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  • THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 03:34

This is to be used only to suggest changes.

There have been many, many, omg MANY Sub suggestion threads and topics, so here is the idea.

You guys all pick some of the concepts, ideas buffs nerfs etc from all the other threads
and add them here.

While you are welcome to discuss why a change would or would not work, keep it to a
logical and clear discussion.

No - "you are only a BB whinner"
No - "You are bias sub driver" in fact any insults will have their post hidden

Make your point - Make it clearly, make it once - anything else will be thermonuked as
will all other sub threads from here on in really.

Tell SDE what you want to see from Subs and sub play with BB play etc for the future

I'll keep checking in and see what you guys have come up with, there is some brilliant
ideas I have read thus far and look forward to them all in one thread and see where it
progresses, hopefully to a positive conclusion where, at least most of the community will
be happy with the changes (if any)

*Ninja Edit
Please no long winded posts, keep it short

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 31. 2010 07:27

"Why this game(SH video pick)is one of the best for all?Dinamyc,captivant,never
boring,Realistic,attracted stuff,improved,perfect balanced,good mission,grafic.
A exemple to be folowed,a hope for NF to be more better. "

As far as i know SH is a Sub simulation and thus NOT balanced at all for anything but
subs. So really , no . Just stop the SH references. Both games are totally different game
, but hey maybe i should start comparing NF to RTS's while we're at it ><

So just stop with the SH comparisons , it's useless and balance-wise extremely flawed.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 30. 2010 06:26


just lol, lol, lol........

you whan't more AIR....put a SPEED CAP...PERIOD -.-


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 30. 2010 03:01

Im Sad to see that DJDeath +1recom for him in all news topics.

Short presenation of Subs with good improved:

Long presentation for non watching(diferite reson)great video of Stabiz.

0:17 Is a fish,is a trident of ancient GOD Poseidon,dive in silince mod?
1:16 A pride and glouriouse US ships convoy withoutworth navigate.
2:38 That trident is have sharp teeth.
...bad fish in water
2:54 six torpodes folwing designate target TDC.
3:21 First hit
3:44 dive under blind DD ASW.
3:54 perfect ASW(splash range)balanced explode
4:28 first DD hiting
4:50 torpedos still folw target and hit seconde DD
5:14 BB is recive first torp damage
5:20 second torps hit stern BB side
5:30 three DD is hiting be torpodes
5:43 another six fish in water.
5:49 two torps hit stern of one DD.
6:09 DD sunk fast and fouriose
6:26 BB recive the thirt torps
6:31U-boat is dive nearly to blinded DD
7:02 one CV is recive a first torp
7:11 the big cargo oil is been hit and is explode in great flame
8:08 torp impact the DD and is sunk
8:21 a four torp impact is fatal for BB
8:35 last live moments of BB
8:45 great dive nearly to BB going in the darknes
....move in silince
9:45 rising that best Subs ever in ww2 in secure area.

Why this game(SH video pick)is one of the best for all?Dinamyc,captivant,never
boring,Realistic,attracted stuff,improved,perfect balanced,good mission,grafic.
A exemple to be folowed,a hope for NF to be more better.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 30. 2010 02:58

Well, I am not going to post anymore on subs, because quite frankly, I do not believe that
SDE will ever make them work in a decent manner. So all the discussion is, sadly, just a
big waste of time.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 30. 2010 02:40

Still i dont see the humberto20 and djdeath great builders ss
I think that is a resonabile suggestion:

1.)Air +200%-doubled for all subs all nation.
2.)Hard detection* not share sonar-asdic informaton with team.
3.)ASW :decrese DC splash,HH range and 2-3 sec more to explode just in direct
4.)More torpedos a board,and decrese dude torps 95%.
5.)Remove critical dive,my suggest is full speed in asw bombard:
-Maxim dive 10% damage,
-Normal dive 50%damage,
-Periscope dive 100% ASW damage.
6.)Remove HH for CA,CV,BB class.
7.)BOLD1 countremeasuring sonar for all nation,2-5 for KM.
8.)Guns down.
9.)Silence mod* in a half speed -75% range detection.
Pure dinamyc for NF.

*We are not supremacists, but the major BB drivers here have*stuck in self dream
We need more stuff for Subs and change olds things,isnt a battleships NF olds
balance is a broken dream,we need to adapt.
@megadone you are irelevant in any ss topics stop to boring us here,come with
good idea.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 29. 2010 15:29

"But SS3 and SS4 are still OPed."

By saying that you've proven two points.
1. You yourself are ignorant.
2. You have no read ANY of the previous comments/posts.

We do not hate BB; we hate OPed and PREMIUM ships. The major SS drivers here have
plenty of experience IN the game and KNOW how it works and how it shouldn't. We
havent played as many games as you but that dosent mean we have to shut up and do
it YOUR WAY. Also, if you read our previous posts, you can see that we don't hate BB's,
we just want them in balance.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 29. 2010 10:54


I had no problems with SS1 and SS2 (excluding Junsen and possibly VIIA) pre-patch and I
agree with you that post-patch, they are screwed. But SS3 and SS4 are still OPed.

"And amazingly I still see some ignorant BB supremacists that suggest to nerf subs
even more. How much worse can you get! "

By saying that you've proven two points.
1. You yourself are ignorant.
2. You have no read ANY of the previous comments/posts.

We do not hate subs; we hate OPed and unbalanced ships. We also hate OPed weapons in NF,
like DC and prem HH. We are not supremacists, but the major BB drivers here have plenty
of experience of the game and how it works and how it shouldn't. Both ramp4ge and myself
(I don't use my game account on the forums) have 10k games under our belt, whereas you
only have about 3k. Also, if you read our previous posts, you can see that we don't hate
subs, we just want them in balance.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 29. 2010 03:29

SS1 and 2 have turned into one way suicide boats because of the Nerf, nerfing SS3 and
4 would do well but you're forcing sub drivers to continue using their surface ships
instead of getting pwned every battle.

And amazingly I still see some ignorant BB supremacists that suggest to nerf subs
even more. How much worse can you get!

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 28. 2010 20:00


Let's face it, we'll never see our dream of battery power.

Now I might get shot in the face for this, but I would love to see 10+ subs per GBII. If!
Again I say IF! If we could have maps four times as large, timers of up to half hour+,
and the equivalent exp increase. I could see the possible problems of getting the room to
fill, but imagine the fun when tactics can be used. When subs can hide behind islands and
ambush. When ASW escort dd's scout ahead behind advance airplane scouts. When teams are
forced to create fleets that form defenses against aircraft, subs, rushing dd's, and
random scout frigates.

Please don't let me derail the topic with talk of bigger maps and such, that's not my aim
here. My point is the promise of more fun and more challenge in such a situation if subs
ran on battery power, and the subsequent increase in sub population and skill create the
need for more and better ASW. Everyone complains about the need to nerf subs and the
opposing need to nerf HH. Well, if you create the situation in which subs become stealthy
assassins and ASW become deadly hunters, you solve both problems. Not only that, but you
also end up with more realism, more fun, and more teamwork.

Imagine the possibilities.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 28. 2010 19:32

jimmyawsome wrote:

*If someone could do a public service and explain the physics of how MORE airtime
and LESS speed amounts to ZERO change.*


you just proven, all you do here is trow crap oround...
it was ALL READY explained more then 2 times....
so your statement in whole IS FALS and FAIL..

agein gg trying to ignore stuff wich was allready sad.

a pitty you can still post oround here O.o
