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  • THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 03:34

This is to be used only to suggest changes.

There have been many, many, omg MANY Sub suggestion threads and topics, so here is the idea.

You guys all pick some of the concepts, ideas buffs nerfs etc from all the other threads
and add them here.

While you are welcome to discuss why a change would or would not work, keep it to a
logical and clear discussion.

No - "you are only a BB whinner"
No - "You are bias sub driver" in fact any insults will have their post hidden

Make your point - Make it clearly, make it once - anything else will be thermonuked as
will all other sub threads from here on in really.

Tell SDE what you want to see from Subs and sub play with BB play etc for the future

I'll keep checking in and see what you guys have come up with, there is some brilliant
ideas I have read thus far and look forward to them all in one thread and see where it
progresses, hopefully to a positive conclusion where, at least most of the community will
be happy with the changes (if any)

*Ninja Edit
Please no long winded posts, keep it short

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 28. 2010 09:41

"Battery power is BORING gameplay. "

Honestly, i disagree and I think battery style gameplay would make me play my subs more.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 28. 2010 09:32


So you got your 15 minute game and ran to the forums to throw me overboard? LOL
You, are playing on a totally different server and it took 15 minutes to break the BB
line? Once again, we get THE EXCEPTION GAME presented to us as the NORMAL GAME
and therefore all must take heed and my point is dismissed with an exclamation of

To correct you again, I DO NOT want a fictory boat. YOU SAY I want a fictory boat and
then you try to say that SS are "not doing what they were ment to." Therefore, I must
apologize on behalf of SDE. WE ARE SORRY. We are sorry because we are not doing
what we were ment to do. Let's see, SDE puts 25 boats against an equal 25 in a
confined battle space and we are only supposed to be able to do what we were ment to
do? I must apologize again, I fell out of my chair laughing.

Finally, the only reason we have to keep explaining things over and over again is
because player after player keeps posting the most WILD accusations and uses them to
support the most rediculous claims in support of those accusations.

If someone could do a public service and explain the physics of how MORE airtime and
LESS speed amounts to ZERO change.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 27. 2010 19:12


"I just played a GB2 today wich took over 15min to just BREAK the you may
guess not all ships where sunked....sig -.-"

Okay, first and foremost, a single example does not an argument make. I've had
games that lasted all of 5 minutes beginning to end. Does that mean subs need to
be buffed and made faster? Of course not.

I'm hardly saying that every game is a 5 minute curbstomping. Yes, there are games
that both take up the entire 15 minutes, and games that seem to last 3. During the
quick games, all slow ships are at a disadvantage. BB1's, for example, have a difficult
time chasing after retreating players while BB5's will simply run them down. However,
if a ship is made to be -too- slow, they have no chance in gaining -any- attack. Like I
said, it's a product of the fast gameplay that Navyfield provides.

"ppl failing isen't an ARGUMENT for I really wonder...what kinde of logic YOU
PPL acctually have?"

And second of all, I'm not suggesting that because the other team sucked, subs
need to be omfgallpowerful to compensate. That's a horrendous step in logic and I
hope there was something to cushion your fall when you took it. Rampage's battery
system adds a much needed tactical value to the game, yes. I enjoy the part of the
concept. However, slow and stealthy gameplay might not mesh well with the fast
pace of Navyfield.

For example: If your team absolutely tramples the opposing team, friendly subs
attempting to maintain stealthy approaches may not be able to reach a target in
time. They can either choose to stay underwater and increase speed, using up
precious air in the process, or surface and hope against hope they don't get shot at
as they rush to get closer.

During a long game, though, the battery system would work well, giving subs plenty
of time to maneuver into attack positions.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 27. 2010 18:22

I just played a GB2 today wich took over 15min to just BREAK the you may
guess not all ships where sunked....sig -.-

yes you heard me, it was a hell of a fun game, looked more as a BB room then GB2...

so saying everything is over before sub's get anywher is bull**** PERIOD!!!

if you lose before a sub gets to a target, means YOUR team sucked, if you win
before a sub gets to target means OTHER team sucked...

ppl failing isen't an ARGUMENT for I really wonder...what kinde of logic YOU
PPL acctually have?

and jimmy sad it AGEIN...he whants a fictory boat..subs wouled be to boring for him
if they where doing what they where ment to..LOL EPIC!!!

FYI I'll say it agein Subs DO NEED a SPEED CAP if you whan't MORE AIR PERIOD.
FYI this topic is becoming more a disscusion over SAME and pointless arguments
then acctuall suggestion...GG


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 27. 2010 16:40

Jimmy does have a bit of a point. There are games that tend to be over quite quickly,
due to a rushing BB line or whatnot. I do like the battery idea, but if subs are restricted
to travelling -too- slowly, I do see the chance that they won't actually be able to -reach-
any targets by the time friendly teammates are pushing forward. There were a few
instances during my recent sub playing where I had been closing in on a BB, only to
have friendly shots impact around it and chase it away.

