HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    12. 02. 2012 01:58


Actions from the Fleet Leader meeting on 1st December:


1.  Randy will request a specific update on the issue of HA:

-  Core HA update and crashing issues.

-  HA Battle Mode.

-  Timeline and place in priorities.

*In progress*

*Update 2 - Very grateful for the reporting of HA bugs, please keep those coming in.  The Devs are working to replicate those in testing to then continue working on solutions.  There have been some changes introduced over the last couple of patches so any news on how HA is working would be welcomed on tickets.*


2.  We will question SDE about the Achievement System that was on the original work plan for 2012.  Is it still on the list or has it been removed, if still an aspiration what is happening with it?

*Update 2 - Investigation showed that the introduction of a meaningful achievement system within the current game engine would be a major project and so it was put on hold for the time being whilst other work is done.  It may get reserected later.*


3.  We will explore the possibility of a Poll system that pops-up at the Login page (only once per account for each Poll) to encourage greater participation in Polls.

*Being considered*

4.  When the new Fleet Leader forum opens we will discuss topics for meaningful, constructive, Polls.

*Waiting for Fleet Leader forum area in new construct - second priority after Amazon project*


5.  The Fleet Leader forum area is being worked on, but we will get an estimate as to when it may appear.

*No2 priority to Amazon - latest estimate is start of Feb 13"


6.  The new Fleet Leader area will be permission based rather than automatically linked to account status.  As such we will be able to consider cases for specific access beyond pure Fleet Leaders or Fleet Accounts if there is tangible benefit, eg some of the Testers on a case-by-case basis.

*As above*


7.  Trainworld content is useful, but falling behind recent changes as it is not a SDE resource and very much reliant on a single person.  Need to explore whether the asset can be incorporated to and kept upto date or elements of it replicated on the core site. 

*Unfortunately SDE cannot take over the updating or content of trainworld, which is privately owned/operated/updated and thereby reliant on that person*


8.  Update '/' commands in-game and in the guides.  Anyone with input to that please forward to Head Moderator who will request the update.

*Passed to Devs - thank you for inputs*


9.  Update and expand game guides.  We intend to set work going on this with the revised Fleet Leader forum area (that will be read to all, write for Fleet Leaders).  

*Some background work started on this (thanks to Lj and Darkfrost) - considering a way to get wider involvement ahead of FL area as well*


10.  Explore whether the Test Server can be same loading as main game but then a branch option from the Login page to save having to use a separate client.  There was a similar option in the past, can it be done again?

*Question asked - Waiting on response*

*Update 2 - although this was possible a few years ago for a short time, unfortunately it is not technically possible with today's version*


11.  Forum Rules and Server Rules review, plus application of rules.  We will open these discussions in the revised Fleet Leader area.

*Waiting on FL area - could be an agenda item for Fleet Summit?*


12.  Randy will establish an issues update thread that he will endeavour to update weekly on any progress across a range of issues and questions so we can attempt to better track and communicate where we are on developments, timeframes and priorities.


13.  We will consult SDE about producing a 'public' version of the Moderator Manual so players can better understand how TeamNF is constructed, how it works and its accountability, and the processes for complaint.

*Draft sent to SDE for consideration*

*Update 2 - Draft approved.  Should appear as a pdf on the Download > Manual > Public Mod Manual  link in the near future*




On a side note, Randy talked about advertisement of the game through Amazon to attract new players and linkages with them on item payment.  Hopefully there will be more news on this in the near future.



  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 08. 2013 22:44


1) No - they have considered the options and are keeping the current system, that is the answer and me just keep asking will get the same answer and distract them from getting on with other things.


3) I have not personally seen that report.

  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 09. 2013 07:57


Originally Posted by vick11

1) No - they have considered the options and are keeping the current system, that is the answer and me just keep asking will get the same answer and distract them from getting on with other things.


3) I have not personally seen that report.

