HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 07. 2011 16:03


something has to be said here.......

ps: the settup of the ships are in the Description of the video.... ps: the sub had 900 sd  


  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 10:07

Originally Posted by DJDeath

This thread is stupid.

So here's my opinion in the shortest way possible and then I'll be gone:

SS are overpowered. They're also underpowered. ASW is broken. The SS line is fitted poorly into the original game and should be corrected. This has nothing to do with adapting, nerfing, crying about overpowered, etc, etc. This is about improving an aspect of this game to make it more enjoyable.

DJ out.

SS are over powered, They are also underpowered. oxymoron there?. But yes the sub levels are screwedd. But the thing shown here is the unrealisitic power of the ss4 (IJN ss4 more or less) to trash anything off its front tube slots. We made a video so that you cant argue what the ijn ss4 can do.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 11:00

Originally Posted by SylverXI

Originally Posted by Gtdawg

Yay, another sub thread! This one might actually have a reasonable argument over the past 7 pages....

Nope, just more "wah, don't nerf. That would be unfair."

As for the rankings thing, I always love when that argument finds its way in to a thread. When you can't argue with someone's point, admonish their stats as inferior.

You do realize that Lukas or four accounts with ships on them, right? I would assume he has 800+ sub kills spread over his accounts. No, it isn't as totally awesome as your, but it's pretty stupid to make a distinction about someone's account like that without knowing where they play their ships.

The next time you post about a BB topic, I'm going to make the same graphic and not worry about arguing against your points, since you don't know as much as I do about BB play.

1) You do realize I also have more then 3 account lol. Which is why I only used main to show. If i would count mine too, the result would remain the same.

2) Don't worry cracko will back me up on BB play...and not to mention count my other accounts as well lol.

3) 2nd, I'm not the one saying BB are OMG!! overpowered.

Lukas has used the argument "am more awesome then you, you know nothing about game balance. I participated in tournaments and won" countless times against other players.

Now I come here to say I have a similar point of view as those players LJ bashes and using the same arguments LJ used against others...

See how it feels now?

Last but not least, LJ claimed he is a SS player too(having 5 SS4). Look at the rankings of all known true SS players. You will get a even more higher numbers compared to mine.

Again, I have a number of accounts with them on, and I tend to sink BB's in my submarines.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 11:03

Originally Posted by Gtdawg

Originally Posted by SylverXI

People who actually make valid arguments he ignores because he knows he can't give better arguments against them.

I don't know if I've ever seen Lukas ignore an argument.

Originally Posted by SylverXI

Countless people including myself have given arguments to why SS are not overpowered. For someone like LJ with that kind of stat which is not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 times less SS kills then a balanced player such as myself shouldn't be saying OMG SS overpowered, NERF NOW!!!

I don't see how that is relevant. Again, the stats number doesn't really prove anything. It is common knowledge that both of you have played the game for quite some time. The specific stats don't prove or disprove that.

And, yes, countless people have talked about how SS are not overpowered. And, ten times that many people have argued that SS are overpowered.

If you would like to diminish the entire argument to "OMG SS overpowered, NERF NOW!!!", then that's fine. I will just diminish your entire argument to "OMG I CAN'T WIN WITHOUT OVERPOWERED CONTENT. IT'S UNFAIR FOR YOU TO NERF". We can call it a day and move on.

Originally Posted by SylverXI

Gtdawg you are a great BB player, yet, my stat doesn't show below average BB kills. Am more a CV player then anything else. I have played all classes of ship in more configuration(even the nub ones) that I can even remember. Hell I even have the Hood.

LJ comes here and brag about his 5 SS4 and pretend he knows about SS. I know true SS players with 5 SS4 and every single one of them surpasses me in SS kills. That's the point.

LJ claims he knows more about SS, while clearly that is not the case.

Stats and achievements doesn't tell the whole story, but it does tell a story.

So, you state that your stats don't show you are as good as me at BB, but you want to clarify and say that they are sufficient. And, you explain that you have other ships and mostly play CV.

Then, you say that stats don't show the whole story.

Then, to top it off, you say that Lukas' stats tell you enough about his SS play that he doesn't know what he is talking about.

The circle you have driven yourself in to make your argument sound while disputing my claim is funny.

As for Lukas having subs thing, that is used specifically because of people like you that talk about how Lukas can't possibly know about SS because he is an elitist BB player.

He freaking brings it up because people bash him and the ships he plays. Then, he points out that he has all of the relevant ships and the argument is stupid. It has happened half a dozen times in the past couple weeks. People can't possibly fathom that someone with a sub would want to nerf them and they say some combination of "have you even played a sub?" or "do you know how hard it is to level in a sub?" or whatever.

It's the same argument used when someone wants to nerf a BB6. ZOMG, YOU JUST WANT TO NERF SOMETHING YOU DON'T HAVE!

And, here you are using that same argument while admonishing him. Instead of using the argument, why not combat the balance points about subs? You haven't done that at all other than a few sentences about HH and DC. And stuff about learning to adapt, which is a great refrain.

You also forgot the fact that when I say something, the same people rage. Yet when someone else says the exact same thing, they are fine with it.

Its pretty funny this is.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 11:04

Originally Posted by SK_Bismarck

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Go away altsein.

If you have an evidence send support ticket - this is right way what you have to do if you have some doubt about breaking forum rules.

ljsevern and musasyRo please stop personal attacks.

If this topic will continue with this trend will be locked.


Already done it countless times. Please do your job and hide his personal attacks and the responses to him. Altsein is on a 2 month forum ban. Make it stick please.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 11:06

Originally Posted by SylverXI

Originally Posted by ljsevern

I love balanced ships. I don't care what nation. That is why I have 3 BB6's, countless high level CV crews and 5 x SS4's.

