HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 07. 2011 16:03


something has to be said here.......

ps: the settup of the ships are in the Description of the video.... ps: the sub had 900 sd  


  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 18:43

Originally Posted by Cracko

My points are clear, for those who wanted to read them.

Im done with this thread.

Bye, bye ^^

Thanks for your valuable contribution to the thread. Not one reasonable statement and just bashing people and ideas. Brilliant.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 19:41

Originally Posted by Gtdawg

Splash damage wasn't meant to compensate for the dud rate. The dud rate was supposed to compensate for the stupidly high torp damage the subs have. Several years ago, NFNA got a huge torp nerf because of an abundance of TWs ruining the game. Subs did not get the same nerf when they were introduced to NFNA.

Splash damage is a by product of that.

As a player who started playing this game with the sole ambition to be the nastiest TW in existence, I am well aware of that fact. I don't agree, but those are our opinions.

Originally Posted by Gtdawg
Even at minimum arm distance, people can turn towards or away from torps and dodge them.

No they won't, unless the sub has been lit up before he fires. At that point, the BB will most likely get the "torpedo warning" just in time to have them detonate against his hull. I've had to practice at that close range kind of combat in sub VS sub warfare, as well as close quarters shot against BBs trying to guess where I am so they can park on top of me (which seldom works BTW).

Originally Posted by Gtdawg
If BBs had some other ability to spot subs, then they could try and dodge one or two of the torps, then bring their scout to drop a buoy. Or, if subs had to come to periscope depth and fire before retreating deeper, then the BB would get a second or two of notice that they were about to get destroyed.

Which they already have with torps the way they are.
Originally Posted by Gtdawg
Hey, cool. Another "I have a bunch of ships" argument. You've started BB line in every nation? That's crazy. I couldn't imagine doing that. That must've to do.

Like, every single nation?

How are you able to play BB for every single nation? Isn't it confusing or hard? Man, wouldn't it be awesome to have the BB6 for every nation? That's going to be quite an accomplishment when you level all those BB lines.

Not really. It's all math to me, angles and so forth, and I've always done quite well with math.
No it wouldn't be awesome to have every nations BB6. I seriously doubt I'll ever have a single one. Why? Because I find BB play BORING. Always have, always will.

Originally Posted by Gtdawg
Even though you have BB lines in every nation, I'm still going to point out that you are slightly missing my point.

Yes, subs only have stealth to get attack. However, that doesn't mean they need to rush straight at the biggest BBs on the enemy team to get attack. SS12 can play the support role quite well. Instead of thinking they need to be attack ships, they could play the support role that other ships of similar level, killing rushing ships or going out to meet enemy subs.

Given how a GB2 plays, they could hang around the BB line...possibly even venturing out to no man's land before coming back. Rinse and repeat a few times and they could probably find a time to pick off a ship or meet a sub. If that doesn't look to be working, they could end up trying to pull a hero rush off.

It isn't required that level 40/50 ships rush straight at the BB line to get attack.

Actually, I didn't miss your point, you missed mine.
A sub that doesn't rush has to depend on being able to intercept an enemy sub, if there even is one on the other team (not always a given). They have to be able to accurately guage where that enemy sub started from, where it's likely to go to, and then hope and pray that IF that sub is coming anywhere near them (1 in 4 chance), that it doesn't fall victim to the dozen of so ASW capable ships before it even gets in range.
A sub on the defensive does one thing: scouts for enemy subs with sonar. It likely will not be in a position to attack, and will gain nothing for that game.
As for picking off an enemy ship doing a fictory run, don't make me laugh. They don't last long enough for a sub to even know where they are, much less move to intercept.
If a sub goes into no-mans land, it stands a better than even chance of not having the air to return, and that's assuming the battle lines don't move, which they invariably do.

Then there's the good ol' XP nerf, so that if a sub doesn't hit a BB or better target, they get 1k XP for a game. It's up to you, but that's a bit on the low side.

On your reply to Cracko's post: did you actually read it?

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 19:43

Originally Posted by heatrr

Originally Posted by Cracko

I played this battle yesterday, the only one i played with BB6, half of supports with no experts.
2 SS4s and 1 SS3 tried to rush me all together and the nub subs in my team were all north. Despite of that they were killed becausse JUST ONE DD in my team did his job staying with me, my HHs helped too.
I laugh at all who say that subs are overpowered, only one DD was needed to scout those subs and they just were food, all of them with 4 golds. 1 DD + 1 BB owned 3 high lvl subs easy.

And IF that DD had not been there to do "his job"?
Using one example of success does not change the fact that subs need to be balanced.
"Bye Bye ^^"

So your admitting a defenseless BB without any support should be equally matched to an SS(supposevly a anti-BB ship)?

Just LOL xD

Originally Posted by Gtdawg

Originally Posted by Cracko

My points are clear, for those who wanted to read them.

Im done with this thread.

Bye, bye ^^

Thanks for your valuable contribution to the thread. Not one reasonable statement and just bashing people and ideas. Brilliant.

LOL, anybody with a commun sense that reads cracko's battle analysis will say otherwise. A part of it is even supported by the pic I put a couple of pages ago. xD

The "skilled SS leveled d_ron style" SS players have spoken. SS are overpowered OMG, need nerf NOW!!!