Not saying it is your fault, but clearly this is another example of SDE not communicating or engaging with the community. Why don't they tell you their reasons or are open to improvement?

I would say I would put it in a suggestion and see if it gets 100+ rec's, but I doubt SDE would notice it :/

I honestly think your role needs to lobby them for changes that are needed (wether its this one, or other ones); because it does seem that they don't ever want to do work. Its very frustrating as a player, especially when other games with even smaller dev teams pump out more features/web stuff etc on a quicker time schedule.

  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 12. 2013 02:52


In which you are asserting I dont when you have no evidence to base that assertion on.  Over the years I have built up quite an understanding what is 'pushable' for change and what is beating a dead horse.  I have had successes and failures, but to even hit that nothing is done outside the public forum area by various members of TeamNF is naieve and extremely inaccurate.  Quite simply a lot of it is not for public viewing.


  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 12. 2013 04:49


Originally Posted by vick11

In which you are asserting I dont when you have no evidence to base that assertion on.  Over the years I have built up quite an understanding what is 'pushable' for change and what is beating a dead horse.  I have had successes and failures, but to even hit that nothing is done outside the public forum area by various members of TeamNF is naieve and extremely inaccurate.  Quite simply a lot of it is not for public viewing.

As I said in my post, I felt it was SDE not communicating in this instance, not TNF. I stated that clearly in my post.

The idea suggested is clearly an improvement, but from what you said, they don't want to know. You said yourself that suggesting it would be beating a dead horse.

This has been the case for most issues for years. This needs to change. Instead of them just saying no, they should give reasons why. Otherwise, they re-inforce the reputation they have that they do as little work as possible to keep the game running.

That said, I still don't think you should give up after one suggestion, and SDE do need lobbying. However, the root of the issue is at SDE. Just look at how slow it is for them to do any work. There are plenty of times when the GM's aren't online (from which i'll assume that it isn't their work hours, which means that SDE don't have 24 hour GM coverage. I'd rather assume that than SDE having 24 hour GM coverage and that the GM's just don't login). As you have admitted in other posts, the Dev response time to emergency issues over the event was poor - they certainly did not have a Dev available 24 hours a day (or even on call). On top of that, they added in random changes to the last patch which were out of nowhere; some of which they couldn't be bothered to rescind which were game breaking - e.g. Italian Gun Angle changes.

SDE need to pull their trousers up, get the basics right, and start communicating. If they don't like an idea, or feel they can't do an idea, they should communicate why. That improves the morale of customers and the feeling between customers and the company. This is successfully used throughout the industry.

  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 12. 2013 12:58


Also, could this be restickied as there are ongoing issues and incomplete actions

  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 13. 2013 15:07


Originally Posted by ljsevern

Also, could this be restickied as there are ongoing issues and incomplete actions

  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 14. 2013 08:34


As it had only become a conversation between you and me Lj I have unstickied it for reasons of space (notwithstanding the odd snipe I have hidden as pointless spam).  Actions are not lost or forgotten, but I suspect the FL Summit, FL forum area and next FL meeting will overtake the purpose of this thread which has as much as we will have for now.


  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 14. 2013 08:59


Originally Posted by vick11

As it had only become a conversation between you and me Lj I have unstickied it for reasons of space (notwithstanding the odd snipe I have hidden as pointless spam).  

Could remove the two stickies related to the event that has passed (Bingo Points Issue 2 and 2012 winter event FAQ). That'd free up some room for this to be re-stickied.

Also, any news on the public moderator manual? 

  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 14. 2013 09:07


And just because it is just LJ and Vick posting doesn't mean to say others aren't interested and reading. I believe you Vick said something similar recently about TNF being around but not posting?

So until the the actions are complete or new meeting and actions are called and made this should be left for all to see (IMO).

  • Re : Meeting Actions - *Update 2*

    01. 14. 2013 09:38


Update 2 under item 13.

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