HA Infomation



  • Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 07:53

Recommend : 15


As the World at War rooms are bb exclusive for the most part just forbid subs from ever entering, like Blitz.
If the general playerbase thinks World at War  should remove the no submarine option, then recommend this thread. It is past the time for World At War to include submarine without discriminating.

War entails RISK, not Molly-Coddling surface ship players.  

Yes I know that NavyField =/= Real Life and this game displays this situational fact everyday. 

Recommend that the No Torp option be removed forever.

CV uses sonar so the argument "we can't see subs" or "we want to use escorts" does not stand. If you are afraid to sail out by yourself, then follow modern military protocol and stay near the carriers.

All that is required is minor behavioral modification and intelligence/strategy application on the part of bb drivers to remain near the sonar equipped surface vessels.


  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 09:32


Seein how last thread about this went, prepare yourself :p

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 09:42


I do think something should be done for allowing SS on WaWs, they also have right to be there. Maybe limiting the insane reload and/or fixing some exp issues would help. These things or other solutions should be discussed but the biasing against SSs is too big.

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 10:40


Easy to say to carry a sonar when the slot limitation and crew configuration ....

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 11:28


I've been trying to suggest a solution for a long time now.  Allow escorts in WaW and subs will be balanced.  Yes the CV can carry sonar (although it shouldn't) but how many CVs are up on the front line with the BBs?


The only recs on this thread are from those sub players that love shooting fish in a barrel and don't see anything wrong it.  Well let's turn the tables shall we?  Let's say that HH can shoot at BB range and all ships have sonar that can see all the way across the screen.  Then make a room that subs can play in but BBs can't.  BB players would understand why they aren't welcome, and I'd be willing to bet you wouldn't hear anything from SS drivers in that room about discrimination against BBs.

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 11:52


Discriminating? Hahahahahah.

And staying near the CVs? How stagnant a game you want to have?

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 12:05


SS are allowed in WaW, what you talking about man?


But if 97% of players decide to activate the no torp option, well then it just is what it is now isnt it?


Democracy at its best.


Not Recced

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 13:00


Originally Posted by PictWarrior1

I've been trying to suggest a solution for a long time now.  Allow escorts in WaW and subs will be balanced.  Yes the CV can carry sonar (although it shouldn't) but how many CVs are up on the front line with the BBs? 

With great reward should also come great risk. As it is, no risk from anything but cv and bb. That is not really World at War is it?

Remove the No Torp option.

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 13:01


Originally Posted by richardphat

Easy to say to carry a sonar when the slot limitation and crew configuration ....

Even easier to keep subs out, eh?

 Remove the No Torp option.

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 13:22


Originally Posted by Telegraph

Originally Posted by PictWarrior1

I've been trying to suggest a solution for a long time now.  Allow escorts in WaW and subs will be balanced.  Yes the CV can carry sonar (although it shouldn't) but how many CVs are up on the front line with the BBs? 

With great reward should also come great risk. As it is, no risk from anything but cv and bb. That is not really World at War is it?

Remove the No Torp option.


Really?  You won't even discuss it?  So you are one of those out there that just wants "fish in a barrel"  There is risk from bombers but we see them coming and AA them.  There is risk from BBs but we can shoot back.  The risk from subs is far more extreme.  We cannot see them coming, we cannot accurately aim HH except to spam it in hopes of an effective defense, and the subs can reload torps faster than we can reload HH.  Why is allowing an escort such a terrible thing?  You could always torp the escort first, or go after a BB that doesn't have one.


If you are not willing to discuss options, why should we discuss allowing subs without any attempt to balance their effect on the battle?  Quit talking like a 12 year old zealot and start talking like a businessman.  If you want something, you have to do some convincing.  You can't just stand there like a 4 year old yelling "MINE, MINE, MINE!!!" at the top of your lungs.

  • Re : Remove the No Torp option from World At War rooms

    12. 31. 2013 20:30


As a veteran KM sub player myself, I don't blame all the ppl hating on subs. We are the troll's best weapon. We are meant to be the guys that crash a line of cocky BB's victory parade and sink the CVs who don't know their place. It is what we do and ppl should hate us for it.

If you hate subs, you can always keep us out of your WaW game, I really ultimated don't give a damn. And also, you can always arm PHH on your BB and fire at the general direction of the torps, it is easy. This suggestion however is a bit meaningless.  

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