Apparently I can only win with overpowered content cuz apparently I only play SS and not all the BB lines and CV lines of almost every nation I have(not leveled d_ron style).

SS are powerful, that's all there is to it.

See ya girls byeee ^,^

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 19:53

Another person that has every BB and CV, that is crazy. And they are all here to tell me why I don't know how to play this game. Thanks guys!

I'm glad people continue to clarify how SS12s have to play. It's just not fair that they can't rush straight at the enemy BB line and kill one or two BBs.

And, yes, I did read Cracko's post. He posts the same thing in these threads every time. Subs are fine and the BB players are just bad and complaining. They need to ADAPT.

Meanwhile, he blames people trying to balance ships for not changing the H44 when they have no control over what SDE will or won't change.

And, I don't believe anyone has ever said that the XP system for subs is not broken. In fact, most people recognize that it was changed for the worse at some point in the near past. Much like PHH, sub players complain about something that everyone actually agrees with them about.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 20:16

Originally Posted by Challen76

Oh really... I'd love to test this with you - Do you have SS4 to test against a BB3?

1v1 doesn't work well in NF with any ship type due to basic game mechanics, mostly do to the fact that either of us could just run all game. If you were in a BB with no ASW like I said, all you would do is run from me all game. That isn't fun for either of us. All a BB can do is run away and that is neither fun for the sub or the BB player. This game should be fun.

In a real team battle, you can still run away, but in doing so you hurt your team.

Originally Posted by Challen76

You should understand that by choosing a playstyle whether its AW, SW, PHH and AA, you are giving yourself a competive advantage against specific ships while reducing your effectiveness vs. others.

I agree with this. The point that I am trying to stress is that the advantages and disadvantages cannot be too large otherwise game play in individual engagements becomes predictable and boring.

We really should stop arguing about the flaws in the current system. We should be discussing what we want in the end product of balance, then take steps to get there.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 20:23

Originally Posted by Esoom

I agree with this. The point that I am trying to stress is that the advantages and disadvantages cannot be too large otherwise game play in individual engagements becomes predictable and boring.

We really should stop arguing about the flaws in the current system. We should be discussing what we want in the end product of balance, then take steps to get there.

TBH, I'd like to leave subs as they are and just give incentive to people running ASW instead of AA. More ASW and less AA... win/win.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 11. 2011 03:20

Originally Posted by Challen76

Originally Posted by Esoom

I agree with this. The point that I am trying to stress is that the advantages and disadvantages cannot be too large otherwise game play in individual engagements becomes predictable and boring.

We really should stop arguing about the flaws in the current system. We should be discussing what we want in the end product of balance, then take steps to get there.

TBH, I'd like to leave subs as they are and just give incentive to people running ASW instead of AA. More ASW and less AA... win/win.

I bet you would.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 11. 2011 05:32

Originally Posted by Cracko

This continues, lol.

I played this battle yesterday, the only one i played with BB6, half of supports with no experts.
2 SS4s and 1 SS3 tried to rush me all together and the nub subs in my team were all north. Despite of that they were killed becausse JUST ONE DD in my team did his job staying with me, my HHs helped too.
I laugh at all who say that subs are overpowered, only one DD was needed to scout those subs and they just were food, all of them with 4 golds. 1 DD + 1 BB owned 3 high lvl subs easy.

Wow, you actually made a point for balancing subs and ASW. Kudos to you.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 11. 2011 08:42

Originally Posted by DJDeath

Originally Posted by Cracko

This continues, lol.

I played this battle yesterday, the only one i played with BB6, half of supports with no experts.
2 SS4s and 1 SS3 tried to rush me all together and the nub subs in my team were all north. Despite of that they were killed becausse JUST ONE DD in my team did his job staying with me, my HHs helped too.
I laugh at all who say that subs are overpowered, only one DD was needed to scout those subs and they just were food, all of them with 4 golds. 1 DD + 1 BB owned 3 high lvl subs easy.

Wow, you actually made a point for balancing subs and ASW. Kudos to you.

Seems like those in charge will not be convinced though. It's similar to my argument that TEAMWORK is what balances everything, not different classes in 1v1.

Those who dislike SS will still push for their nerf though. Let's just hope the NF devs have more sense than that.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 11. 2011 10:10

Originally Posted by MrSparkle

Seems like those in charge will not be convinced though. It's similar to my argument that TEAMWORK is what balances everything, not different classes in 1v1.

Those who dislike SS will still push for their nerf though. Let's just hope the NF devs have more sense than that.

Team work will lessen the effect of unbalanced content, but that doesn't mean it should always be the sole remedy. ASW is a real hard counter to any SS (unless it's 1vs1 when the sub can just surface to avoid HH damage instead of crit diving). I don't like hard counters. Between nations, UK for example is supposed to counter KM in many tiers because of armour and KM's inherent weakness to armour. However, that doesn't mean UK will always win against a KM ship.

Same should go for SS and ASW. It's wrong that SS can die by just one salvo of HHs from a ship with a much lower level, and BBs of the same level shouldn't be as easy to kill by subs as some are now. I'd like to see sub gameplay become more interesting and fun, and that means buffing subs in some aspects, while nerfing others.

PS: The sense of NF devs is very limited, otherwise they would have properly balanced and tested the whole sub line, before putting it on the server.