HA Infomation



  • Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 07:53

Recommend : 15


As the World at War rooms are bb exclusive for the most part just forbid subs from ever entering, like Blitz.
If the general playerbase thinks World at War  should remove the no submarine option, then recommend this thread. It is past the time for World At War to include submarine without discriminating.

War entails RISK, not Molly-Coddling surface ship players.  

Yes I know that NavyField =/= Real Life and this game displays this situational fact everyday. 

Recommend that the No Torp option be removed forever.

CV uses sonar so the argument "we can't see subs" or "we want to use escorts" does not stand. If you are afraid to sail out by yourself, then follow modern military protocol and stay near the carriers.

All that is required is minor behavioral modification and intelligence/strategy application on the part of bb drivers to remain near the sonar equipped surface vessels.


  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    01. 12. 2014 03:42


Originally Posted by Stabbyy2


so in all actaully what you look at things stacked against SS's here a short list

1: can only stay submerged portion of battle
2: can be spotted by ff/dd/ cl/cv(with sonarman)
3: has massive dmg taken from ASW if submerged
4: has multiple dedicated weapons against it
5: has rather limited ammo in comparssion to BB/CV
6: has to expose self to refill air
7: loses speed when submrged
8: other submarines
9: cannot survive on surface as dmg is increased like 500% to them
10: has dedicated armor to repell against it
11: has to crit dive to avoid ASW(thus damaging its self)
12: slower then most other ships..on surface


Also, some pertinent information such as very restrictive strike radius from submarine (compared to other capitol ships) and painfully slow delivery or torp speed.

Torpedoes fired at distance is fairly easy to sidestep or out-maneuver. 

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    01. 12. 2014 03:50


Originally Posted by JohnnyQuick

Originally Posted by Stabbyy2


so in all actaully what you look at things stacked against SS's here a short list

1: can only stay submerged portion of battle
2: can be spotted by ff/dd/ cl/cv(with sonarman)
3: has massive dmg taken from ASW if submerged
4: has multiple dedicated weapons against it
5: has rather limited ammo in comparssion to BB/CV
6: has to expose self to refill air
7: loses speed when submrged
8: other submarines
9: cannot survive on surface as dmg is increased like 500% to them
10: has dedicated armor to repell against it
11: has to crit dive to avoid ASW(thus damaging its self)
12: slower then most other ships..on surface


Also, some pertinent information such as very restrictive strike radius from submarine (compared to other capitol ships) and painfully slow delivery or torp speed.

Torpedoes fired at distance is fairly easy to sidestep or out-maneuver. 

very true.. but its a short list that turned into a medium list.. did not really want to list everything(Although knowing most whiners will probably end up doing so because they will make excuses to try to argue they're invalid point)

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    01. 12. 2014 05:32


Originally Posted by JohnnyQuick

Originally Posted by Meastro444

Teamwork in WaW will never happen. It will become worse when you remove the no torp option. Everyone will just stay back and do nothing, because you can't spot an SS in WaW. CVs hardly ever use sonar man.

Until there is a viable counter to SS's in WaW the no torp should stay.

The "counter" was outlined clearly. You would think that people would read complete posts, and as pointed out earlier, players will have to change their style of play and actually work together. I have played  FleetWar and and the set up would work well in World At War.
Granted FleetWar is not Harbor Assault yet teamwork in it's current state on this game is ruinous at best.
Almost as if the attention span is about 5 milliseconds in most battles.

I know I have tried to be a team player (in battle) here yet other players seem counter-productive to that idea.

If players in World At War battlerooms would make it a habit to set up similarly the way Fleet Wars do, I am sure there would be no problem in removing the No Torp option.


Fleetwar =/= WaW.

CVs are no counter to subs.

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    01. 12. 2014 05:52


Originally Posted by JohnnyQuick

Originally Posted by Stabbyy2


so in all actaully what you look at things stacked against SS's here a short list

1: can only stay submerged portion of battle
2: can be spotted by ff/dd/ cl/cv(with sonarman)
3: has massive dmg taken from ASW if submerged
4: has multiple dedicated weapons against it
5: has rather limited ammo in comparssion to BB/CV
6: has to expose self to refill air
7: loses speed when submrged
8: other submarines
9: cannot survive on surface as dmg is increased like 500% to them
10: has dedicated armor to repell against it
11: has to crit dive to avoid ASW(thus damaging its self)
12: slower then most other ships..on surface


Also, some pertinent information such as very restrictive strike radius from submarine (compared to other capitol ships) and painfully slow delivery or torp speed.

Torpedoes fired at distance is fairly easy to sidestep or out-maneuver. 

This is quite possibly the highest concentration of misguided and incorrect information I have ever seen in one list.

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    01. 12. 2014 07:11


I don't really have a problem killing subs in my 1 second reloading T-slots full of HHs. I usually have 2 ships preconfigured for playing WaW anyway.

I'll rec this as I couldn't care less if they remove it or not, nor I think allowing SS is a big deal. I also find it annoying not being able to play SS in WaW (forced to farm small, innocent new players in GB) when I'm tired of using BBs.

Most WaWs barely take up 5 minutes anyways.

The problem is that SDE needs to fix the exp system in WaW for SSs first. As it is, killing an enemy SS is like doing TK which encourages SSs to avoid each other. That's the only real issue regarding SSs I see in WaW which is why they souldn't allow SS in WaW.

Other reasons are minimal and are nothing more then BB drivers not wanting to use 1 extra pair of guns to hunt SSs or they simply don't have any and want to be able to throw themselves kamikaze style at the enemy BBs, wash, rinse and repeat.

People tend to want to be able to use the extra t-slots for support sailors so that they can reach 50 knots and the rep cap. In a way, those equiped with HH are at a disatvantage against those without it.


  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    01. 13. 2014 20:37


problem solved this is how bb's get there wish CV does tend you fail you at times though
and the SS doesnt dive.. so easy target and lots of little ships


  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    01. 13. 2014 21:04


Originally Posted by Stabbyy2

problem solved this is how bb's get there wish CV does tend you fail you at times though
and the SS doesnt dive.. so easy target and lots of little ships


They can't play this game yet , it's 8+!

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    01. 13. 2014 21:41


ill chime in


unless subs are completely rebalanced from their op status this wont happen

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