I do love it when people spell my name wrong and complain that I love/hate certain nation/classes, when they can't come up with a balance argument to prove me wrong.

5 x SS4's you say?

In one account I have 2 SS4 and take a closer look at this:

It's obvious you don't have enough experience playing ss, nor playing against SS. Yet, you are here claiming to be the all knowing and that SS are overpowered.

If you put 1000 pounds on one end of a scale and a 1000 pounds more on the other side, it's still balanced. It doesn't have to be 10 pounds on one side and 10 pounds on the other.
Powerfull SS with powerfull ASW opens the chance for fleets to develop great strategies.(both offensively and defensively)

Ask BS on how to easily counter SS in a HA. Ask CS on how to use SS in a strategic way. If you remove SS's powerfull capabilities, you lower the fear factor it creates and prevent strategic use of the SS.

What do you ppl want?, an SS that can't even kill the prey(BB) it was designed to be able to kill?

DP/S so low a BB could survive 2 wave of torps and run away to safety?

DC are good, all a ff or dd needs to do is get in, dodge the torps and hump the SS. Once the SS is humped, the SS can critical all it wants, he will need to surface sometime. If it has HE flak, then it probably sacrificed it's ability to repair effectively and will probably die if it gets shot by a BB.

The SS that perform so good in GB always uses 120 crew. So the argument about level and exp. differences isn't as relevant as you make it out to be. SS4 also uses level 120 crew.

SS4 is currently the end game "ship" for the SS line. If you say SS4 needs a slight nerf so that SS5 fits in better, then yes.

Try the word ADAPT once in awhile instead of the word NERF...

Why don't you ADAPT to a balanced ship?

Also, I kill BB's in my Subs and I level quickly because I am a skilled player.

You clearly haven't read my posts regarding sub balance, so until you have done, i'll ignore your complaints about my proposals. I have always said I want an SS tier that is challenging, skillful and enjoyable to play. Not fictory easy mode ships. Its always the same people wanting their easy mode content. Next you will be saying T5's should be buffed.

Furthermore; Level based game.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 11:07

Actually, everytime someone does circumvent a forum ban, the time for the ban should be doubled.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 11:32

this has gone way off the topic of IJN ss4s.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 12:32

i think one big problem here is that. there are many aspects of the game that are not easily quantified. for example, yes an SS4 can sink a BB6 easily and survive a broadside. that seems wrong. but also, how hard was it for the SS4 to get to the BB6? this video shows one situation, but, how many SSs make it to the BB6s, and how many are dead before statistically?. how easy is it for an ASW ship to sink an SS4? that is not easy to quantify. further more, how would a speed reduction affect this results? or how would a torp reload nerf affect this? what about air supply? if you lower it, then no SS4 will be able to get to BB6, that seems a solution, but it is obvious it will affect other aspects. so, how can we quantify with equations the gameplay of an SS so that you can't sink a BB6 but can sink a BB4 and below? i mean, if an SS can sneak to a BB1234 (as an SS4 should be able to) how can you prevent him from sneaking to a BB6?. its the SS gameplay that is not easy to balance. i think we need to change the gameplay per se, to a more easy to balance one. an SS4 should be able to have a one on one vs a BB4 (assuming SSs get their levels upped to BB levels) so the speeds should be somewhat the same, damage should be according to a BB4 DP and SD. the hit ratio from the sub against a BB4 shuld be the same as any other BB4, but we know that is not possible to balance without affecting the hit ratio of all other BBs. for example, if you dont want a BB3 to hit a BB4, you increase BB4 range, and BB5 range over BB4 and BB6 over BB5. but you can't do that in an SS. its the gameplay that is not easy to balance.

for this reason, i proposed the addition of a new mechanic which i detailed here:

i think this would make the levelbased balance easier to fix, and then we can just tune up the SS vs BB of the same tier balance. in terms of speed and reload.

i still havent balanced the ASW ships though.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 12:59

A sub runs with the following capabilites.

Speed: Surface at 100% Surface in Overheat
Speed: Submerged at 100%, Submerged in Overheat.

Torpedoes: N x (torp value HE) Front + N x (torp Value HE) Rear

Guns: One 4" gun, upto KM U-Flak, or thereabouts equivalent

Air Supply: 2 to 3-3.2 minutes

DP: SS1@~8K upto SS4@~18K

So what are you going to nerf?

Are you going to make the DP even lower? A one-shot deathtrap?

Are you going to reduce the number of Torpedoes? Reduce the HE impact of torpedoes?

Are you going to stip the guns from the deck (useless anyway).

Are you going to reduce the air supply?

Are you going to slow the sub down in speed?

What exactly needs to be nerfed about the subs?

When half the torp miss or hit bulge (1 Attack value), then it takes more than a few to cause damage.
Should subs have to surface for air every 2 minutes instead of 3?
Should subs be pathetically slower so that every other ship just runs away?
Shoud the torpedo distance be shortened? Impact lessened?

The answer is none of the above should be done. The fact is that SS4 is not overpowered (too fast, too powerful), when in fact is a no faster than other ships, no more powerful than other ships...but certainly more fragile.

No actual debate about the individual changes made? Just nonsense arguments.

And in the end...the battleship was no more. Rusting and sinking to the bottom of the sea. The submarine and aircraft carrier rule supreme.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 09. 2011 13:14

Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

And in the end...the battleship was no more. Rusting and sinking to the bottom of the sea. The submarine and aircraft carrier rule supreme.

If you want a game that focuses on submarines, I suggest you go play a sub sim. This is fact. <-- There, I can do that too.