The problem, as I see it, is that Navyfield is essentially a fast paced game. The rounds
are, what? 10-15 minutes long? A slow, stealthy gameplay actually might not be viable
if it's done to the point where subs are unable to get in range of a target. I can see
Jimmy's point, in this sense. It leaves me conflicted, though, since I do like the tactical
options presented by Rampage's battery system and believe that it's a big step up from
the current sub two-dimensional playstyle.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 27. 2010 15:43

You guys do realize that Ramp4ge's suggestion will fix all of those issues, yes?


Ramps idea rewards the patient and skillfull sub player???? I am sure it will. We will be
so patent and so skillfull that the game will be OVER or most of the players getting all
the kills will be the big BB and CV's. In a 15 minute game you actually believe that
patience is a virtue? LOL. According to you, subs are OK as long as they are really NOT
doing anything that may impact the game.

Battery power is BORING gameplay.

Once again you expose your biases as if every SS is some overpowered pathetic fictory
ship that exsits as a construct of SDE's incompetence. The PROBLEM with the SS
debate is that the FEW have been willing to push the preverbial flat rock up the hill
against overwhelming propaganda from a group of players that have this IMAGINARY
SUPER SUB that decimates all that oppose it. I have yet to see this IMAGINARY SS in
any game that I play either BEFORE or AFTER the patch. On the other hand, if you
spend any time reading the forums while you wait for the games to start that SUPER
SUB is as real as the screen you are looking at to read this. The propaganda machine is
at it again as SS drivers are called "selfish" and unable to "adapt" and that "the tables
have turned." WHAT A JOKE! Iowa server has 20 BB's in as many as 5 different games
going on at peak times and the BB quota is ALWAYS the first to fill. NOTHING changed
after the introduction of the SS 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Post nerf, SS play is down, way down. Which is EXACTLY what the anti-SS gang was
hoping would happen. SS drivers have adapted. They moved back into surface ship

Need proof? Check out all the big time players that have returned to the game. I play
every day and after the nerf all these unfamilar "big time" BB players are back again.

I wonder what happend to bring them back.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 27. 2010 15:01

About A: Many are , i've seen many complaints on their efficiency based on , to my opinion
, pretty darn good results considering the SS lvl.

B: That might be you but many don't feel that way, i've also seen it on NFEU . And after
all , this is an lvl-based game and thus exp has a big role.

C: That needs to be fixed as well! ASW should be nerfed (mainly HH's) but people who do
use them should get proper rewards just like AA ships . It should be harder but rewarding.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 27. 2010 14:14

generals i think you have several balanced points, however specifically i disagree

A. subs arent terribly greedy, should i be difficult for ss2-1 to kill a bb3+ yes but not
impossible (think about what a cv1 concentrating on bombing the same bb3+ can do)

B. lack of torp exp doesnt really bother me

C. YES, you are correct but HH shouldnt be a way to spam DC (and DC splash range
needs to be reevaluated)

@ Helmsman
splash damage for torps is fine (look at the way they work) splash for HH should be
lowered or eliminated (look at how they work) sometimes the ss player is going for
the proxy detonate (usually in ss V ss combat, or when a battle ship is to close)

yes i can say pre-patch play was fun, ss3 was doing good but not OP'ed, (ss4 was
OP'ed no doubt there) but now ss1-2 is screwed and ss3 is struggling (ss4 still doing

look at torp dmg: it is to low. from dd to ss to aircraft torps, none of them are where
they should be (yes ijn ss fire to many torps, most other nations dont)

i do agree that BOTH factions should adapt but not to the point where either is

@ rampage

battery would be good but ss needs no speed nerf (a fast bb was 23 knts, a fast bb
in NF is 40 knts) under the surface ss shouldnt go over 30, on the surface running
diesel and battery in tandem ss should go 38 (35 reg OH), (note that these should
be the values for a very high lvl crew)

DC splash range is way to wide

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 27. 2010 11:57


The key is, I think, not subs being greedy. I was quite happy sinking even one
battleship since, in terms of gameplay, 1 BB is worth far more than 1 SS. If I could
take out even a single battleship, then I did my job. No, the key is the ability to -
survive- after you've killed one. I'd kill a BB, run out of air, pop up and immediately
die to the furious fusillades of every other BB in the area.


I've been agreeing with Rampage throughout this entire thread! Sheesh. Yes, I like
his battery idea. Now that I think about it, though, I do have two problems with it. A)
If a sub manages to be the last one left on his team, finding him will be even more
difficult if he can sit still underwater and stay there for 10 minutes. B) If your
teammates are too good, and push the enemy BB line back before you can get to
them. The battery system promotes slow stealthy gameplay, something that could
fall flat during a fast-paced round.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 27. 2010 11:32
