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 14. 2012 19:12

My prior comment was from "There will be Blood" Where he tells the other guy he is taking his oil anyway, and describes 'impingement'. This is when you are adjacent to the same 'milkshake' and dip YOUR straw in too...
Here is a map of proven oil reserves in the region to make it clearer for most people :

NOW does anyone wonder why they are making a stink? Regardless of the nationalistic rhetoric they are marketing, this is the real reason. I just feel sad for the people living there to be caught in such a crappy spot.

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 04:14

The Argentinian agenda is oil. They are against the deployment of a Type 45 Destroyer (HMS Dauntless) which is replacing a Type 23 Frigate (HMS Montrose). It's completely routine. They are also against the deployment of Prince William who is a Search and Rescue pilot.

On top of all this, they also say that Britain introduced Nuclear Weapons to the Latin Community which is more likely Argentina confusing a Nuclear Powered SS and one that carries Nuclear Weapons.

They also claim that Britain is basically beefing up it's military in the South Atlantic. We wouldn't have to if the treat of invasion wasn't there.

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 04:25

This is at Shin_K.

1. "I would like to ask something about this "self-determination" thing, since when the opinion of three thousand people count for anything at all in this world?. Only matters because there are some serious military power behind them. That's all. Some countries have killed several times the population of the islands recently, while defending their own interests. Does anyone bother to ask to the thousands of civilians killed if they wanted to die because a son of a bitch chose their country to hid? "

Sorry I don't understand? Are you suggesting it's OK to kill the civilians, and exactly what number of people do count if not 3000? 5000, 10000, 100000. Please give me your exact number.

2. So, let's say for a moment that "OK, it's all about oil". Then, we are just following your policies, so take your self-determination argument and stick it in your ass (that's for Cameron). We, as a country, have our own agenda too, and that includes the recovery of the Malvinas and the assimilation of his people, if possible."

No need to rude about Britain's leader, also it's difficult to "recover" something you never owned. As I said before how would the people in Argentina feel if Spain decided to "recover" Argentina and assimilate the people to get all the natural resourses.

3. "It's all about power, money, weapons, resources, etc. Things like reason, arguments, history, or the will of a small group of people, are just bullshit to feed forum discussions like these one (or speeches, when you have brainless politicians in charge). So yes, I like the range argument, in this world, is as good as any. "

Oh come on, seriously "the range argument" Hitler and the Sudetenland, Austria, Poland etc. spring to mind. Fortunately the era of Fascist Dictatorships has ended for the moment.

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 04:45

There's some genius quotes on here.
Simple, basic reason why the Falklands are British?
Because the people who live there choose to be and the British government has the military capability and will to ensure that their choice can be upheld against foreign military aggressors.

Don't like it?
Kinda tough isn't it.

Wonder what they'll say when the UK sails a CVBG down there one day 'on maneuvers'...

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 06:24

Yo creo que argentina tiene infinidad de problemas mas importantes que la soberania de un pedazo de piedra en el medio del mar, son hipocritas, se ensañan con esas islas y no tienen en cuenta el hermoso pais que poseen, al cual dicho sea de paso venden de a decenas de miles de hectareas en el sur, a extranjeros y por monedas. Mis respetos a los caidos en la guerra, que fueron obligados a pelear en condiciones denigrantes una guerra que siempre se supo perdida.

Tampoco estoy de acuerdo con el colonialismo, ni con la militarizacon de las islas que son un punto obviamente estrategico de los ingleses para controlar los mares del sur y con eso gran parte de latinoamerica. Los habitantes de la isla obviamente van a elegir pertenecer al reino unido porque de alli vienen, son ingleses, no son isleños.

Porque no se independizan!? Porque la gran mayoria son militares ingleses que ejercen en las islas

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 09:05

Google Translate of the last paragraph.


Nor do I agree with colonialism or with the militarizacon islands which are a strategic course for the British to control the South Seas and with that much of Latin America. The islanders are obviously going to choose to belong to the UK because there are, are English, are not islanders.

Why not become independent!? Because the vast majority are British troops engaged in the islands"

Once again,what militarization? A DD is being deployed on a ROUTINE operation to replace another one. We wouldn't need a large force down there if the threat from Argentina didn't exist.

Also, what would happen if Britain relinquished it's sovereignty over the island to the people? Would Argentina invade and get a pimp slap from the UN? You'd not only be dealing with Britain, but other South American countries too.

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 11:23

If there was no threat of Argentina attacking their citizens, there would be no RN ships being sent there in the first place. You know, I went to montreal once on vacation. It was a nice place. I think that in school in the US, we should teach kids that Montreal is ours, because we occupied it in the War of 1812. After all, if we just say its ours, then it should be ours.

Also, I think that Pablo's house should be mine too. After all, he left there to go to work the other day.

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 12:01


I'm not talking about dictatorships, i'm talking about global powers doing what is necessary in order to protect their own interests, without asking anyone shit. The United Nations it's just a place for those powers to negociate the booty. Dozens of other countries don't have any voice or vote, what a pathetic circus.

They did it in the name of national security, or perhaps to secure oil supplies in the future, it doesn't matter, the thing is, they don't stop to ask for the opinions of 3 thousands farmers, truckdrivers, fathers, etc, before start dropping bombs over their homes by mistake, for example. Why we should? (I mean, stop our claims because of this self-determination thing of...3 thousands), we have our own agenda too, and at least, we don't want to kill anybody anymore.

My personal opinion, is that the world is a better place without Saddam and Bin Laden, but they don't killed them for me, or my country, or to secure the oil for my car. So, if Argentina wants more oil, what's the problem?. Arguments, reasons or history lessons won't prevent the global powers from doing what they think is better for them.

To put it simply, if we were China, the history, or the opinions of the inhabitants, would be irrelevant ..did you get it now?. The islands would be ours by now, one way or another. It's all about power that we don't have. These discussions, or whatever our politicians say, are a huge waste of time and pure bullcrap....and yes, the press in my country, as politicians are shit too. We need to stop this, as I said before, build a nice country, and then the issue will resolve itself.

"""What would happen if Britain gives sovereignty to the islanders?"""

It doesn't matter, they are just humans, show them a nice country, and gradually they'll come to us. Even if we can't put our flag, we are their natural partners, our companies could exploit its resources for example.

There are many ways to achieve our goal, but this one is completely wrong in my opinion. You can't say shit with your armed forces almost dismantled, we should look for others approaches, but well, you can't expect better for trained monkeys...if they think that a single destroyer it's like a Death Star.....

In the end, more circus stuff for the UN.

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 12:23

"Oh come on, seriously "the range argument" Hitler and the Sudetenland, Austria, Poland etc. spring to mind. Fortunately the era of Fascist Dictatorships has ended for the moment. "

Yeah, SERIOUSLY. Want another? The needs of 40 million people over those of 3000. In this world, that argument will be valid if 500 nuclear missiles were aimed at the bedroom of the Queen and if we were the engine of world economy for example.

Seriously, do you really think that we (humans) are better than 60 years ago? Oh, I just read "ended for the moment"...that's it, for the moment.

  • Re : Falklands or Malvinas?

    02. 15. 2012 14:02

Argentina DID offer the Falklanders several things and they said no. As for our "dismantled" military, what exactly is missing? We have the worlds best destroyers and submarines. We have an Airstrip on the Falklands, an airbridge connecting the UK to Falklands via Ascension Island.

We also have a faithful ally in Chile.

Argentina has never owned the Falklands.

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