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  • THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 03:34

This is to be used only to suggest changes.

There have been many, many, omg MANY Sub suggestion threads and topics, so here is the idea.

You guys all pick some of the concepts, ideas buffs nerfs etc from all the other threads
and add them here.

While you are welcome to discuss why a change would or would not work, keep it to a
logical and clear discussion.

No - "you are only a BB whinner"
No - "You are bias sub driver" in fact any insults will have their post hidden

Make your point - Make it clearly, make it once - anything else will be thermonuked as
will all other sub threads from here on in really.

Tell SDE what you want to see from Subs and sub play with BB play etc for the future

I'll keep checking in and see what you guys have come up with, there is some brilliant
ideas I have read thus far and look forward to them all in one thread and see where it
progresses, hopefully to a positive conclusion where, at least most of the community will
be happy with the changes (if any)

*Ninja Edit
Please no long winded posts, keep it short

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 24. 2010 12:09

the towers were both twards the rear and one main gun was between them the other
behind them it was all black too and it had a wire w the IJN riseing sun flag on it strung
between the towers the each tower looke like _-_ 3 platforms one high and two low on
either side the low platforms held the AA guns the high one held the observatin area
the AA guns were twin btw th cocouns were all in thw fron aranged two hanging slightly
off each side on the front deck each held one pland and only one could take of at a time
those are details to give the basic layout of the sub if NF wanted to make it

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 24. 2010 12:02

the IJN once expirimented with a submarine that could carry 4 dive bombers they where
kept in metal cocons and when the sub surfaced they would launch useing catapults
the sub was aproximatly 400 feet long had 2 main 5.5"deck guns and 4 3.5" AA guns it
had 6 forward torpedo tubes and 2 rear it had 2 towers and speed is up to you but if
NF needs a new sub this would fit just perfect it was a failed expiriment because the
cocouns filled with water and the sub sank but NF is NOT straight as an arrow on facts
so we could stretch a little and make it a succsess could we not this if it had worked
would have been the greatest sub ever created im not kidding it WAS real saw a
documentery on subs and it was one of em they didnt name it because it failed but a
good name KOJIMA II we out 2 because the first failed so the successor would be 2

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 24. 2010 11:28

If you make HH less effective, please make them lighter so we can make up for the
inadequate firepower with greater quantity.

I, as an asw player, am not concerned about weaker HH, just give me more of
them. I'll shoot, run, turn, shoot, run, turn, shoot... until I sink him. My somers is
faster, more maneuverable, and perfectly armed to fight subs. It is definitely the
ultimate asw platform. (in my humble RL STG DDG sailor opinion)

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 24. 2010 06:48

^^ whats the point in adding more subs if current ones are no balanced among
each other(nation wise)?

eather way just adding KM sub is not gona happen, if they add more subs(I hope
not), they will add them for all nations.


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 23. 2010 21:43

Add the type XXI german sub to the game you can look it up here

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 23. 2010 17:45

cn0gd wrote:

*If there's any buff for asw ships, all SS's submergence time should be

All in all, subs should stay as BB's nightmare forever, but for asw ships, make it
easier to play and reward them.*

1 - ASW needs a NERF not a buff IMO, as for Sub's.....ASW buff/nerf doesn't matter, if
you whan't more AIR you need a SPEED CAP, PERIOD.

2 - BB comment, funny as hell...jimmy nr.2? agreed ASW wepons need a nerf in price..


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 23. 2010 17:15

"NERF THE DC'S!!!!!!

I just got killed by two pair of DC's while on the surface, never mind underwater. I
saw the ASW coming and rose by accident (U and I keys too close...) and the DD
dropped em anyways. First brought my U-Flak's DP down to 4500, second pair killed

That is RIDICULOUS! DC's should do little to NO damage on any surfaced ship. I
have seen battleships get sunk before by a rushing dd with DC's. This needs to be
fixed, SDE. "

I agree that DCs need a splash and damage nerf.

However, they barely do damage (relatively) to surface ships. Most likely what caused the
first explosion to damage you so severely is that until you are FULLY surfaced (arrow
stops moving) then you are still "underwater" and DC do full damage. For the second pair,
I have no clue.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 23. 2010 06:56

give asw ships dedicated DC slots on rear end as it is in real life.
Players on dds dont want to carry DC coz it HURTS! Or, if you want dd players carry DC on
Torp slot, increase the range that explosion wont hurt himself. HH? Too expensive, i think
it's only for TOP tier plays with too many credits to spend. I lost a lot of credit doing
asw roles. 4 laucher 20 HHs per salvo, that's 10k 2 salvos and i will suffer
a credit deficit in a game.

Remove exp cap and high lv sailor penalty on asw class ships(ff/dd/cl) to encourage
teamwork. Sub is a good enuf reason to tell people this is not a bb cv aa only game, but
you must give them an edge to jump into support roles. Or everybody would still want to
stay in as big as possible ships for exp/credit gains.

For subs, i agree with the opinions that surface torp should not hit underwater subs.
And for SS1-SS3, submergence time should be increased. SS4, its kinda uber, but ss1-ss2 is
totally not worth it, or maybe ss3. You know what, although i already got a IJN ss3 but I
find out power level a bo from lv1 on my aa ships is still faster than grind it up on my
ss3. You gotta make some point for players to grind out SS line all the way rather than
power-leveling. If there's any buff for asw ships, all SS's submergence time should be

All in all, subs should stay as BB's nightmare forever, but for asw ships, make it easier
to play and reward them.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 22. 2010 05:28

go watch a WWII video of dc's exploding and then come back and tell us again that they
should do little to no damage to a surface vessel. If you think you could survive that in
a sub on the surface, than God wants his ipod back when you're done with it.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    06. 22. 2010 02:51


I just got killed by two pair of DC's while on the surface, never mind underwater. I
saw the ASW coming and rose by accident (U and I keys too close...) and the DD
dropped em anyways. First brought my U-Flak's DP down to 4500, second pair killed

That is RIDICULOUS! DC's should do little to NO damage on any surfaced ship. I
have seen battleships get sunk before by a rushing dd with DC's. This needs to be
fixed, SDE.