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  • THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 03:34

This is to be used only to suggest changes.

There have been many, many, omg MANY Sub suggestion threads and topics, so here is the idea.

You guys all pick some of the concepts, ideas buffs nerfs etc from all the other threads
and add them here.

While you are welcome to discuss why a change would or would not work, keep it to a
logical and clear discussion.

No - "you are only a BB whinner"
No - "You are bias sub driver" in fact any insults will have their post hidden

Make your point - Make it clearly, make it once - anything else will be thermonuked as
will all other sub threads from here on in really.

Tell SDE what you want to see from Subs and sub play with BB play etc for the future

I'll keep checking in and see what you guys have come up with, there is some brilliant
ideas I have read thus far and look forward to them all in one thread and see where it
progresses, hopefully to a positive conclusion where, at least most of the community will
be happy with the changes (if any)

*Ninja Edit
Please no long winded posts, keep it short

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    07. 03. 2010 20:11

you wouldn't overheat the battery. It just dies after a while. The ss speed is so slow
because WWII subs were lucky to break 20kts on a good day with the current pushing them
and a new engine with the best possible crew and a shot of whiskey in the mixture. They
were never intended to even keep up with surface ships, much less catch them. They played
cat-and-mouse games and lie-and-wait. They found choke points and used them to funnel
shipping to them. In essence, they used skill, tactics, and intelligence. 99% of the ss
complaining on these forums and in-game is due to ppl who always play video games on easy
mode and are pissed because they aren't winning no-contest.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    07. 03. 2010 00:56

battery concept is interesting.. how would you recharge going to the surface? how
would you determine how far i could go with out over heating the batt? would it be
relativly close to where i am now?

neways I like how the SS are at currently with all the nerf's even. if your on bismark
server you will see me play my ss4 km all day everyday its fun.

1. fragile on surface I agree!
2. more air was nice addition since i need to submerge quicker(once I start being
fired on I go under) gives me enough time to make it to bb line maybe sink one and
rush on to a cv surface and hope no one sees me. if i get cought im dead. fair
3. current ratio of torps is good.. granted on a good game i always run out of torps
when i hit a 150k game. kinda sux cause at that point im a scout.

4 speed. most bbs can out run me while i am sumberged i have to wait till almost on
top of them to fire so i have a chance of a second volley to sink them. why would
you want to nerf this any more?

5. I suppose most bb's dont like subs cause they dont prepare to fight against them.
they go aa in their torp spots.. why not use an escort with a sonar. gives you a
chance to see me, either run from me or use some hh, fair enough. the better
players i see tend to have an escort wit a sonar cv or bb then once they spot they
out run me everytime.

otherwise leave it the way it is. unless the battery is implemented i'd like to see that
play out.

also bb and cv both have a reason to lvl to 120. whats my reasoning to lvl past 80
in a sub? t4 is great and all but it seems im maxed out with ability at lvl 80 pbve
sailors. why should i continue on? id like to see something maybe a remodel of t4
remove the flak add a scout? and another support slot? (dreaming t5 nuclear
sub?)- 80% of the nf players would not like that.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 27. 2010 17:45

For the love of....

READ THE THREAD BEFORE YOU POST. The majority of stuff recently posted appears in the
first 10 pages of the thread. It's already been recommended. Also, not much point to
posting in this thread at all anymore given that the devs obviously aren't reading.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 27. 2010 08:00

Also some corrections of sub:

IJN SS1 only got 4 front torp
1 Make Type U flak 1 as the remodel of Type 7 C and a new ss4 ( maybe a Type 21 that lots
of players want it. Plz respect our wish) and type U flak 1 will be slower due to the
weight of flakvierling 38 and bigger bridge comparing to Type 7c

2 we really need to decrease the dud rate of allies torp
i saw a sub missed full salvo of torp . how funny!!

3 make sub diving longer and slower

4 exp buff

5 Critical hit for torp .Not only for shells!

maybe there will be more :\ hope SDE can do something dot let us wait and wait

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 27. 2010 02:54

I like that idea Pict. The faster you go the less submergence time you've got. It leaves
space for tactics and different playstyles.
There's no need for speed cap if the idea above is applied (speeds are off for ALL ships

It's simple and it will work.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 26. 2010 06:43


How about swapping air time with battery life and making it dependent on speed?
Oh, and cap speed at 25 kts OH. How are these subs keeping up with ships? It's
not even theoretically possible.

Why do people think that subs should be able to outrun or chase a ship? Their sole
intention was/is a sneak attack, sit-and-wait, choke point ambush, etc...

Honestly people, my five year old nephew knows that!

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 26. 2010 05:23

^^ sure CAP SPEED, other way...hell no -.-


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 26. 2010 04:41

I'll keep it super short: DOUBLE AIR TIME. Leave rest as is.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 25. 2010 05:51

I just can't see thet kinde of sub beeing good vs other subs...

just my 2 cent's


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 24. 2010 13:52

I remember seeing something like that. I believe a couple of them were spotted off
the east coast of Panama during the war and were sunk by allied forces. I can't find
it on the internet, but it's a vague memory of something i saw or read about. Would
be an awesome sub to integrate into NF. Would be slow though, but maybe a bit
more displacement. Probly only get one plane, for balance. Would give you that
scout while you're submerged. Maybe even lure in a bb to your sit-and-wait trap
when he thinks it's from a cv...?